22465APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES 7—•98E4WU L -POINT PEN ONLY Bulldin Project Identification - �L ; yp Build dross: /�MA//� s �� / PEItMITNO. .. "22465 wnare a(`� A CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT ��TI Can re Name: � m. No: CATEGORY CON&CWOI ((DD1bD A M1 - Lle. Na BUILDINGELECTRICALPLUMBINC-MECHANICAL QTY - ELECTRICPERMIT FEE mKv BUILDING PERMIT INFO _ Add .aa: Ij /�j y -y PERh11TIS5UANCE `� LICENSED CONTRRATION - Iherebysfflrmthat lam licensed ofthe erimessaonaof Chaptaa9(rommeno- under provisions In ease la a full force and vblan3 olthe Budneaeand Pro(esslonsCode, and my license lain full Torre and mlect. i' Licenea Claes ' LIC.p AlaIsLIANCESRESIDENTIAL 10 DESCRIPIION - +A ' 1 J IM 7 —" PANELS Date Conlmdor -/� 201-11DOAMPS ARCHITECPS DECLARATION •l understand my plana dull be used as public record& OVER IOW AMPS SQ.. FT`. FLOOR AREA Fr. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional' �/ (�S'j�1/A 1 �`.•VV rp ^$/SQ. 9 SQL' / OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am exempt fromthe Contractor's Llcenae Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Pmfenions Code: My elty or county which requires a permit to corabum, alter, Improve, demolish, or mpmr any stmctum prior to Its Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a dgne! statement that he is Icemed pursuant to the provisions of the' Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divi- sion3ofthe Buslneae and Professions Code) orthat he is exempt therefemand the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7011.5 by any applicant fora permit subpRstheapplicant to a civil penalty of not more than flur �hundred dollars ($500). u 1, as owner a! the property, or my employees with wages as their sole SPECULCIXCUIT/MISC �yP.METFROR POLE IN POWER DEVICES PATE `'Ews E-� 'M1Sl SW04NENG IDOL ELE C- OUTLETSSWTTCHES-FIXTIIRES _ter_ ALUATION_rss} i ^ ` ^� _' ( Q,• 'L VJyJ 1 1.(i I . STORIES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEGTR_SQ.FT. 2 compensation, will dolhe work andthe structure Isom Intended or olferecifor sale (Soe.7000, Business and Profeeslons Code: The Contractors License Law 0 - - - - doesnot apply toanowner ofproperty who Wilds orimproves thereon,and' who doessuchwork hlmselforthrough hlsownemployees, provided thalsuch GROUP RES. UNIT . improvements us, not Intended m6fferedforsale. If, however, thebullding or ,theowner-builderwlllhave 1 TImprovementIssoldwithinoneyearofcomplmb 4Q.louden of proving that he did nm Wild or Improve for purpose ofule.). LJ L ss owner tr the property, am exdu Busi essand ing with licensed to eanetr Project (See Blaeiness and Code:The QTY,PLUMBING PERMIT' PERMIT ISSUANCEThe D ZONEconAPN Cman .the of propms apps70K Coor Impro es the law don rat apply tct en owner m Property who or Improves thereon, and wed mrrcracta ice seeL projema whh a 0151 m(aexem t Pursuant to she Contactor'. Llmnx law. am exampl under See. B & P C for thio maven ,UTgg-DRAIN & VENT- WATER (EA)Woes FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE.LII Q1 ITqI I)V RT. DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND.Y I Y N_RECEIPT aWORK Owner Date MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby f have nMRaate to FO(7URFS PER TRA TAX Y_ N❑mdlfl ofilers Cm of convent op thereof ora o Lab of Work<n'Compewtlonlmurance on certified ropy lM1ereof(Sm. Lab C.)PWIry RECEIPT3800, GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INCA OUTLETS Y NBalk, • x GAS EA. SYSTT4.OVER O (G)DING Cam ny - BUILDING DI VISION FEBS DI �CertlOed ropyIs hereby fumlehed.. Certl(Ied ropyIsfiled withthe city lnspecHan division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE/INDU5IRL WASTEINTERCEPTORI-IGCK�: e1341 C,�C1, t32 �8 GREASE TRAP COMPENSATION INSURANCE (0) .r lAmion need not be completed tithe permit b for hundred dollars (Sl certify that I certify that o the person in e of any he rearrer fors to b coo permit b booed, I shall not employ any parwn in any manner su n to become suh)cct to the Workers'Compensation Lawsof Cahfornb. Date Date RCCCI I# SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA. 2WFF. WATER HEATER W/VENT/EIECTR ENERGY FEE P joi�� >•s— VV PAID'` 1 ICO, Cb WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions, orthb permit shall be � deemed rev CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Date Recd f# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQXT. yt� 5 _ TOTAal Uoked. L DING FEE I -0 3 3 7' u SEISMIC FEE r '%1- -.flOr - - I herebyaNrmthat there Is a construction lendingagenq forthe performTO ance of the work for which this permit Is Issued (See 3097, Civ. CJ _ — ELECTRIC FEE LendaraNams Iendereaddreas Trued. tagreet comply with allcitland cuntyandirances elm state law. aeroingtobgrn to complywo,andharedcouhorize nanmsa QTY. "MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE _ MECHAINICALPEB L-601 I. PERMTTISSUANCE I �� FEES PAID: timatelawe colon, and hereby authorize repressnpu rposo(thb relating to building a above-mentioned 'oilyW)aree to themnfyipropertyforbupe Cit purposes. CT)acs. (We) agree to cava, Indemnity do d keep harmless the City o! Cupertino against llabilltlee,jidgments,et ms end expenses which may In meany eye c It Date RCCCIPt# - SUBTO ALTER OR ADDTOMECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (170 IO,OW CFM) IRHANDLING UNIT (OVER IO,WDCFM) _ CONSTRUCTION TAX , Signammca!'' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCL EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TA $� HEATING UNIT(TO IW,ODO BTT) Wllllheappli.et or future building occupant store or handle hazardous nuterbla,dcfincdbythe Cupertino MuNdpal Code,Chapter9.lZandthe Date RLtiei t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,O00 BTU) Health and Safety Cade Section 25532(a)7 DY., r`] No VEMTIATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) `ISSUA^NC/ED TE Rr[ �l b aD •,/[�I`/ Will the pplicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which emit hag rdow air mntaminantsae deBmM bythe Bay Area Air alit Mara emend Matrict2 Y. (-1 No 4 BOILER-COMPOIIPORIW,0MBT UI BOILER -COMP (OVER 100,0W BTU) PA have read the hazardous mtenals requirement, under Chapter 6.95 of the Cilifornb I IMth&Safety Code, Sectors, 25505,25533 and 25530. 1 ,Q - J) IJ) NEWRESIDFNTIALMECH. SQ.FT. undemmmd that if the building does not currently have a tenant, that It is my nspon ibllity to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be mart prior to Issuance o/e Certificate of Occupancy. �(Iqaa MAY Y f�''11/ �2 -J.� O _ v i ISSUED B�It%„ b Owner or authorized agent Data s a OFFICE COPY I �� 2 f � b � � � I= � � � 0 5%2 J %&