02030170 CIBUILDING upvSONO iiNPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: B I A DR SS PERMIT NO.- I� �lgIMPERIAL AVE TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 02030170 WOODROW HOMES. 2300 CAMINO RAMON APPLICT $IJb'7002 PHONE: , SANITARY .N O.. L CONTROL NO. ' (925) 365-3100 w O O ARCHRECT/ENGINEERi, 4 - BUILDING PERMIT INFO H BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH �i r - •O IJ CI y i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JJ���� pp�� ttttoo O z-O I hereby alarm that 1 am licensed under provisions or Chapter 9(commencing NEW TOWNHOME CONSTRUNtT gN ryC with Section 7")ofDivision 3 ofihe Business and Professions Code,and my license asil iIi.fallfiP.0arr«t. 1456 SQ. FT. LIVING SPACE Dae in Is se Laden cress. CoLicm L« 469 SQ. FT. GARAGE : $12029 . 85 K o i F ARCHITECT'SS DECLARATION ;I understand my plans shall W used sea public records w. AAA A d�00 `IJcensad Professional_ FINLFn nom OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION m2", I hereby alfimt that 1 am exempt from the Comranor's License Law for the !'z a following reason:(Section 7031.5.Business and Pmfemions Code:Any city or county AUGQ q (� Fd x❑ which requires a Perron m construct.alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure ,A /./ � 2�L13 a 3 priortot ,al req the applicant for.such permtu rile signed wt m� Mat he ulcamed popuam re the provisions of the Contmetor.License L, (Chaptr9 S Ft.F)000-Area , _. -_ i .. .... Me q=. r 540141 .1 nape thsIlt ,70tan The iasis or etilwane,ande f mCodel Uation or S the s exeniby a from and o baso for subjects Me x pt o Any l violation f Bk6loNtht of Sect an e ban iv any applicantdollars rury permit subleca the applicant m a civil penalry- 'ornotmare man nye n°oared emlara aswL 3 5 7fAfn$1N9ro16]e® f <t,. Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of Ne property,ar my employees with wages as their sole compensation, ' will do the work.and the'ummurc is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7614.' 1 1 - FOUNDAT I Businass and Professions Cralc:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an KRuired Inspections"t, . '•' caner of property Who Wilds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 102 - PIERS or through his own employees.provided Nat such improvements art nor intended o offilred far sile:If.Wavevir. h b Id' 't . ._.. .-. ._ _.... . gaburden of . mid th year of 'T 3 - UFER ou th own W Ida If a the burden of pmnng that h did not build ` tropicarmory r I l 104 _ REBAR - az ar, f tlK p pent I .vdY eonwith licensed onvect rs to 10 5' -ANCHOR-BOLTS- [meting t B( t 1u construct the project(s 7B4a a 'nes and Pmfesmns code.)no Contractor's 10 6 - SEWER & WATER > .�'. License .co does not apply man owner tl property who builds sed Parma thereon j ",r _._ ,_ _Cu who.eontrcens:fL . pm} ts ww.a.<ontama aI licensed rsaant.to the. .... _..........2 02.--=--UNDERFLOOR_PLUMBING--------._.........-. Cal ca C.0 License low. ._.__,...... ❑1 pt ander s« ' ''•' '' "�" B&PCfee thisrpamn 203 - UNDERFLOOR,'I:MECHAN•ICAL ow DateS 02 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME „ 'WORKER NSATIONDECL RATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION hereby.affirm under peoahyolperjary,npeofMefollowing Machinations:- 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING - :• b. ❑ I have and will mainiSin'S"Cenifiame a Consent m self-manm for Worker's 3 02 - TUB & OR SHOWER Compensation;as.provided�for by Section 37M or the Labor Cade tar the 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL pe'do c fihc car Af h hthsp t r d.'