21091 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMIT NO. Bulldingi a' s + 210 91 Qn Ills Or s ams: one: APPLICA77MMMM7rAT=A CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION /PERMIT LO-R-qb hitect/Engineer. Lic.No: BUILDINGELECnUCAL-FLUMBING-MFOHAMCAL CATEGORY CONIROLa QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION PFRMITISSUANCE 1:1 ❑ El tYl IMhSyl.lrmthat lam Bemsed under heBugrovbioneofCha.t,Commmmc APPLIANCES JOB DESCRIPTION Ing seh I,I. license b In fu farce and etre<. !(! C-.1 /_ PANELS } License 11 Lie.p «� Z 1 n nate Contractor fLhq ARCHITECTS DECLARATION AMPS 0b Iunderstand myplamshallbeusedaspubllcrecnrds. DO AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. d Licensed Pmfe Moral LECTRICAL G 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION CIRCUIT/MIST 1herebyaf@mthat lamexempt fromthe Contractors License Lawfothe O Z H following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or TEMP.METER OR POLE I F� cauntywhlch requires a permit to construct,alter,Improve,dennlish,orrepalr a anystrucwre prior to its bsuance,alsorequirestheappOsant for such permit to DEVICESfile a signed statement that he b licensed punumt to the provbiona of the Contractor.LicerueLw(Chzpter9(commencingwith Ssosfon70D0)ofDivi- INGIW ECTRICO1 sion3oftheBuanesaandPrf.ionCMe)orthat hebexemptiherefromandVALUAthe basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70)15 by any /yapplicantfor a permit•ubjects the applicant to a rnil penalty of not rrorc than S FIFggXTURESAA/c, �i fivehundrddollars(5500). S ENTIALELECTR.�❑I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as tMlr sole / - SQ Fr. RIES TYPECONSTRUCTION k compensation,wdldothework.andthc,t =mbnmintended 50 sledfor ( Dle(Sec.7014,Business and Profxedom Code:The Contractors Lt..Lawr->E does not apply to an owner of property who builds orimprevesthrom ,and / /(��^ whodoeesuchwork himselforthmugh hisownemployees,provided that such -� I I OCC.GRO(/P RES.UNRS Improvements arc not intended proffered frsale.I(howeveg thebullding orTOTAL: Impowernant Lssold within oneyezrofcomplmion,theowoer-builderwill have _ ^ t rden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of ask.). QTY. L BING,PERMI FEEFLOODZONE APN Lj L as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with lire.. coPERMIT ISSUANCE., ntractors to construct the project(Sec.70Busmen ro and ProfenioCode: f Xj 11 The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who AI,TFA-DRADJ&VENT WATER Wild. or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such ptojects with fEA) ogetraoh"(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. AC u FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt under Sec. B k P C for this masonz OUTSIDE FEES BACK FLOW PROTECT.DENTE t%lll Owner Dae DRAINS FLOOR,ROOF.A "COAD. SAMTARY Y_ N_ y� WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECEIPT N I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to eel-inwrc,or a }TXNRFSPERTRA!'1 �# SCHOOL TAX Y_ N drtiRatoofworkers'CoopewRanlreu m"amrtifiedmpythemf(Sec, v RECEIPT If 3800,1ab C.) GAS EA.SYSTE4C4 OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N Policy If to c.f' ZIO,>'�I — � — RECEIPT p Com anyy, eRzm GAS-EA • P VER 4(EA) BUILD]NGDI VISION FEES �Cemiled copy hereby furnished. CREASE il ^USTRL WASTE 11 EPTOR PLANCHECK FEE F J�Certlled mpy is(i4d with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thissectionneed n°tbecompleted iftheperMl brm orae hundred dollars SEWER-SAMTARY-S EA. � Date Recei t# (5100)or len.) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, WATERHFATFR /VENT/E.ECTR ENERGY FEE Y_ N_ I shall net employ any person in any nunner so as to become subject to the Workera'Comperuation Laws of California.Date WATER BY /TREATING PAID O Z Applicant Z O NOTICE TO MPLICANT:(f,ahem making this Certl(Irate of Exemption,you NEW ENTIAL PLMB. sQ.FT. Date Recei t# F — should become subject to the Workers'Comperuatlon provisions of the Labor TOTAL: cc — Code,you must forthwith comply with such provisiom or this permit shal l be W > deemed mocked. BUILDING FEE CL E CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby affirm that there b a mmtructlon lending agency for the perform ELECTRIC FEE Z anceof the work for which this Permit b banned(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: (� O Leder.Name PLUMBING FEE LL h- Lenders Addreae QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE O W lceAirythatlhavereadthbapplimtbnandaatethattheaboveinformation MECHANICAL FEE IL brumR.l agresto comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws PERMITISSUANCE /rZ,U� FEES PAID: ). N relating to building construction,and herebyauthodzerep,owntativesofthls F Z citytoenterupon theabovo-mentioned propertyfor inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. — (We)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino Date Receipt#' a gaimthabihtlea,judgments,coasandexpenx whtchmayinanywayac a AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: against said C IL In cons que�myolf/the granting of this permit. �AfYI/LAAI.diC� I ��.�/ AIR HANDLING UNTT(OVER iQ000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature or Applicant/Co actor �e tZAnNG OD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZAR US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle haaardoueT(T010Q000 BTU)material..drilled by the Cupertino M rucipsiCode Chspler9.1$andthe _ Dale Rttei tpHealtY�d Safety CadeseNioon 75533(a)I T(OVER 100,000 BTI!) TOTAL:Will the applirnnt orfuturcbuilding ocmpantuucquipment ordevims FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit hazardous air contaminantsas defined by the Bay Area AirQu lityMawgcment DisMct7 (3HPOR 100,0W BTU) p��a�I/���p a, Yes No O ADD ?have read the haza�oaa materiab rcquvementsundcr Chap[er 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU)- ihe Gllrornb 1lwith&Ser lety Code,SMians 25505,25$33 and 15534. I undc.tandthatlithebuildingdoesnm-,omtlyhays.mranLtbztit ismy NEWRESIDENTIALMECH. SQ.FT -; s 1990 respomfli itytonaify the occupant of the requirements which most be mer prior to issuance m a Certificate or Omvpancy. - Owner or authorized agent Date Ply of rflMrtinn TOTAL: ,QD ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY