S 2983 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY "I CUPFWFINO BUILDING-ELECT RICAL. PI!RMI"1'NO. nuudllNGD1 VISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUARING-MECHANICAL - BDu.DIN(i PRo.Irsc'r mENIIFICATTON- BUILDINGAODRESS SANITARY NO. A PLLIICCAATI(l 1M '1'3 DA'I'1'. 7--Z-7- 26- N W HSAMp"I IONH: GONTRACIOR'S fill,: LIC NO: (LAL13 91 7 NIC CON'I'ItOLX .cl'llI'1'-"IIENGINIEE \ LIC NO'. AUUIIISS: •YNL ❑ )NTAC PHONE. BUILDING PERMIT INFO - a� �.N ` f 1�\�g..�r, �`�,' ❑ Consullanl pees Paid by Applicant(Initial) xLD ELECT Plr�J MP.c}y 1T N'^rLICE sSEDCON "ION'SDDEC'ILARA'I11OONhJ (/ Q'PY ' ELECTRIC PERMIT PEE rLfJi I hereby amna and I am licenam ander pro,-i.,owd afebapter 9(atntmencing JOB DESCRIPTION C:'aZ wire,Setlloa 11011ofDIvl,lol13aflheli in and Pn IeWon,Code.und niy liuon.ca is pp TI OO '" I'ERMI'I'ISSUANCE CCu'F in full forceline effect. SI93W1. ❑KI'ICIIHN REMODEL aUU License,Clam Lic.N APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL. ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE PIPE Nab DWe Courretnr ARCHI'ILCIS DECLARATION ❑MULTLUNI'r ❑S'I'RUC'I'URA[ . F-O y2 PANE S Z O.'P I underaumd my plan,shall to used as public neo..l, MODIFICATION OZ=- UP TO 21x1 AMPS _ ❑INTERIOR El Cl IIMNHY REPAIR a4�; Licclrscd Prolmaional 201-10M3AMPS IMPROVEMENT SWIMMING POOLS OWNER-IIIJILDER DECLARATION OVER IgxIAhf l'S All . ' 10UF.IJHIEPA 112 DIEMOLI'HON C W a I hereby,frnn mal 1 ant c,empt fate he Conlmn..r',License Law for the !�p$..O t1 U Inllowing leasrm.(Sssdion 1111 IS.11 C,,and Professions Code:Any city nr rvnnty SIGNS ELECTRICAL HER W 3 U.ye which requires a permR to Construct.alter,improve,demolish.or repair any stmnmrc I'll s ne,0s,regnirex me applkunr Hrtsuch l"ooilto Fill,..signal aatemcnt SPECIALCII2CU1"rIMISC. bar be Iwersedp tl,,,hep of do,Cooloreau,urt,n,La.IChair,9 t�V^CSO i,annuan,ift, ')h5 t 10(B f Di,mda loldhe Rti,mes,andl t ..ar,Cositlar TEM P M 1.1 ER OR MIX INST I{� t1 k w that he pt thC,Cf d e e basis t da,s lage,l C-aniption.Any violation of ] I'DIANA DON'.q DE 0 ION Seel 111315 by'rY applicantfra peai hl Is me appl' t 'ail pen,ay of LOWER DEVICES 1J W^m 'I PROV P :RVICE FYY ono,than ltvchundrnl Jnl1na15501». �IMPROVFEMIENT se, ❑hubevv k,roddanot, vemyemployce,wish wages us thcinolC cnmpnnmion. SWIMMING 1'001,ELIECI'RIC _ will do ghc wntk and 0e agmaurC is lmtimm�ded oroffercJ for rule lSec.1044,Busineas O'I'LIER L3 m and Pral sauna,Cale:The Co ono,ad's Lwra,c Law does not apply it un owner of OU'I'hETS-SWITCHES-FI%'1'IJRES property whit build.,... fupn re,ibeaen,and who etre„uea work himself nr garnish his awn nnployces,provided Ilam such impnrcemenr,:rte not intended or oder d for NEW RESIDENTIAL EI,CTR SQ ET. sale.If,hdxevcu the building or lmpmvemmnt stroll withinonc Y°er of cnntpletion.Ihe �� Q 2r T SQ.FEPLOORAIIHA SISQ.ET. ciLitt M1udd,will have the huNmn of paving that he dd nor bull)or improve for par- T t,owne q S 2 I,m owner or the Patpclty,ten caala,i dad contacting wish IEcen,W atmmnotx re, 4 3 O addict me project(Sec atwa,naame„ane,rrore„iana cadC)'r¢cmnm„ar',1.i- Cease Low does notpplyg Carrier ofl pony who