02020015 t`'.CITY EUI D NG DIIVISIONVO' M ° 1CONTRACTOR.IlVEORMATION: ' y =AERMIT,. ` 'BUILDING ADDRESS „e„ - - PERMIT NO. I) is .,c _ iir .anhtLl . v , • OWNERIS NAME:Lfil :.�::_::':':: ✓, '.. _...._ , .. . .. - .. _. _ _- ..-_ .... APPLICATION SUB DATE- . 1 TAYEbR'r WOODROW' HOMES " "^>'' "' `'02/05/20 02 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ipp ARCHITECT/ENGINEER:: '•a'i' y"' ,•-J• ; BUILDING PERMIT NFO F`� RR BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH >y i LICENSED CONTRACTOR 5 DECLARATION job Description' ' loin licenudumin prosismns of Chapmr9lcommelrcmg DaSCrI hOn JZthereby alRnnha with Section 7")ofDivisi6a3 ofthBusiness and Professio Cadadylicense s,n ° enpgTKDEMO. i3i ^ QSBLDG. 5CANNERYDal C I n r ou "* WAREHOUSE . ' 3 - t 1 ARCHLlECT'S DECLARATION' -'=O g ' I u dcrnond my,pl i shall be used es publi<rtcoNs 1 '"L -t' 0.f1,1. _ � 1' 'H .. a n 0 I LIC ri d Pr fel lanai 1 1 .} II ONNERBUILDERDECLARATION - 1 III at[,.th 1 I u Pt from the ContractoLicense Law for Ne - - - - - t,Zlowinirca (Sormn 7031.5:13miness andPof dons CM Any city<rcounty D •whi h q rce u pe a Irya' II r pr ❑moheh r rcPair anY14^'Tule sa 1 no 1 ,e ssua tt Isort acs Ned I ails fo h mita fl a nw gamma,- --- 'Nat he sic nsea pursuant,o std prows m nheC tracmr'sLc me Lpq ns lChapie 9 S l�''t. Floor Area D - Ilco m cog wqh Suyl ,'(040) fD sm J !Ih B iNNcss and Profcvlot- . . for Np hekexempl lh rcfrom end.Ne ba sfnr,,he ellFgeH.esempuod Any'vinitn ' ',of5 1 ]113156Y n) Ppl afore pe t 61 t tl 'aPPI uo ec Ipenat, ; - "" 'lof no,mlrc thanf n a dart (ssool - -Y ;, b - - '- ?,r•, f , ,_ Occupancy Type '-- I ,. 4 : y , . _„ . .. _ .. - t •,. [t' .JI 1�' �' Ile - t n,..,,.� r ., .OI e o Mr of Ne property my employ a Ih wagei ns ih v ole c.mPenlauan � ' 'wIR db the"work.-and.tht eUv tNtris dol'InmadN or oRertd for wle(Sea]13U;' -- eC - Boslness and'Prbfessions Code ThaCommctor'sLrcense law docs not apply to an ' '" 110, '"• -j - " '' - egU17e O$ tort$"•^^""•`• -- '-' caner of Property Who hu Ids or improves thereon,and wha does such work himself, _. o „ or N gh I's einpl y p Id a Ihw each Improvcm sore' tole aJ or .offcrcdf Ir IFM10 ear lneb Iding ur improvemem s o1J wlNm oney vrb( "-'•"_-.. ., ....._._,.. _..... ...._. _._. ._--... ..+ _.. __ _ -_ _ _ ..... .__..._.. complc o , c axm,. I der W 111 have,he burden or proving shot he did not Wild or ins"mIc far P.W.of,. t ! _ ao' w fah Prortn .d exclusively „ Rlh licensed nmo 1 - MAO L_S„�;'� ,s.s•® n, Ih project(S Badires dProfessionsCrd )The Contractor s License i, ones noiapply an ownerof property who Wilds rdes there.., and hoconvacis for such i' IN a ontmnor(q.l censed.puuen,.lo Ne R ,s s 1 's Y I l 01ContractorsaxeI.cense Le 1 ❑lam exempt andel Sec. - B&PCfar this mason ,,, _ - ',r,-• ._... .. _._. ._. Owner [tai + 1 Cu 1 0(•.. 