02020011 OF CI BUILDING DIIVIISSIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUR DATE TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 02/05/2002 C. NONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. til/ L COO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ce BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH i s .-t a L-1 u z y Z. LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description D Z_ 1 hereby affirm that 1 am liccnud under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing t with Section 0000)of Division 3 of Ne Business and Professions Code,and my license xm ,immifoeeandeIT -1 DEMO. a, 6 License In�ass F.J Lie,p �S i n 4 a p�D cote a cotenant .r n SINGLE STORY DEWLLING. _a a. ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 0 g 1 underatand my plans shall he used as public records 6 p O Licensed Pmfessional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License law for the L:?< which reason,(Section t 70715,Business and Professions Cade:Any pity or county O which requires a permit re uire,t a aper,improve,demolish,or repair any suucmre 3$ .pyo to.l uu mals rc4 uesm inions of for soon permr's License Law(Chapter (co hd51ttpscdprsam tdthe of < riaof the the Busine Licenselaw(Chapter9 5 Ft 'Floor-,Area ko nengwih Secio ]000) fDivision or the pro orphii.An vi Code) ���}tcl Cr ly!i,'a�. Ft.1...6..k i,)6!.N;A i 1012, orlon of mm he is eaeingt zany applicant or bps s for the alleged applicant t Any violation ' - ' -o(a.,Sectionname than i e hundred doll for p permit subjects the epplicenrto a civil Penalty top nntmoremanrvananareaannara(Esof). b '��fP;.::'":.' Occupancy Type I' O 1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, "will-do the work:andthe structure is not Intended or'ooemd'for sale(Sec.'R)fA;- ---- -- - - - - - - - - (Business'and`Pioessions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or through his own employees.a 'dell that such Improvements art not mm yCai or ��® rnvemcnfts cold w th n one ""'-"' "-'__........._ -..._.__. ...___...._.. . _.. ,comp le f wle w er tfi l hav ng of ung year of A """ v �': - '--'-- timprovt n p orb e.).will have the buMen of prov n6 that he did not build or /fr'9 Improve for purpose of wle.7. ' ______ ____.____.__.__. ___.__-__.. ..—... ... . . ....... crobap owner mthe p(Sea 7 stn exclusively d Professions with licensed Councrtors's MAR ---- s _ onswn the cowl(Sea '/OAC,Business and Professions CW e:)The vestrncmr's - F't > License Law does not apply to an owner with progeny who builds uc improves thereon, - ::_^ _and mems License Lawuch projects wim.a romranor(s)IiceruM.pursuant.ro.fte. ..._.._..__..___.__..... _._..____.__. ......____.._... ....__...____.._ Comments rips at License law, BUILDING clam exempt undo s_ea, {'B r&Perm lois mason Owner .n,.. .,,.f)at. :r WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION _ -1 hereby a firm undaipenalty of perjury one of the following declarations:- ❑ 1 have arid will maintain a Ceiiifcam of Consent to self-insurt for Worker's Compensation, aa;'provided for by Section-3700 of the Labor-Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued., r ❑I haw, id will7iiai W kers Coria,' . uon lmorprice s'y'oired by Section 3100 of the Labor Code;for the peifomladce of the work for-which this permit is tiaued Mf�,W keys Compe salon ldurance acme i and cy numbe am: erlliat',� .fah No(OY''CO 00 L'S"OC/g f• 1 h (-Ni Y k i 1 p:Y7 1•'p f Fri♦: r. . r .I, ]CL RTIFICATiON OF, IOtJ—FROM WORKERS - C v COMPENSATION INSURANCE'S" spit '1 his scmton need not la campleied if the permit is for one hundred dollars .