27739APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO intPERMIT NO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. MKCHANICM I� f Q BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJh1CT UMNI G r 73 BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAT UNIT# LOT# OWNERS'N ME: U9074� PHONE -Ob�^ CO ACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: NfC (�CONIRDOL#` G, U HC liCl'RiNGINEBR: IC NOM QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEEE ADD ,,EP wyq,4 bb 4 I _�� / `ae ❑ CONTACT : PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LthatIa,D CONTRACTORSsed ndcrpmDECLARATION APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL Z Ihcre0),I' mum l3 ofth Business isionsions Core. sucommencing with JOfI DE RIPTION O Section ?add ffiem sion3of the Buainess and LRofessions Code. and my license Bin PANELS full force and effal. aa�a qq ���� 41 / 9 UP TO 2W AMPS tp Date Cluss�` Lic.M so Dam Cnmrnnor ?W f 201 - 1000 AMPS Z ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION O 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. 11'. FLOOR ARTA VSQ. IT. to SIGNS ELECTRICAL ....II Lecnsed Proleaswnal U OWNER -BUILDER DECIARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. [— I hereby affirm that I um exempt from the Convacmrs License Lew for the in following rcason.(Seaiun?W1.5, Business and Professions Code: An county TEMP. METER OR POLEINST. which requires a permit b constmeL aper, improve, demolish, m any s tore S that he it.iswana.alsoreynhesme apsionsofthe Commair casal-ineum m POWER DEVICES O that he is licen. A pursuant m tM1e provisions of the Convect License law (Chept R4 Y that he is ixemitM1 therefrom Division3fienthe all els uJ Profession Cod e) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC -VALUATION .� ontin M1703exemptny applicant for the haspe 'Isubj ell exemption Any violation ofSect inn OUTLET'S -SWITCHES - Q amams, the 56ya udrddo][forapesmitsubj de plicannoa<ivil ehy of FIXTURES p nm momthanfivsf EeprWdollars (E500). NEWRESIDENTIALELECIR S ET. m ❑ I,asowncrof mepropeny.ormyemp swish s heirule o Q STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTIOD will dome work, and thcswcmre land endedo "I alter. Busine and professions Code: The Co. or's Licenu Ln s not ly y of propenywhobuildsmimpr .thcrcdn,anJ wh .uch wr effort ghbis employaasmm s,provid chimprovemgtss� notimcndM o ratite. If, OCC. GROUP RFS. UNITS builder will have the bu nun ma idnnrjmpr for puryou of sale.). v TOTAL: TY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE ❑ Lasdwnerofthe r n bclyconva lin n corwilimanchrst. pe y,a icartw she proose, moect ( c ?U94, Basinva". d Profession od J The Cdnva , and LlameLuwdoesnm cep Loan dwicof •eywhobu' sorimrotheCercomand wbdcummcu rorsuch pro uwimawm gs)licen pursuanuothe Conaaaor's ROOD ZONE APN PERMIT ISSUANCE - Licenu Lew. ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. B ALT IilL DRAIN &VENT - WATER (FA) FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDE, FEES & P C for this mmdn OwnerSANITARY Data YN WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION Unica lherebyaffivm ma l base a cenlEeme ofconsanuowif-Insure, or a ceniGcme of mkers'Compenution lnsuranec orecenifird mereoflSa.3800. DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. RECHIFTM SCHOOL TAX V—N— RECEIPI'M FIXTURES - PER TRAP PARK FEE Y N HECF.IPI' N copy Lab CJ which covers all employee's under this pcnniL Policy N GAS - EA. SYSTEM.I INC 4 OUTLETS Company GAS . EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES ❑ Certified copy is hereby furnished. ished. PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Cendied copy is filed with the city inspection division. GREASF/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASE TRAP SOILS PEE ('Otis section need not becomple>difsbe permit is fondue hundreddollars O ffi or less.) SEWER - SANITARY -STORM EA. 201 a ENERGY FEE z * 0 Fy I rectify that in the performance ofthe work per, which this pFnmit qis issued, I shall m employ any person in y acinar b eyY me Workers Co mperssasionlawso forv�/li IY' Applicant L"/� WATER HEATER WIVENT/ELECI'R PAID Date Receipt WATER SYSTHMp'REg riNG NOTICE TO APPLI ANT:If,uter making this CeniEcum of Exemption, you should become subject o the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ, ET. TOTAL: a; pW, Q Z V O OU W F 6. f0 O Z fonhwish comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed rcvokcd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that there is a conseuction lending agency for she performance of me work for which this permit is issued (See. 7091, Civ. C.) Lcndde Name BUILDING PTSE SEISMIC ME ELECTRIC P HE Lender. Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE \ I cenify that 1 have read mis applic dmn and sure thin the above information is adored. lagreavocompl,,vuhallciyinicounry ordinances and sum laws relining to building construction, and hereby authorize repcianusivesofdeis city to enter upon the above-memmnW propcny for m7 donpurposes. (Wq agree m save, indnnnify and kap l the City of Cupenino agvnst liabilitim unare enss, vi=w2ary way accrue against said City in amsxi,j, a the actinAIR PERMIT ISSUANCE MECIIANICALFEE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO I0,W0 CFM) HANDLING UNIT(OVER i0AykdCFM) Signuw App icanv vuemr Date EXHAUST HOOD OVIDUCT) HAZARDOUS MATNRIALSDISCLOSURE Will me applicant or future building occupant sure or handle hazadmrs mmeriul as define by the ndM,p., eaanaety CodeSecton 25532yid? / PAID Dem HccciptN HEATING UNIT (TO IOO,IXp BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER I W0BTU 'OTAL VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RPSID) • -d ❑Yes WilhMapplicant dr fmurebuildingacupantuuequipmentnr deviceswhicIt emit o harodhazardous cnmaminnts u. cline) by dee Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER -COMP (3HP OR IOO,IXp BTU) ISSUgA NC11i1,D'ATE BOILER - ( COMP OVER I W,000 BTU) I ❑ Yes No 1 havercwl the hazanious materials requiaments under Chapter 6.95 of she CulifomiaHwhh&Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25574. IundersWnd mat if the building does not correctly have a tenant, deal it is my asponsibiliry b notify dee Oce yxvcyf the requirements which must be mel prior b issuance of a Cenificme ad p�Cn • •�� UrL�! U1 GIS NEW RESIDENTIAL MECII. SQ. ET. BY: Owner or authorized agent Dae TOTAL: ISSUED