build..tit iroprovesber-Con,and QTY PLUMBING PERMITFEE. f whit t t;1' 1 f l t. cant s (O i ,cdpr tt Be,C tmuas Q Lice Ie, PERMIT ISSUANCE f�,k n can der , ,B&PC frit(.rca,on ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER IP,A) VALUATION All r me O 1CIIR'S _ IPENSATION DECLARATION HACK FLOW PROIEC'11.DEVICE 3 `3 7 r� tN I heaF add, edally or perjuryone of the Whorring declamgicns: CJ 11 uvoanwill maintainuCe,ifie.nal Consunuo self-innurcfn.Work,,Gnnpen- DRAINS-PLOOR,R00F,ARIEA.COND' S'IY)RIIES 'f VPE CONS'I'RUCI ION ,as provided for by Sward 3100 of the labor C de,for me permmwneC of me lin which this permit In issrmA. FIX'I'USES-PER TRAP Q I have and will maintain Worker's Contpn,nion Insurance.as dapiral by S,Cllnn 311x1 of the Labor Club,It me perfroutnal ofrhe work far w hinh ghis permit is issued. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.4 OUTLETS OCC.GROUP APN My Work� Cpmperyyuoii lnrimnce Cuvier and Policy numlmr ate: Carrier:' 1L 1NMti[� Policy No.: I GAS-EA.SYS'IIEMOVER 4(I7A) CIEILrIFICATE 017 EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASEIINDUS'IRL WASTE INTIERCF,P'IOk ('LTi,felonneodn..I be CumplCned iUhC permit is for one hatulrealdallna IS 100) BUILDING DIVISION PINS GHIiASE'I'ItAP - � - -/0 ,12- nor Z O or lea.) I'LANCHCCK PI!I! I certify that in[lie perfommnceoflhe work fafwhich lhLs pemtir isi„ued,(shall SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200171'. nor employ any Pe ,inmy manner at us to hecnn¢nuhj,C,In the W..kea'Ci EN ENEIIG ''.5 S f Z ,mien laws of Califnmiu.Ila¢ WAIER HEATER WNIENUE-LECfR GRAlll�l Go z C) Applinnn _ h 7- NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,uf¢r making his Certilieae of IExemplinn,you should WATER SYSTEMOBEA'I'ING become suhjCC,m the Worker's Cn apem,mien provisions of he Lubar Cade,you must SO]. lkI Eaddo,lh comply with such provisions nr this permil stall be deemed revoked. WA'IERSERVICIE A CONSI D thatto RlICT10NLENDING AGENCY NEW I2ESIIlEN'I'IAl.PhMH. SQ.FI'. PAID U Q Iherchy affirm manhere invcnndmetion len ding agency for perfnmmnee of Dwe Recdptd H mewerk for whichpermit ie I„uaJ(Sec.31191,Civ.C.) a ULender's Name Lender',Addre,, O1 : F1 I Certify that I havc read thio application and stele dmf the above adnnnxdon is e BUILDING ITT, 93 ,7 h Correct.Iagaemamtply'that City and county onlitmmce,and state law%reining to QTY. MECHANICALPERMI', ITE •,-z 70 U Z bnlldingcomsunctiun,nnd herebynuthornpi .en, ,eninivu,of this City taunter upon the SEISMICITIE d above nmtalcon l property far inspection Purposes. PP.RMIT ISSUANCE Q (WC)agree m save,indemnify; I kap butene'the City it cupertino ugzinm ELECTRIC PER 1) f 7 S Iixbilities,pol,rrtis,,lel,and expense,whid,may inany way acarueagainstand City ALTER OR ADD'IO MECH. co nsequenceofi grin t dapemit, PLUMBING FF.Ii r APPhICANT ON P ."I' AN WILT.COMPLY WITH ALL.NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNI'I'1'IOIO,IXxICPM) MECHANICAL h1iIE SOUHCF.1;" ,U O ✓ 2/_ Alit HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000CPM) CONS'rRI1CIION'I'AX Slgnamr unuct, n D, , EXHAUST HOOD(WIDUCD HOUSING MITIGATION PEE, HA' R IIIJSAINHIRIN,SDISCLOSURIi Jlrheapplic orfdurebuildingoccvpaotsmre..r, handle haaanlous mamrinl I IEA'1'INC.UNIT(To i(M. 1(ITU) :m defined by Iho Cu Winn Municipal Ctde,Chuen 9.12,and me Ilculm line Safety AIIIOde,SccOom 255321x)” HIEATING UNIT(OVER[08.1x)0 H'IU) CRsP1,N VIEN'rILA'fION VAN ISINGLI:RESIII) PAID Will the u liC,Cl nr fit, buildin g use er ui t ie device,which Dae - RCCC”( p PP dbythevn l it Ga BOILER-COMP CHIP OR 100,000 BTU) Emil i'll us air cannminunt,as dclinw by the Hay Arca Air Gaudily Manvgcmem TOI'AW i_sVi,99 ❑Yas BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,0 ]1 CB�j No N1 . AIR CONDITIONER have mad mo M1uenWans mat eii.d"C"pdremcnt,under Chupmr 695 of the Cali- ISSt1ANCF. ATF. tfomia Health&Safely Je, xi,25505,25533 and 25534.1 undcmmd mm Bthe NEN'RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.IW. buildimsdoesnom e y I tam mnitarn,respomihilif,in Ofy tae nmupmt oldie - Cn 'el y n priarmismanecamcaff of 0 fainly �Q . Ow�mr< t / / Z lore >'1' Y ISSIJEDIIP ( "� OFFICE POPA ENGINEERS Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CITY o- CUF�EkTINO i1411EY 16)7- �- Z T THS >f+ 82U� R ENS y-R p,7icCT- /tNd N'6 /T 1 vU !rff OZ�� grizU0U ,+-_L fi�C'iU�� �Q2!\( S � .� bE7fi'LS oQPOFES$/Q� P. W No.0038645 R, EW T31/0 � *sj OVI1 p q�OF CAUPOQ�\ • GOLDEN VALLEY OFFICE CENTER 2542 South Bascom Avenue • Suite 102 • Campbell, California 95008 Phone: (408) 559-4202 FAX: (408) 559-3628 -� �� 0 .. �. :r POPA ENGINEERS Inc:. ... r,,STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS i; of , • .111, C t'T-r oq- Cu Pe P of c tie : for I - z �� v�4��r• U A-L 18 *7- eX7U- C OZ /✓Y tFE R£ vewr Q Peyvu'NQ 8 ",G Re usC-a . '91M Ce >" i=,X7C-?qUQ . PZYHdVb sre*73Ae -- 2vf5 • aQ�L� F1rfT+c " ryUi11L �'S7'RJ(i�7>c 7� //piQ,/P�/7sfL 1VA-Z OCY0144 � 1 i1M ?rs O� A7'l"f (:WYderc 4 H-6,+R_ IW sf L L . /N 7H s 2V A Y� UBNT OA!Ml VQ S '1/1/it1 NOr cs;>�tilihU+o�rS�— 7;',E 1SJtE+42 �h'.�1N��'E7V Q>•F-> C-��rY- StlHYLA YW ffift� A-5c Y Q4ES7/0A4s K��*►P.��IG M6 . QROFESS/pN P. cU No. rn m s Exp.3131 1 *sf4�pFu� P,� MAR 0 8 2000 D ey • GOLDEN VALLEY OFFICE CENTER 2542 South Bascom Avenue • Suite 102 Campbell, California 95008 Phone: (408) 559-4202 FAX: (408) 559-3628 � ZA. DATE JOB NO, Consulting Engineers;4621 n r c !C, •99 425 ROLANDAy PROJECT OAKLAND, CA �t (fin k (510) 568-4 01 'ZZ� C� TION ACTOR OWNER �� C(•'C WEATHER TEMP. , Date Or 4�r,l+�+' I� I , r 9 Y r�G/ °at AM Hours Charged To Project 2 Nuclear Density Tests PRESENT AT SFE Field Task Number------ Concrete Cylit ders, # T THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: rr ' f�,+ -`.), F C �� ". !rCi_r , r',I-'C� t_I::' YP i, ��,`k:C(7 4� • C.I- �f f:1�,✓+r !, ^�. , �r {' 'a l•U2 ? 2' I,lr', C tr.QP r-4, C; (.e 'T7) Qf- k s.)C 111r �`x� 4.r1e1 Jetx+.{- r�nlr.r'� IU- I'> • iQ J f' II i-rrh ••r 's t7e°u�• �:•f .,1�r- (- ,r,. , J • t`�rn„,>«•G , .(' `'» , + (-n e^/ne'n h^rr- nleiI-) , t,lr: hrr rl COP Ie- .�J r. c . ,. cc”( rr y�,R-1�' , �\fYf +' l,ilP JLC /T ._ l'.G( �t• i-zI e. „; .,f n Ij- (CuI r " r"r'r'PC y—ri + TU i' , ., (. rrr0e r.,), I-tn CSL"- C'CC !