\, ,1,. ($ 100) ) ..l. .. . of cm to on _ 1certify that In the performance n the work bar ewhich th i perm t s Worker l Ie shrill p y y'pc aon m any madnd so as m become aublea m the Workers e(i,.LI i `.. . J.t.i t C„+• _I Applic n;SticnlawsCalifornia of Cnlifoi ;Dam'' nt �NOTICETOAPPLICAM':rs Co makingthisie Cisions a he youshoulduanim� f3i 11 .a.. ,' '•U b rthwith cote uo tie sorkefs Compensation provisions i1allf the Lobby Code,you must CC forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed resolved. ' aP' I L ' t r :'CONSTRIICTION LENDING AGQNCY � a '” ' Ih rehy pffmt th tth retse conswct I -drag age o'for the pcBomi of the wort.for wh¢h the pennn iusmcd lSec'J09],Civ:C) 'd:Q Lendcrs Name:•as::_,.a.. :_:.._.ul.,.y_::: ._..Ic.._..... .. . .. __ ..__. .. ..,_. —.._ ..s__.__...___...__. _.___._...._._.._ _.__ _..__ .; G7Z , ..�.-, _ .. . ... . i i ... 'V'Q ,I certify that 1 have neo Nis application wd sram that Ne above information is is' C'r coriect.I agrcc to,comply,,wirh ell city pod counry ordinances and stem laws relating Q i,V to building constroainn,'anti hereby outhoriie iepresematives of this city name'upon W rhe pbuve-memioneJ properly focinspeetion purposcy. y.I.Iy' (We) g eiti se elntlemnify lint ke ph mlass the Cty fCupee himsnd fes'V1 liabtln¢ 1 dgm ms.costs pod expenses wh ch may,;n any ay acerae agunn said V Z City cons q e'a of the giam n6 of this gamut - Q� ,AP LICAhf-0NDERSTANDS ANI)WILL COMPLY'NRDiA l: NP(IINT`a . cg>�i�Ecllunods� .. 3l� � Issued by: to %. ,16oamrofAPPlicH alraanr DDI-Zc�'c` Re-roofs a pp HAZARDOUS MATERIALS dISCLOSUAE' a ' r 1 a'° Will Noe I'2 mor fuwre Had lac pat tore handle hasardnusmt I s Typo Of.Roof d aired by the CupntmoM nicipalC d Chapmr912 and theHealth and Safety - C.de] OYes 2E�5J2f)tri t �N jir: { Lrw v f�Sn n r I ."4t; t{ Int 1i"P sl Srll sl �l'1yi � i7 titr5 {).�f Y -':1 t All_roofs shall.be inspectedprior to any roof ng mater ial.being.Installed, _ wu me.moi:nt Frynrc n'nle��g app.to tism spinpon de est wnien' If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,Tagree to remove it heard us nr comamments az defnM by me B y Ne All Qu 1 ty M ge t - o*-r- 1 _ all new materials for inspection. Apphcant understands and will comply with -r-by' mudlhe t �o .. . .. ere P _ i ... _ _ - -. I i all-ooh-point source regulations acv m1 Health&S etyCtrus pt n Is rcq 2 tent and 25 Chapter,1u6.97 of Jl t C the Wilding does notpry Code Sections 25505 t itis a d 25EJd b 1 understand chat ' ;.. 6currcntly havenenmt thatnls my responsibility tnotify dat p ymr2 c t «ep.,�a ffy '%`/�•[:r, _�!��,/�ssC� 4 7�t' O L Signature of Applicant Dae owpe n m as nt All roof coverings to be Class "B" of better r r !I.•r b ' 1: i! .._ ... .-OFFICE .._ . ._. .. . - -. . _. ..... . ....... ... . _.,. .... . CITY OF CUPERTINO - - , - " BUILDING DIVISION PERM :CONTRACTOR'INFORMAT10 BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 02Z05/2002 ONE: SANITARY N0. CONTROL NO. o c z ARCHITECVENGINEER: O O BUILDING PERMIT INFO m w �• BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH [O H Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hemb,affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing yt to with Section 7")of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code,and my license yml.�s is in full force and=fi�C�(( DEMO. wp LL u License I _,___J_L _ Lic.p 312-n 4 7 LaLL; Date y Conine,- SINGLE STORY DEWLLING. _ ARCHITECI"S DECLARATION E:O< 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records �r 'n O O LICCwetl Professional s eLL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 11 1 hereby affirm that I for,exempt from the Convast License law for the s-Z< fallowing reason.