02040151 CITY ofNO NG DIIVISSIONPERMYT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 8077 HYANNISPORT DR 02040151 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SU DATE *RICKMAN WILFORD M AND HELEN 041292002 f� ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO F BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH de. I I r_1 L.') I I E3 Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description Z_— IherebytionTO fBrmthmitor 3oftheBusinensed under sand Profof Chapter ession,Cods. ad(commencing REMODEL 3 BATHRMS & DUCT REPAIRS yi_ is in Section and fDivision 3 of the Business and Pmfessiom Code.and my license m S_ is in full force end cf&n, ee a Littnu Clnsa Lio.M O Doteu S DEC tor O G ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION g 1 understand my pions shall be used as public records E p Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby slfrm onshot I 70 1. exempt s an Ino C ssions o License Low for she ? following main.(Section 70313,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $10000 I i❑ which requires a permit to construct,Blue improve.demolish,or repair my shoscome °ui 3C$ prior toiurc issuae_eWu rtgpimheapplicanlf....ch permino Tdeaaigirodminimums s1lal hen bttnsptl punuanlm lh pm islons of the Convenors Littnu Law lChequ9 _ t QQ�. tk.--� i Valuation (commencing with Section 7W)of Division 3mf the Business red Professions Code) •9 _ ._ _ ; or shot he R exempt tki fmm and the basis for the alleged eiampJori.Any violation -ofSenim t031t3'by any applicant for opermitmbjecu-she applicant'm a civil-penalry- 'of n'ot mmrcsom five hundred dollars(S500). 1 O2IPN NPIDWDAT ION =IN!_!, Occupancy Type _❑I.as owner of the property.or my employees%ish wages in their sole mmpensmion, 102 — PIERS Buainas t Peovdik,and the structure is no,infected-ar offered for sole siro'70 4, Vim' 10 3 - UFER Required Inspections' "l'""'I' `nnd'Profaximns Code Thc Convenor's Littnu Lew der not apply m on owner of puny Who Wfldx or improves thereon,end who does such work himself 104 - REBAR _ Or throe h his own employ provided th timprovement suchimprovements are not intended or _ -.offered or axle vmer,i thebuilding --Improf e t n-' aswithin one year of r05__ — ANCHOR BOLTS \0. ourr..ion,Ihe urposefads.).writ hove the buMen of provmgih shedid not build or 106 - SEWER & WATER imMove for purpose of saleJ. -----------.-----.....___._... . _.._...-----202- - -UNDERFLOOR_PLUMBTNG- _' _ ------ _ baa ownu o(Ihe propenY•rem axdusively comractin8 with licensed convectors to ,-iP\0''da•:!T Z.'r__"---- -- _ - construct she project(Scc.70M,Business and Professions Code:)The Contractor's ,,: License Law docs not apply to an owner of Property who builds or improves thereon, 2 03 — UNDERFLOOR ME CHANT CAL p<T ,�.., ,.an Ludon,conwcu.for.such.pmjau.wsdr.a.samothrunato liecnsed�pontoons to she Commnara reacted L.w,... ..:.. -- ___-2 04 ---UNDERFLOOR FRAM ---------------.___..---__ __-- ❑1 axe p a rs as c,ratnia205 - UNDERFLOOR 'INSULATION _ o d`1i ' 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING w eF.