S 4447APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPPRTINO BUILDING - F.LECTR BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PFRMIT PLUNIBING -MECHANICAL I S 4447 rnr, most:PR(111un- InFNTIFICATION P- 'L 1. - Io ( t_ 00 '1 1 l4 OW •R'SNAKI E: f P ONE: CONTRA OR' TNAME: 1 LIC NO. L�-7J• k-,ALI NIC ❑ (PNTRM p O AR 11 /ENGINES C O; ADD - S: 3 JCCJ 1I�I 7 C NTACI': I PHONE: IBUILDING PERMITINFO ' ryAT/s ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MEC? � ❑ LICENSED CON Olt'S DEC ARATION 1 hereby affirm mm I am hrefm under promsmna or Chapter 9 (commencing with Seetirn]00o)of Division3ofthcB iness and Rnfez,ions Codc. and lily licenw is i ifullfarceand eRut. I.ipensc Cla,s Lic. p U:nc Cnmesnrr t QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT" FCB - '0Z F O G U W yGi Z p m OZ.N.O r, 4 t aja Z��d C Q ,°K 3 a Fv W .LL. O N ❑❑ {{nn� S }I JOB DFSCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFDWL (]KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION C3 PLUMBING RH-PIPE. CMULTI-UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR El CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑ SWIMMING POOLS C BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION C OTHER PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL C IIT[CT'S DECLARAHON un t o s I a aced rs public records PANEI,S UI"IO 2BI)AMPS w. Cite, uJ P o ,stout OWN' -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm ,hot m exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following reason. (Satire ]031.5, Business and Pnrfessions Code: Any tory nr roomy which requires a Bemtit w construct, altar, improve, demolish, or repair any structure print m it,issuance.do,nepame,theapplicem branch perrainrfile a signed sell amen, Mn he i s licensed par suaono the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 201-100AMP$ OVER IM)AMPS SIGNS ELF.CI'RICAI. SPECIAL CIRCUIT/X1ISC. 'I HMR METER OR POLE INS'❑ COMMERCIAL, ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION W 00 (an,nncncing with Seen....700(nia Divisinn3ol' the Business and Prrl'evd,m,1.Ir)or shut he is exempt ,therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemptionAny violation of XmN FZaWW W�G Section 70315 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant m u civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). Cl as owner of the propeny. or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, do the is intended forsake 7044. Business POWER DEVICES �[!�. ANT FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC ourriuS—SWITCHES—FTXTURES o 63$ will work, and the structure not irradiated (Sm. and Professions Code: Me Contractile, Littnse I.uw does not apply m an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himu•II nr tlnim Ills own employee, provided that such improvement arc not intended or nflere0 for sale. If, however, the building or improvernamis sold within one year rf complellnnJhe NEW BESIDENT1At. ELECTR SQ IT. SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SD FI'. ovacu.milder will have the home. of pnrving that he did am baild m improve for pur- pnu of soled. ❑Lasowner of the popmy am contracting with licensed contractors construct the project (Sec. 70Business and professions CMTireCommcmri Li. noapply oan ' mho Law does fFrrtywhouiofi therm QT- Y MBING PERMIT FEE whocumbrousursuch Project, GmisIconrinlicensed pursue., 1. be Cnmuemes PERMITilill License Law. I nm exempt under Sec. ,B&PCh"Ilds reason Date ALTFIi—uR VENH' —WATER [BA) / 61 VALUATIONOwner O D D WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby nftirm nder penalty of per ujury one of the following ded .'an.': BACK PLOW PR( . DEVICE. DRAINS — FLOOR.R E ,COND. (have and will maintain aCenif¢me rf Conus mxelf-insure fur Workeee Compery nation, as pmvidel for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code. for the perfmarmace of the work for which this permit is issued. SPORT ) 04 TYPE CONSTRUCTION FIXTURES — PER TRtlassw 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insumuce, as required by Section 37Nlofthe LaborCrdu, for the performuneeofthe wnrk for which this lrcrialil is lsened. GAS — IIA. SYSTEM -I INC. UTL' S OCC. GROUP APN My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number am. Cartier: Policy No, Q ��ffq' 311D—V GAS — EA. SYSTEM- FR I EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need nm bepompleted if the permit isfrnrne hundrtd Jolles($100) rf less) L� �� 11 GREASEJIND ' I ERCF.P 0 BUILDING DIVISION FEES GRI3A5 ' PLANCHF.CK FEE 'Z. p O y UO W N I certify that in the performnnceofthe work for which this permit is issued, l shall not employ any Frisian in any manner, so near lsmi u,,nbjmIto,he Worker, Comped- xutinn Lows of Cul'dnmia. Dam - Applicant SE :R—S All:k urn Y — STORM rn', rc I:NHRGY FEE z O - GRADING PEE NOTICE TO APPLICANT, IL aper making this CeniOcme of Exemption, you should hecnme subject to the Wohces Compensation provisions of the laobor Cale, you must comply with such previsions or this Tenant shall he revoked forthwith deemed CONSTRUCTION LENDlNGnGENCY Iherehy anion that thercisaans,mctien lending agency frolic performance of the work for which thislwrn,i,l, issued(Sm. 3097, Civ, C.) WATER SYST REA'fING WAERSERVI E SOILS FEE PAID Date Receipt NEW BESIDE SQ. FT. O Lenders Name TOTAL: Address WLenders 11 oF. V) U Z TOTAL: BUIG FEF, 1 certify that 1 have read this application and state that he above infmmution is correct.) agree.comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relining to huildingeomtroulon, and hereby authodm representatives ofthis city incineration the - -, - QTMECHANICAL PERMIT IF HE Y„ SEIS IC FEE above-mentioned property for inspection purposes, (We) agree m save, indemnify and keep hafmless the City of Cupfinn started PERMIT ISSUANCE .J J it EL F O nlll'ERORADDTOMECIL Iiabililles,judgments, costs and expenses which may in anyway vecrue against said Cuy in an,srquence of the gntn,ing of Ihie Pamir. PLUMBING FEE AIR HANDLING UNl'I'(IO 10,WOCFM) MECHANICAL FEE APPLIC T UtS AND WILL COMPLY WITH LL N )N -POINT SOUR IO AIR HANDLING UNIT Io,(NXI CFM) � CONSTRUCTION TAX Applic .,ge ur f UC`1,� or Date HA'LN )GUS MATERIALS DISCLOSU EXHAUST FOOD OVIDUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION Fl3G [IRA] ]NO UNIT (TO 1pB,EfA]BTU) Will Ne appli<on rfuture building ssccuprm sem or handle hmunhms material as defined by the Cupanifo Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code, Section 255321a1'I s ❑ Yes %A. Will the opplic mt nr furore building occupant use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contnmieanes as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management IIEA'I'INC. UNIT (OVER IWAY) BTU) PAID Date Receiptp VGNTIIA'fION PAN SINGLE Ill BOILER— COMP QHP OR 100,0810 BTU) DlnncB ❑Yes <No BOILER — COMP (OVER Ifak00(1 BTU) AIR CONDITIONE0. 1 have read the omeardn a nateria], acuiremm�t under Chapter fi 9ff5ttof the Cali- fi�mta lin &, t 'mons 255115, 2.5531 and 25534. 1 ndersl: A Ibis if the builds c mnvm,ohm it is my rcrpnuibilny ul Lha mcupnnt ��.� % p ll m> y umel rinno issuance ol'u'n g �anc. ISSUANCE DATE �( J- NEW ItIiSIDENTIAI. MfiCll. SQ. FI'. r OFFICE