., ❑'In and 'nmaintainWotk sCompe. t Insurance.' esiegarcdbysntrn 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL 3700 of the L bor C6,P for Phi P rroi—mI _of'he work for which this pcand.is 305 - FRAME suad My Wok C mpen t Insurance nd Pnl y. be _ 306 HOLDOWNS. Ca r' Y.SI - {ri Sl ttf tP,, YNo' (, - _ `tt CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS*i r+ '.:I ., •3 0.7. 1-.)INSULATION i 5.9 s,, 'I' "' s, COMPENSATION INSURANCE' s.. ._-._.._.. --308-,-„ . SHEETROCK----- •`' (Tn ion oathntbe'cmpiitmdlithe Perrotisformehundreddollars 309 ”- ERTERIOR LATH ($1111) loss _ LATH 3-10. .-.. ,INTERIOR... I ampl, ny pe,a 4 1 man311 kr rwnehm p aia isaesi,r 311 - SCRATCH lCOAT,� .t - ,._.._. .�...�_. . .,- C311 t empl Y any.Parso any roan arM wbi to the Workers t- ° �PIP f° 313 - - ROOF- NAIL NOT t - _— - 'NOnCL TOA ICA m,' ft nooki., ct pt ya vn I. 501 - .FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY ' OQ oath ohblerrlbtt such Compensation Oh P, bele d-m ke_e.° t _ __ 502_ - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY Ply an rep Frn (}^' -`�•CONSTRUCTIONLENDINCAGENCY �''� 503 - �FINAL' MECHANICAL ENERGY -- x Ihertby hiChthnh ret dngageryrormep urea e 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY f the o k fo Nin th phem i sued(5 Jend Crv.i 1 a. -Lend[ N me r' . .. __.._ dereaadresat . , .' .. _ ..___.. 505 -_- FINAL--ELECTRICAL' ' az L^ 50 - GAS TEST n : V t 0 cem ihm I have mad this a 1' ton and state that the above information is y PPahei (Y.E. Correct.I agree m comply with all city d county ordinances and-state laws mlating 5 - I NAL PLUMBING i O:.V ^to Wildingconsudcoon,and hembyautharikrcpreuntmivesofthisCitytoenterown 5 8 - INAi; HANICAL i�T,r� 'the uWve-memioneJ Po".y fur mspecuto'n,swes.,, .� a (We)agree tasayelndemnifyand k«phmatlestnrcityarcupein 6again:t 5 - INAL (n liab 1 t s ludgnmms.costs and expenses which may n any y c against said U 'Z 'cry n gnencb anti gmining ono, p nti t - 510 AL rAPPLICA's"1'UNDERSTA. AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL N-POINT 'PIS girlet:Lurl Issued - Date Sig fappltwnU r t .lDate Red00UULJ NA HALARDOUS MA Is DISCLOSURE - 3 - RO BATTENS Wll ih ppl cant fro Pani start harW haaadw matenal a.d incl by th C prnn M n/P1�y'a ch pia 9.12 and the Health and safety Type o �of},' R F,A,.IN� ;PROGRESS— Cod SaOo 25512(alQ '6 r 1 )< + e). - _All roofs shallrbe inspected poor to any.roofing.material.being.installed. r Wdl ..Int n t rat rt Wilding eve-loon qts p r dwhich' If a roof is installed without first obtaining an ins action; I a ree'to remove ism d m is J fn, , , th B Bay Am.aA QualityM Management g p g - D-'"t CXRs/ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply With ., ( ❑Y p 'i a ' f ., all non-point source regulations..;,, . ,. , I, . .;� ,y I ha d rhe h do m t nals rcyu remems orderCh p 695 f the E lir m H' W&Saf,yCod S cY as 25505,25533 and 25530 I understand that. - if the building does oat Currently have a meant,that it my responsibility ttfy die 'dpant of th<rcquircm<nt. h h usl he tact prioct°r¢u eof a Cmrficme or '-- �enwzr ._ _ .._,Signature )f Applicant _Date_ D as i th reaae agent All to coverings to be Class B o�tietfer r r OFFICE -