S 3947APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING • MF.CIIANICAI. PERMIT NO. S 3947 BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION - BUILDING ADDRESS: a? Nr'rNI . �0 2= SANITARY NO, APPL/I /CATION SUBMITTAL DATE KJ Q1 OW R'SN E: PHONE: CO RA SN E: LIC NO: NIC CONTROL« .33,6 - ❑ HI T/LNGINEER: LI N(: /`may 44 An S: 1 ' CONTACT PD NE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO I ' l V ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT; PLUMB MECH 17>14— rJr�f' ❑ ❑ LICENSED CON' TOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm nes 1 am lice a under Ineeniom of Chapter 9 (commencing i wilM1 sermon2 XNB n(Division]rf ,h xiness dMofcsxinns CnJe. and my license is in full fnrccard,fecv U License Class Lie. p W Date Contractor o• I tCl' DECLARATION Z 1 dr eA as public recoNs A QTy ELECTRICPERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑ SP T)WL [IKI'TCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MULTI -UNIT El STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION PI?RMI'I'ISSUANCE f Q APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAI• PANEIS C IIP TO 201 AMPS El INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E] SWIMMING POOLS ❑BATH REMODEL/RF,PAIR (] DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER Ucen J r e.....° IIDER UECLARA9'ION Q herehy uEl...I Ianpl torn, me Connector's License Law for the .4 Or,.31,S, FU following remnn. (Scc,iousiness and Professions CnJe: Any city or county yQj which requir u permit, eller, improve. demolish, or repair any stmemre 201.1000AMPS OVER IIXXIAMPS SIGNS ELIECTRICAL J prior to its issuance. also requires the applicant for such penninn rile a signed statement SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. that he is licensed pursuant to Ne provisions of the Cornmcmr's License Law (Chapter 9 Q (commencing with Section 7")of Division] of the Business and Professions Code)m TEMP. MIMER OR POLE INET COMMERCIAL y that he is exempt therefrom and the busis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of ❑ EW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION POWER DEVICES 4 Ireton ]031.5 by any applicant fin, i conn subjecw the applicant In n civil panulty of } not more than five hundred dollars ($500)' ❑Lo the work,loddropertgmmyemnteadeswi0,wagesrsh,(Sce. contpensminn. will do the work, and rte he Cont is not intended m Law do for salepply to an BUdnes.a andpro Professions Code: TheContractorstherein License law dors not apply owner or :PANT ❑FOODSERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER SWIMMING POOL ELGCTRIC OU'1 LETS-SWRCHFS-IOXTUR /J properly who builds or improves thereon, and who does such wind himself or s if own employees. intended or offered for provided Nat such improvements am for NEW RIESIDIiNT1Al. 5LECB SQ one sal saleer,milwcvcy the building wiid n e nr completion, the issoldlie en SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. N pimm�l bur r laildyear owner-bulWei will bout the harden of proving,M1nt ha Did nm bulltl ser bnprove for pnry pose of aowne ❑I,asownerrl the property, am exclusively connecting with TAC: C) mstrva the project (Sec.1UW, Business and Professions C<ale:)'Ifie Conuacmrs Li- :)TIanCum,manrs i- - - ccomLawdoesnotapplytoanownerofpropcny who builds or impmves thereon, and QTY. PLUMBING PIER ITFEE ��� who contracts for such projects with a contmcmr(s) IittnseJ pursuant to the Contractor's PERM1'I ISSUANCE License Law. ❑ I am exempt under Sec , B X P C for this reason " ER - DRAIN A VENT- WATER (EA) r ])areALI VALUATION O WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under Penalty of perjury one of the following declamations:0 BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, GOND, I have and will mai main a CeniEcate of Consent to ul6insim for Workers Compete ation, as prosided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the performance or the work for which this Permit is issued S700RIES TYPBCONSTRUCTION FIXTURES - PER TRAP ❑ 1 have and will n eiroom Workers Compensation Insurance, as required by 9eetion 37Wof,he Luton CnJe, for performance ofthe work for which this permit is ounce, My Workers Compensation Insurance cemicr Polit icyNo, number arc: My We Policy No.: GAS -IEA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 OUTLETS OCC. GROUP APN a.� � �./� GAS - IA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EAI CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSA'I'[ON INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if nepermit is for one hundreddollars($ IIXB or lass.) GREASEBNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DM$ION IVES GREASE TRAP PLANCHP.CK PEE / SEWER -SANT Y -S R)RM PA. 200 FT. I certify t hat in the Trincomalee of the work for which this permit is issued, l shall m e employ my person in my manner sons to become subject to the Workers' Compete (ENERGY FEE ATER WNEMI'/ELECTR codon laws or C.1iforam. DaleWA'IF:R Applicant GRADING FEE NOTICE TO APPLICANT. IL after makingthis CeniOcote of Exemplion,you should become subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of ,he Labor Cade, you most WPARSYSTEMCEREATING SOILS forthwith comply win such pmvio.mor this permit shal l hedeemed revoked. a WATER S17RVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL I'LMI3. SQ. f4. r CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGIENCY narrate isaed(See ion len ding agency for perfnrmantt of I for the work for which,his panni, is issued (Sec. 3092, Civ. C.) PAID ate Rueip,p - TOTAL: LeaName Leel defs Address TOTAL:I RUILDIN FEE � S e9Q and dna nm the shove information relation ix certify n c 1 have read This city ca,rec,. 1 agree w comply with all city unA county oNinanccs and stem cows rotating m and county builJing constninion, and herehy nunorim reprcsmnatives of lM1is city men¢r upon the , I QTY, MECHANICAL. PERMIT " FEE s SEISMIC EE" admove-meminned property for inspection purposes, (We) agree m save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cameron against Iiabili,ies,judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against mid City con xquence of the gra in of this permit. PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC E 3 p1.TT:R OR ADD TO MECH.in GO PLUMBING AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,fXM1 CFM) MECHANICAL PEE 'V L 1 T1R. )S AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALI NON POINT OU I. �/Y VV AIRHANDI.INGUNTI LOVER 0,WOCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX S' cot of pPli un or a¢ IIA US MATERIALS DISCLOSUR . EXHAUST HOOD (W/DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT ITC, 101000 BTU) Will the applica Lamm building aecupam store or handle haraNuus reticent as de tied by the Cup n Man' ipu) Code, Chapter 912, and the Bunch and Safety Code, Section 25532( ? o HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,010 BTU) ❑Yes No Will Nc applicant or future building by the Brt ayeea Air uor Micaswhich A hamNoua air cnmaminanu ea defined by ,he Bay Area Air Quality Management rsaim'! ❑ Yes n PAID PAID Receip,k VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESIDE BOILER- COMP GHP OR 1Q1,000 BTU) � , X10 BOILER -COMP (OVER 100,(BTU) AIR CONDITIONER 1 eve read the hnzar u materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Cali- 4 p ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESID5NT'IAi. MECH. SQ. lel'. fnrnit Heart .Soft, C ons 25505, 25579 and 25574. I unJms,anA that If the building n ell c tamnhnatisuaeporssibilityto notify euccupam �� on e e el parr to m iaaaance or a ancon a or yyy. lE ISSUED BY: O nerd ton gem ate OFFICE