-(x , ri, { lcecA.iP» u , r(nhriV: � S�'c C Lr.) I✓61 ?7-t kn , `). -l7i �fCac;�✓� �, t"C . COPIES TO SIGNED / � f AGENCY JZZA • 0 DATE JOB NO Consulting Engineers and Scientists _ , 3 .17 , 425 ROLAND WAY PROJECT OAKLAND, CA 94621 (C I I r. thPs.cl hr, I (510) 568-4001 LOCATION r l ..� "pf - 11 TO �r_1 ITC-r rr'1 P a♦ CONTRACT R OWNER J1 �f e l f . +c,I Date /�1'�r'.I ,y\" 1�. t.. IC4� (,,�OYIjCCGV WEATHER TEMP. A ;—at AM / �r� �5- at PM Hours Charged To Project :Z - Nuclear Density Tests �/' PRESENT AT SITE /' ( r rC(Q L1 Field Task Number r z Concrete Cylinders_ +'4-+ THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: ((''� 0.1 Fey e c—, rp QLi I'-ll•Pr' P"(- Fr✓11�✓1(i I.-.S-la.e l r' ♦ T 1'11r+- l � l H (�T r�p : ,-�`. rr V.r 1� , (�.,r'r�G..l ;a,,1- rl )o - n1-,.♦G'• t'rT .Cr l- /- G;L G� re 'u- 0 "11 . "Jr. C. r, tl I"Rr. . :'.r. .t1-C �, . �' �r,. 1� F ., r_ r i'1 „ I'r, CIr1r `J .'I Jr I-, r , \ 71y ra )f'v`P (.' ll cl (' I \, ('^ . _P rl- rQr la 'e •.�,'i !'i-'`� 1-. 1 r it S -t r ka (,I ), f-(, P�.' „ r 1- {Cell s C rrr(r n 1 r), ,c.Y' •>LTJ / a• "�(PCiI-�,' C.Y' S, 1-'C ' �-T1'22 Fr-��.I-Tnn ; 'Y'LY�,H�n `. .r�)r'' �-k.2..�G r4 L. 1-' �eC 'HfC�1 r,. C/. ( ., 0C rx r"� ye C"r 11111 tr I I G(P-A r, x_{11 : 1 riv 71-1y1 C� I$• T "x{{e (u t-"l \ Or 1 74fk ), r `r,,,.A `11iaIr- T1 U / r t k Ir� 1�1nLr -T-0 lir I p.. 11P I r"' -, (ACI r, (`r , k 1- / )p c 1 1/C. 1 „ i \ ,.• 1r,. r 1 r+ )!e 1 I r/ - 4,i,-r.1 e.I 1 V, 1 1l -.r (4 1A r I%r-r( U / i.'Y ICt Yr) 17,`, pe'r't , ,r•1 Gt I^♦r� 1 1 r A 1 -r✓'(,r�1'r'1/` o+ . r•1 -7-11( X 1 - I I e I irl, l II nr. rr l-I A --.4 ,�„ •n (A „A :� '�If? _r7 'I ) L.i Y1♦..r „ Y r 4 . ,, � I;r.�-. %--r1�r �r:r�l-i r=r: 5 � 1.Ir ht-ce r � (�” r 1,k• , Cr1 !"r. , t ' .1 IA 141 t"C, 1✓1> -)Ge hcl � � :. COPIES TOFIELED o Cep L - -- �� - � SIGNED .- - AGENCY OCT-20-99 WED 00 :07 Am P. 02 MARVIN D. KIRKEBY • 2397 FOREST AVENUE SAN JOSE,CA 95128 (408)984-0331 October 19. 1999 Job No. 96061 Building Department 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: Hammond Way Lot 2, Tract No. 9054 Gentlemen; Please be advised that the foundation forms for the subject house have been inspected for compliance with building setbacks as shown on the approved plans. I herchy state 0INT the forms are as shown on the approved plans. If further information is required please contact the undersigned. Y urs truly, o0 d0 IWO h arvin D. irkeby FO%lE/E'dX3 y Registered Civil Engneer aY 40^vl. 'aN SS 1 • OCT-20-99 WED 08 :06 PM P. 01 MARVIN D. KIRKEBY 2397 FOREST AVENUE • SAN JOSE,CA 95128 (408)984-0331 October 19, 1999 Job No. 98061 Building Department 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: Hammond Way Lot 2, Tract No. 9054 Gentlemen; Per Section 7014 of the Uniform Building Code, we have inspected the rough grading tett the subject lot and hereby state that it is in substantial conformity with the approved grading plan. Finished building pad was measured to be with 0.2 feet, plus or minus, u;' the approved design grades. If further information is required please contact the undersigned. • Ypti�'111 d0 AO& a�0 �tA1O ��rs Marvin D. Kirk by Registered CiviLFngineer T 1.0041 'ON f y oy 3y, �a , _ J •