1 t W� ORKI R S COMPENSATION DECLARATION. �u'`®1�� - ,- a. '{ �fy � 11'1 hereby affirm rm d penalty of Pe tory o e c o Dobe fall 1 g dedan,ions: ❑ 1 he and ii ann, n C nifi<am of C ,to wlLlnsurc for worker's it, .Cpsort as+pro dad. r by Sect LaJor Conde;-for-he., 1 I4. ari'mm flh w kfuwhich this jammit s issued. � •' N, . rI It 1 h v d'w,Al maim In W k s ComPe n, 1 omni as rcquiied by Section - ,;1 •- - - "' ' 3]00 of NrlaboF Coda for,he,pe'rfomuntt of,he Work:Or wh¢M1 Pennn,is su d My Wa k 'C pe uon Insvw ce n r arta Pol cy number 3 arrlr�"�� eae(PDI Cy NJ(//t('Ca00(SGGA11 � �1 r." r '`' - '- I "71µCERTIPICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WOItKERS.I'; l ,'s. V. 'rys }J sr ' i�ttg 4'}:� }-1 .iscl'� JgA s� .. rl . ,< ,[�Z%1a�tJSLq OyMPLNSATION INSURANCE a1 Il ,.1:, r \ 4---------- -... +' (.1.:1 (Th 'uon rte a noFF(be com l-ted Inhe s's fo rte hundred doll ' rt - - tom` * ISI110j or lenJl • Fp f :In- X911'- „ l0 ,. . :;1 ¢I GendY lh i m,hc performp a of lh ik f r hlch N Ipemuols i s kI small mol empl y ony'pe n n ony ma m us io become b) r io the Workers - Comp s t nCaws of Calf ':Dem" '•'I „ � : .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If;after making this Certificate of Exemption:you should' .,.' .< ♦1, .become subject io the Worker's Compense,idn provisions fi(Ihe Labor Cade,you mon , folihwilK vomply.Wi,M1 sato plovisiona or this permit shall hdeemed revoked, Ira(a~a of nthe w1 Iork 1f1oi wh'rth CONSTRUCTION NpScTmRlUl CT'iIiOxuN eJL(ESNecDI13N0G9]AGLNC h affthin th1 e c ns nn led g agency Y fhperfor.m.a.n..c_e. ... ... ........ ..._ ... .._._... __ - Cin,C) r .. 7i 7 Limit,'.AddI , ._.... f - m I c n fy that I We mud al ."Iiic 1 rid ml that the abo of mon, is Isl Fr r I gee to c mply uh all city and V 1 budding o 1; non d hertby euNo zceo rey es andit circ laws relating rt amiresofIh sstytoene,iiiamp ` Ne adaiIia mentioned propirty fo umpeeli FEp ryo 1 n A; (W<) g ,o sa e. demmfy and keep hwml ssNe lSty of Cupenmo against y (Z] lithilikitIs.jidgrin.Fra.cot and caped.which may m any way secrue ag inn said 1 t U City cb sequenceoPthegrimng finis Partial!' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDSAND%VILL COMPLY WITHALLN/qN-Pa NT Issued b �' 1 i S URGE REGULATIONS J y ate }gnat itTof AI. r4nt/Conlna.1 —. i� DamRe-roofs HAZARDOUSMATERIALSDISCLOSUREr U . . I;a WII Ne applicjm or Ponm bu lalgaxupam nWe or,handle hazallolu material Type Of Roof. _ as defnd by,he 6penmoM ilpal Code Chap1r912 end I It rid Sof ly :, r Cade Sectoq 2553211v1 L ryr , s '. t , r -J 3'�'4 1.} Ir"kg i . r. rr L t •y .It f ,,OYesi .wvnnfW oe',ry ppl f v..714rhs Y 1 s 1 @r �. _,.,1• t Alisoofs shall,be inspected poor-to,any roofing matena] tieing_Installed.__.- _ -.- r• WIINcaPpligentorfwrtWilding occupant useequipment aJevleeawnen Ifaroofis•installedtwithout firstobtaininganinspectton,Iagree`to.remove tbreardous al contaminants asd fineManagement, ., .� Y Y quilt tial i - - entl l ^. L r 1 Q '" all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and_will comply,wlth the B Are. C4Ye h -r. I p, , J I."�,. C a]Pons-po� t�sourceregulat., on5 _.,; fahePm to gattaNercwhich ,iW min prior susnce f eC n1f cote of 41c""�^4/" ._ . ._._ .-s/�/fl._•.. ._ S mels rc u to under Chapter fi 93 of Ne Occa a aulhonzedafel Code Sectio Y Oc en< n hm _ o6ca nt of requirements _ rR panrl lit ranatl Signature of Applicant Date gen, i`: I p .C.µ ,e All roof coverings to be Class `B" or Better' — OFFICE , - OF '9r ..