28600APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY C NO BUILDING E pPERMIT NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING -MANCAL 28600 O6OO ranralac-arugacn^ -ARCHIHIbUMNGINUEM', v LIC NO: ADDRESS: - - - ❑ ' CONTACT : PHONE: ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BUILDING PERMIT INFO BrLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH f lF, ❑ ❑ ❑ �0Z O G V U Zly �j ¢ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby 0) itm thal I am littI Int under provisions m Chapter 9 (enmmencing with Seaion]IM)(1)of Division3 ofht Business and Prnfesxinnc Code and mylicenu is in full tiacc and If Litemc Ions Lic. M Dmc Contractor QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION R ID NTIA ❑ SFDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑ MULTI -UNIT ❑ STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑ BATH REMODE EPAIR ❑ DB40LITIp -IPOs OTHER rOOb�. nIL ^1 � � , PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL L E- Z Z' O H02-q W Cy 8„-I,) 2 C W ¢ C w V W 3 F F LL LLO N �rn >. mit, a 6 M a' E. E. 1- F 3 l otdculand my plain hlall he�M FV M1 is records Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that) am exempt from the Commcmr's LiII-I Law for the following reason. (Section ]03 L5. Business and 14ufessions Cole: Any city or county which requires a permit to contract, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any shucturC prionoid maw:race. also rtyuires the applicant for tach pemtino Blcani nW aammcmL 6 that lm ix licensed purstmn700B of Division the eBusin ss Licenu Law(Chape) or (commencing.,heiswith Section ](and hDivision3 of theegedIssandve. Any is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of hat Section althanby any leddapplicant nationalars($5Permit whjeds the applicant teacivil penalty of r (Seg). not 1, as than fifthand properly, 'iLothe work, the property, nr myemployeeswlthwages oatheir (Sec. compensation, saraw dJs'lot apply to an Business will Professions and the oLicense Castle: The slhenContractors License law Joys not apply s if uwncr of and property who pmpeny who builds or impmvcs thereon, and who Jtvs loch loud himself or through his own employees, provided hat such improvwnems arc nine tended or offerW for sale. If, however the building or improvement issaldyk of cottppppll yy������dd,,Jppppphaaa�s the n -builder will havetho harden of proving that he di t imp bs7�IBrtyr- pouemf sale.). PANELS UP TO 20U AMPS 201-1000AMPS OVER I"AMPS - SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUI'1'IMISC. � TEMPMETER OR POLE INST. COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION []TENANT ❑FOOU SERVICE OTHFR IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHfiR CTRIC _ -FIXTURES Ril ECTR SQ 1T. SQ. F1'. FLOOR AREA - ba (i IS. I O VSQ. IT. ❑1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contra Lic ac 4a. rt'TOTAL: Const act the project (Sea 7044, Basi and Pr C : W v a clot s Li- c wIawdocsnotaPplyhwmnwncro ho J, %thereon, and whocnntme¢ rusuch prajectcwitha:gm %)liras, 'a it oche Cmdualemh Licenu law. \g\ ❑ I am exnnpt under Sec & I' C for this reason II// OI/ _ 81995 /t II I. le,f V/f(��Ig. ctrl I IIVU QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE •Owner Date ALTER-DRAIN&VENT_WATER(EA) VALUATION 00 STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION OCC. GROUP ATN - WORKER:SCOM1IPENSATIONDECLARATION I hcrchy aRrm under penalty of perjury one of he lollowmg ah dameons: �Ihavc and will maimuina Ccnifcmc of Conunnn sclGinsumfur Worker'z Compcn- sminn, as provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work iia which nis permit is issued. ❑ I have and will maintain Wmkels Comfegssfur Insnowlt, as regrind by Sermon 37M of the labor Cale, fort he perfonnmscaf the work for which this Lacuna, issued. My Wor Cnmpem,mion }�s T d Policy nWn��s Carica LPeor /:Myer./ ePolicy No.: y( e'a4a3o-d BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF AREA, COND. FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS -EA. SYSTEM -I INC. 4 OUTLETS GAS -EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA) CRRTIFICATE OP EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASEANDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRHASB TRAP COMPENSATION INSURANCE or ]I,,.) (Div, station need not be completed if he permit is for one hundred dollars ($ Ind, BUILDING DI VISION PEES PLANCHECK FRE Qznm z Icenify that in the Mrformana otthe work for which this pM1dl Nolan Worker,,' employ any person in any manner ns asmbecome srhjecunthe Workecc'Cmmpen- %scion Wws of Culifnmia. Date Applicant SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA 200 FT. ENERGY FliF. WATER HEATER WNENT/ELEClR F a Com' U, NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Cenilicatc of Exemption, you should bccm.I subject to the Worker's Compensation pros cions of the Lada Calc, you must fnnhwith comply with such provisions or this famart shall bodeanW revoked. WATER SYSTEMOREATING GRADING FEE SOUS FEE WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL. PLMB. SQ. FT 5z V l-' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Thereby affirm that there ix:. Crucia ctinn lendingagency fort he perforaanm of he work for which thispearm' is issued (SIC. 3097. Civ. C.) ' Lem:;; Name PAID Dae Receipt# AJJrees 1 cenify that 1 have read th:x application and state that the above information is eore<L lsgre to comply wih an city and county ordinances and state laws alining to building constructing an I arebyuuhoriee rcprcuntmives of his city to entcrupan he uhnve nantioned properly for hopectian purposes. TOTAL: TOTAL: U ,o yLendete VN z QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE BUILDING FEF. SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE I ')ugrm In save. indemnify and keep handisshc Cityof Cupertino against lmbititics,judgmcnts, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City in cmrttgrence of the granting of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINTPLUMBING SOURCE REGULATIONS. ELECTRIC FEE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH, FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO to," CFM) MECHANICAL FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I0,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Stgnewre of Appl¢aHAZA Dam HAZARDOUS RDODO US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - Will bythe applicant or futurebuildingCarl, Chantsmrc or handle Health and Safety as defined by the Cupcninn Municipal Cole, Cbapmr 9.12, and the Health and Safety CWC. Section 25532(x)? ❑Yen 71 No EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) - HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT r"ro IUU,OOtI BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESID) Will he applicant or future building overprint use equipment or devices which Cull hazardous air contaminants as defined by he Bay Arca Air Quality Management District? ❑Yes E] No PAID BOILER -COMP (3HP OR 100,090 BTU) Data Receipt # TOTAL: BOILER- COME (OVER 100,gq BI' U) AIR CONDITIONER Ihave waddle hawdnasma¢nalc aquimmmns under Chapter 695 of he Cali- firma Health & Safety Cade. Sections 25ta 505, 25533 and 25534. I undersnd hat if he building does not Currently haven mnent, that it is my responsibility mmusty he acapant o[the talui emu wplchmus�S p non issuance of a Cenificae of Oacupweg Owner or auhord�im Aft+ S I Date NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT ISSUANCE DATE C / 1ny/� BV: � J Lam'_} - TOTAL: ISSUED OFFICE