B 0606 CITY OF CUPERTINO (WILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Bulli INc,_nuuRl 4— r) Penton' re/ ^/ � j� %S� 1]WNER'SJ �S a � at#/� APPLICATION SUB DATE rNIONE: / / /�;6Vllp• ^ SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ❑a 2 ARCHITECT/ > ^ BUILDING PERMIT INFO Vi MECH 2. v voNi Z I,ICI:NSED CONTRACTOR'S DECl.AIZA'1'ION Job Description y,�•_ o Z_ I huchy:diirm that 1 am licensed under......into°f Chapter,9laommenemg p mFo�u with Section 7(xNl)of Division 34 the Businessland Pndus.ivns.Cala,vnrinry licevse is in lull force and effect. ca I.idcn.se Class Li,.p � �� V B ow Ilam Contractor v ARCHITECI"S UIiCLARA'1'ION 'F'=°g 1 understand my plan—hall W used m public records Edi vi,u20 Licensed Professional c w o OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby a inn that I am exempt from the Comnnor's License law for the t"?S� follow ing coach Section 7031.5,Business and Professions CrcR:Any city or county Sd F v voliish requires a pareart toconstruct,alter, p demolish,Eio repair any structure dSaa proor to itsI. requiraxth ppl ic car for suchpenult I tile .g J Dement ohm h licensed pursuant fl p I the( t s4. e License L (Chapter) 5 t. P O F�[,ea �jl{IHIK)Il (n. n 6 ]hS r ]11,1(1) the 3 urs B . dP !:. nslut ra �/..`/) orS lh opt rh nandothe ht f t e06e10 pt Ayviolatinn of Ssut o r e Lou iv u Iy applicant fora per nn mhleem the upplmum In n civil pconh m'millet°rathallnaenardndatdmrs(ssom. y APNNumber Occupancy Type D1,as owner of the properly,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wi do fire work,and the mmarum is not incurred or ousted Rrr sale(Sae 7(w. 'Required Inspections Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply hs an owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who dr es such work himself or through his own employees.provided that such improvenrencs am not intended or offered for sale,if,however, rhe building m improvement is slid within one year of completion,the nwncry Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). D 1,asinner of the pmpeay,ton exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to . construct the project(Sec.76m, usiness and Professions Cloth:)The Contractor's License Luo,docs not apply no an owner of pmpeny who builds or improves thereon, ' and who commas for such projects with a clamorous)licensed pursuant to the Commemr's License Law. D 1 am exempt under Sec. ,It&P C lin this reason Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - I hereby a0im.under penalty of perjury oncol the litlluwing declarations: , ] 1 have and will n ainmin.a Cruleme of Clown, ,,seltolum for Worker's ' Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Coca, for the - Perfnrnumce of the work for which this p omi is issued, °1 have and will maintain W'orker's Compcnmtion Insurance,as required by Section 37(1(1 of the Labor CWe,for rhe performance of the work for which this pemrit is issued.My Workers Compensation Insurance career and fall you rare: - camert P CP:RTIF EMPTON PROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' (This section need nor he completed if the permit is feature hundred dollars (S Im)°,Ins,) 1 cetil'y(hut in the Pufonaavee of the work for which this permit is Issncd,I nhllll nal enrpiny any Jp��/yy �n nDer set n<m leant.svhjecl 1°the Workers - pvmmion%yug�'S�I0ale Applirmt %-7� NDTICI?'T :If,after making(his CeniOcumuf Exanption,you should becomeor,, oiler's Compensatioatini n pr - ons of L luhnr Coda you most ' 0 fun hwi lh comply with such provisions or this permit shall he deemed revoked CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 0.. ' I herby a1Rrm that there is a construction lending agency for the"mmmuce or the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) L Q Lender's Nun. ' I0.) Z lender's Address 0 1 cenlfy that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is [.y cocall.1 agate m comply with all cit,and county onlimances and state laws reining 0 U u.bolding construction.and hereby audience repmsentmives ol'thi,vity to crier cram the above-mentioned property for amoestion peopmes. F: Ac 01 agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against .w ret liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said - C.) City In corw�yuencv ofthe granti of permit. APPLICANT UNDERST FP i COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT SOUR .REcuLAT Issued by: - Date ;ci'�,t para of elms ' r Date Re-root's A OUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the app leant fir future building oecupnnl Nnre or bundle hcamaki m.mnal Type of Roof fied by rhe Cupenino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,and rhe Health and Safety e.Section 25532(.)^ ❑Yes o"° All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Win theappliLmormmrebuildingnectp:mtaseequipmentordeviceswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove huaxpi air contaminants as defined by the Bay Amu Air Quality Management defall new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Ye4 °Noall non-point source regulations. 1 have read rhe humnlous materials requirements under Chapter fi 95 of the ifornia Health&Surety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understand that iffm building fall nor currently have a tenant,that it is my responsibility to unify the culuw of the regal wh' be m prier us Issuance of it Certificate of Our nncy. Signature of Applicant Date Ovaer,rra I, ca Dam _ All roof coverings to be Class`B" or better OFFICE 0 z m LL a. IL cL, a., ala a- cL p- a- a- cL 0- (L cL CL (Li q��qm gw.19�44�971,47 a- a- LL LL LL LL (La -04, N i�i c� ic�i c.�_c;�� 6�--Cq--6-4 C%4 104 N 04 Cq N N N -N-- N r ,w U) (1) U) U) (f) U U U U U M U) U) to to (1) to u) 0 U) (/)!0 0 O'cl CIO 0 .Sic OOOIOF- W-6 c. c. 6.0 6 0 cl 1:1 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 O.1 C) c) (=)I 0 c) 8 a 8 00 COD COD CEI) - I I - I I -. 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