02070056 CITY OF CUPERTINO ' - - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDINGADDRESS: PERMIT NO 525 HEATHERWOOD DR RTISTIC KITCHEN & BATH DES GN02070056 OWNER'S NAME: APPLI C. COMAL 31 E EL CAMINO REAL F�T�Os � 002 PHONE: 650) 390-9615 SANITARY N0, CONTROL NO. - O in be ZO IL ARCHITF.L`r/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO G1-F4- S BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH EE I-.J ILI LJ I_7 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O z=G 1 hereby alfttm that I am licensed add provisions of Chapter (commencing Job Description P'^t with Sa'on]0001of Dtvision3ofthc Bu,32'and Profemions Code.and mylicenu KITCHEN REMODEL zxx Lici I fnceos,and 11 T �l+ -•f op tj-00 `V:/��s�® rc a Licen sLic. a�3 u Date—�jas�-���0�� Can,, 1 ARCHITECT'S Can,, yt�o s 1 understand my plans shall be used as Public rtcoNs OCT S 1 2002 Hol R c O Lreemed Protessional u =8� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby al8rm that 1 am exnnpt firm the Councl m's License Low for the q w t z a lidlowing reason.(Section]031.9,Business no,PBUILD[ mressions Code:Any city or county" 42 o 0 0 F❑ which requires a permit In constmn,alter.improve.Jemonsh,or repair any IlmOme yrh n 3� purse don t is s e 1 the aper tf chpa in rle asmreme ' at ht u I enssd n,Yoro flairpmomm, fine Cormanno.,License lLaww(Chapte9r 9 g with sea r D) fD J nn Bmin a Pro a tnna Cede) ! f ;3'5 965 °0.9®r a f Valuation o thvt he t exempt therefrom and the basis(or the alleged semptionlgny smite on - '" �' `'g U-VS"-d i To , of not a 9 than e u dred dollars a ll far a pctmit subjects the applicam ro n civil penahy 1 ' of not than five hundred tlouars(S900L 101 APrMM#NATION ;rl"B•! ' . Occupancy Type 1)1•as owner of the pmpeny.ar my employees with wages as mei,cola nmpedaund, will do)he'work,and the strucmrc snot intended or offered flit side Sec.7(W. Basilicas and Professions Code:The Cammnor i Liwnu Law does notInspections,-- - _-'"- "-'-- mnly;^.at 103 UFER Required + owner of property Who builds or improves thereon•and who docs such work himself or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are not intended or 104 - REBAR iffinnid for sale.1f however,the bidding or ifininnsamou issold w;thiliane year of ANCHOR- 105 . m pl e the ow bu Ider will have the burden of praying m - BOLTS at he did not build or + improvee rnr patinae lir sale.)' 106 - SEWER & WATER . OI n n ''of the p w-nv:m ex,,l iely ennirntywth licensed oontroomm m 202 UNDERFLOOR -PLUMBTNG __._..... _.. -...-_" construct the project sec ]Baa Business hss ss and Pro ;ona Code:)The C°mracmr's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who build,lir tort tharean, 2 03 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL ane who,contmcts.for such.project,.with a contmnor(a)licensed pursuant to the Contractors License Law.,. - - 204- - UNDERFLOOR- FRAME.2-'- ❑late esempt onJat Sec." 8 A P C for this reason 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION ow°"; ENS .ATION DECLARATION 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING .. - _ Inertby.frim ander penalt ar 302 TUB & OR SHOWER r Ixriaryaneannermmwingattlmori°"s 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ I have and will ma Iain a crnihcate lir canttnt m:eleimme fn,Wmkara 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, as provided for by Senion J]W of the Labor Code, for the pe,rannancenrmewnrgrnrwnienmlapermit,aiaaaea. 305 r FRAME O 1 have and will muinm;n Work,",Cnrnpansm;od In....ria.as required by Section 3 06 - HOLDOWNS 3/00 of the Labor Cade.for the perfnrmonce of d¢work for which his permit is 307 - INSULATION issued.My Workers Compensation Insurance rimer and Policy number are ' lite s 1'E X5`.`19 �0-� ...._, ...30,8_.. SHEETROCK-"' _ (u„y �{ CERTIrICA ONoaFvTnMPf(okFROMwort-KEIT t i'^t30'9-- -k IEX•TBRIOR.iLATHI''*'' _- .Y COnIPENSATION INSURAN!E, 310 - rINTERIOR LATH '.._ ._....-o...... Drink section oeed not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars F'..'••• t t .... (SI00)orlms)_ 311 - SCRATCH COAT ”- - - - —313 -- ROOF--NAIL-- I c n toy at person pc in tiny do dd the work(or which th s - - -- - - - - - - pc nisi ueJ.l -- - ....:.:_: _ _ ...:._._ Call t employanym .Dit'ncra°asmbecame subject r theWork„,, 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ''ENERGY C pe sat n Iowa f C I'f m a.Daie Applicant 502_= PLUMBING .ENERGY .,_ NOI[CC t TOAPPLICANT If afit,ino ,mr,'ntfcom ,E. lupi n You should - Z tec e-p)e tt dt Workers e mpen inns idmisoft Lab Code,you 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ,ENERGY rtnnwmc,imply with ¢cliprovisions non Permit%holl hdecurad ocialked 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY 1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ” '' - E nercn Irmmmm 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL - a:� : y 'ntmr nlena' gagenrymrmeperfhrman,,e 506 - GAS TEST .., oath work for which thro pc t uuued(Stt UM)]'Civ.C) " . Lentlert Name + _. _.- DZ Larne,I'Aqa . ..... -507 - FINAL -PLUMBING. . _ .. .. - U 01 rfy th i;ln ad-his application and state that the above informal 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL' E. cone r I agree,r ro ply:with ell city.and county ordinances and ,are laws telat ng m building connmction.and hcrebgauthonae representatives of thi,siry to enter upon 509 - FINAL GRADE y.w . beaho.e.memianedpmpenyfrin.peninnpalinates. 510 - FINAL PLANNING .F; 0. 1 C)area to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City c(Cupenino against .Z ' liabilities,judgm costs and expenses which may'in any way acerae against said 514 - FINAL UBL C WORKS :C,1'.Z. ; C mcunsegtin ae fthc Fr.mngof Chitp,.h. �/V PI' CANT ON)E'STANDS'AND WILL COMPLY\VITH ALL NON-POINT ' Off tEREGU A IONS., Issued by: !Date ., „ _ -m St t r \pp' a r ,Date: Re-roofs HAA L MATERIALS DISCLOSURE' - Will the appl an or lute b ilding occupant store or handle huWous material Typo Of.ROOF as Jahn J by the Cupcn M t 14 role Chapter 9.12.and the Health J Safety - " ' - ^-•" + Code g a o 2993O 0 Yby Otho. I I s i v All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being.installed Mum applicant u dhng byatothe lit useequ p mat Management meet If a roof is installed without first obtaining an mspection,'I agree to remove em t h ab a mmam nncd by the Bey AT:a3.ir Quality Maneg'them Dist m 1 as. _.. _ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non'point-source regulations::` - - 1 have read dh uCode. maens2alk rtgw 25133a ander 4.1 699 understand she ' I fo He hh& to Code Sect ons29309239JJnnd2993a.lilytomthan I tilling does tcu cony havcate um.thus it is my nsponsibilirymnmify the ici p I ,thequ I hieh must a mEl pr°r la tunnc of o Cert ftcatn of ncy, GE1ti�� Signature of Applicant Date ""^°ra`d"g tDate All roof coverings to be Class,"B"or better - - .... OFFICE