(Section]oJIw tr Business and Professions Code:Any city County to O .which inquires a Permit to construct,alter,improve,deolish,or rtpair any scrvrt to Pow to its issuance,also mqubev the applicant for such Permit 0 file a signed statement. Nat he is,lic=nsed pursuant d the provisions of me Contractors License law(Chapter 9 S ,Ft. Floor-Area , (commercial wish Section of Division 3 of the Business end Pmfessions Cadet ( •'•.' r e s or Out be is cxempi Nerefmm'aid he basis for Ne allc,ed 'Tend rice.An -�Sq ' 1 allOn of Schon 7031.5 8 P y violation by fw a permit subjecm the applicanrm a civil pnahy it 'of am room than five hundred dml4r,a500). Occupancy Type OI,a owner of Ne property,of my employees with wages as their sole m compensation, -will do the work,and the svucwis not imended or offered far (Sec.]B4q' - - Business'and Professions Code:The Contmcmi s License Law,docs not apply to an a ons ^ ' ownc r of pmpeny Who builds or improves thereon,and who docs such work himself or Nrou M1 his own employees, gower, Wilding Nat such improvements we not intended or f.mpl for sole-owner-builder he building or urden emcns is sold within one ear of completion,the use of will have the burden of proving Nat he did not build or improve for puryox of xlcJ. � - I, is ownsr of she_. _ ... .... _. ._..... o . _ with license Contractors m - .. ProK^Y.;,;exclusively convaaing ��.. ..... .... .... _.. __..._....-.. ____ - _ _ __....._ - - - a mmwa the reject(Sec. ..a,Business and Professions Code:)The wes theme, License law docs not apply to an owner of property who builds se improves t in the ' Ca who c Livens fLaw. h pvjttts with a conmanor(s)licensed pursuant m the - _. ♦. Contnnors License law. '-"' � � - _ __._. . . ...-.. ___ �� -. .. i A ❑lam exempt Under 'n' ,BBPCfor Nis recon 7 O Yner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' Ihcrtby aRrm under pnahy of perjury one of the following dedwrions: 1 have end will maintain a Cenificase of Consent to self-insum for Worker's �; ompnvtion, as provided for by Scmiot-3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this ppous is issued. Cl 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compenxdon Insurance,ss mqum d by Section 3]00 of she labor Code,for the perfomunce of Ndtimid,for which this permit is jC issuedMY Work<rs Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: R,(lB C i- NOFE�lr NO:Of. WO Ut C. UCg3 - C RTTFlCATTON OF E ON FROM WORKERS ! •�, I �" i- a.a - } .( e (.'t ws, - COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This'secrion need not be completed if the pmdt is for one hunarttl Oollan ISI00)or less) -- 1 eerufY that in thq perfomnance of she work for which mss permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become mbjea to the Workcri ':'i: 's CompensationApplicanlaws of California.Dam NOTIC hr Ncome Subject uj APPLic Workers Compensation become sub'ttno the Wwkcrs Cam ,arson P ^•You shoultl - . 0 z forthwith comply with such pen Permit redeemer Coda you must ' z 0' provisions or this pnnir small be deemed mroked. . ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 0.. h 1 hereby kfor which rom Nat throe is a sued see. lending agency for the Performance - - of the work for which Nis permit is issued(Sm.3097.Civ.C.) 'a (� Lender's Name' der's Addm i1. Z Lcnss 0 I certify 6.11 have mad this tictioasion and emm Nat a above information is Er Co.,.1 agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating >4 mbuilding ngmenswedpropmid yfor noumonzemposenmives of this city to enter upon �. P. she ebox-rt,cwioaW property for ity and keep pufposds. P. (wd)egmc m save,indemnify and keep harmless the way a Cupeei ai st mid W' liabilities.judgmenm.emu and expenses which may in any way accrue against said t..1 � City in conuqucnce of the gremin8 of this permit ' AP LICA.VT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY N'TD{pLLN NPN-POINT I Q� GULATIGn's. y Issued by: ! 