°r�lor do ON .._ 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER I hereby affirm uMerPenialty I.perjury ope of the fallowing declarations:-� 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL ,t ,3 0 1 hove red will inainuin'a Ceni6caie oaf Comm to self-insure for Worker's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL H'J Compensation.,as,provided for by Section 3700 of-the'Labor Chile. for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ., 305 — FRAME 01 haJ fid ill'tinich Wu1,,isCompenad6n insurance as req ircJ by,Section 306 - HOLDOWNS 3700 of the Labor Coder me part rmance of the rk'f r which this porta it 307 — INSULATION cunei \ i s < .R�po R a, . r ' ,3;081, .SHEETROC _ _._..,. .. •---.... issued.MyWorker's Compensation Insurance came and Pulley mumbo rc. + K rx IicYNo .' I1 : nitlFl` CERTIFICATION OF EXEMFnVN FROM- 0 S " "' 3 0 9 EXTERIOR LATH t r coMPErsPnDNINsuRANce; --310 -c-.--INTERIOR- LATH _ _.. ..__.__..._-----____._._ ._ Tl i. nlon need not W mm luted if permit is for one hundred dollen 3111 - SCRATCH COAT f5100)or los) _. -,I"„ I Cash y Nal in dk peH nn'n: of the ork'fm ch p n b sued I sh 11 ani aTPIo y.perwnt ane m e e ia�vtu�n 501 - FINAL ELEOTRICAL'`;ENERGY " � cam mahnn s r u a 502-_., FINAL_PLUMBING .ENERGY____._ . cam - _. _.- _ . .. N CE TO mokingthis C,enlfceaofExemptiu:youshould 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ` ' - Z 'oide'subjec o;Ilse Wind Compcnsetion previsions of the Labor Code,you resect O O rtmhwidicomplywithsuchprovisionsorthisPermitshallordeemednvoked. 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY' .r .. .. _ .. _ _ " ' " "';coesTRperIDNLENDi nAcg cY 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL a.7 1 hereby aRitm shat(here see conswnion lend n agency fo,die performance 506 GAS TEST .. :" _ .'L• F' bone nrkrewhiamm�pem,hnssnedlsee3097c1.c) - 507- FINAL PLUMBING 1 ...- . rti,Z LcndusAdGrcsss. `. :..•- .:. - ,. U O "" 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL' t,,r,, v.;p, 1 certify the 1 h crud this applicet on end nam theuhe oho a mfonnotion is is V corkct.I agree Io coPsply with II my and county ordiRenccs and nese levee raising 509 - FINAL GRADE O mbildingconn <I!onenehrctiyeuthbna ter Upson 510 - FINAL PLANNING .W the abo e-memioned properly for jnspection purpaea. - -Oi IWe)dgrte io hive:indemnify entl keep humlas's sac City'of Cupertino dgeinad iid 514 — FINAL PU IC WORKS y' liabilities,judgmems,ensu and ea coos wh ch mays any w y acme agenn sa V City' ''donxqu nee oR gnnuaf tris pennia `: AP t T 'DER AST) \�R'ILLCO\1PLY\\TfHALLNO\-p0 --Issued by: r Date �J n. A��� bT— 'rc' f he X�A7.AR'R USMATERIALSDISCLOSUREr�' t RB-rOOfS Will Ne ippllcam or future bidding attupant note or herWle harudous mme d _ —__ ..... es defs ed by,the Cupcnmo Mu-a Code Chaps Safe,,i)12aridthoHalth and Safe '�'Pe Of-ROOF All roofs shall.be inspected prior.to any roofing material being.installed.__ _ IWJINe epplitutuf m ebuJdinga e Bay p ntot Management If a roof is installed without fust obtaining an inspection;'I agiee.I 'remove - !t navaraous sir am inanis u defined by the Bey Arca Ad Quality Managenunt toter all new materials for inspection_ Applicant understands and will comply,-with. q _ ovaa . tNall non-point source regulations;, . k•" a ,\1 ham rFad'the M1axa)d..a ma enals ibqusremaou vildwChapter 6 q5•ol the Caldoml Hdalth d'Safety Cad"s illom 23505,25533 and 25534 1 understand that 4P P of shonapd ogeut whin.` Ii net poor to issuance`or!a!CDe�a a tiny the Uthe 4nlldso tloea not ey IlYhave atmant thin it ism responsibility to notify the - tio Y P Y $ �• F7 of Signature of Applicant ,. . .-- _ Date All roof coverings to be Class'B'or better P. OFFICE