1 ��-- 1,_5 to gnaw of Apphrn^iftracrnr '"DG��" Re-roofs as defined by the Cupnno Mumeialc e.CAeu'rRDOUS MATERIALSS9 lz and the Health and Safes ' Type.of.Roof W II a Wxm f hoWilding'asvpam,tore w handl hazafdw miner Code Section 25532(a)p P P ry - ❑Y .5 �No Will Ne applcmto f ry building eupa t use equipment or e=vmes which All roofs shall be in prior to,any roofing Material being installed.. _.. _. emit hazardous it,contaminamisa,dclned by the Bay Area Air Quality Management If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree[o remove Discnnl ❑yes �qn all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will com 1 with al]`non-point source regulations.. p y mineass under oa�ter 6.93 of the Califom'm Heal&Saferyhave mandl Of a Code sSallionsionti 125505�5533 and 25534.h1 understand at if thgbuilding dos not Curtently have a tenant,at it is my msponsibuity to n.ify the occepanr of Ne requirements which must be met prior to issuance,of a Cc nifcam of . �,�-'�• _ J - Signature of Applicant Da e �p bwver oror outhouse agent - . Dare All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better' r _ OFFICE 6ITY OF CUPERTINO aDEMO Z Z CUPEf�TiNO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM • APN# Date: p j' o Z 3So 3 Building Address: Owner's Name: Phone#: lop ro w 40 Contractor: License #: R� 4. Contact: _ Phone#: c Fcr Applicant/Contractor: Building Permit Info: Bldg Elect Plumb Mech Job Description: — ..a--— (�4� a{ ,4t i S ("S Je — Residential: xiet4 , Commercial: 4 Ak Sq.Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq.Ft.: 0 0C,0 Architect/Engineer: V nation: Y(' , ter 00 p �- Type of Constructio Oc any Gro • t c . (tilCo Qty. if A le Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BSEISMICRE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG BUSLIC Business License BUILIDNG • x{( 7323 �7 2--7 �f GROSVENOR February 15, 2002 City of Cupertino Attn: Building Department 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 RE: Demolition Request 10120 Imperial Avenue Cupertino, California Dear Sir or Madam: • Although we still own the office portion of the site, Results Way Corporate Park, Grosvenor California Limited, acting as manager for RWC, LLC sold the above-referenced residential parcel to Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. on February 14, 2002. Please call if you have any questions. Yours ver Alan V. Chamorro Vice President Acquisitions and Development Cc: Gary Galindo, Taylor Woodrow Homes Vera Gil, City of Cupertino • GROSVENOR CALIFORNIA LIMITED ONE EMBARCADERO CENTER SUITE 3900 SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94111 Telephone(415)434-0175 Facsimile(415)434-2742 Web www.geh.com n City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cuperti• { .iV I' 14-3255 Telephone: 0 : (08)777-3354 CITY OF FAX: (408)777-3333 CUPEK1INO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION REQUEST Date Da Addresses of all interested parties: Gfv . D/Ze �`n�arC'a�ii6 Cir, �U�e �3�� • Reference : Loan number(if applicable) Dear Sir or Madam: Please be advised that the owners at Cupertino, CA 95014, Assessor's Parcel number_ J-ap-1!5>/3 are requesting demolition of their house/Zo/,e hlN&6 . Please notify us within 15 days if you have any objections. Our address is: City of Cupertino - 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 j If you have any questions, please call me at(408) 777-3228. Sincerely, Susan MacGowan Administrative Clerk, Building Department Pnn(ed on Recyded Paper