S 2453-APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPF RTINO RUILIIING - RLIiC'I'HICAL BUILDING DIVISION APIa1.ICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING -MECHANICAL RUII.IIING PROJECT IDI'.N l'IFICCI'ION. PERMIT' NO, RUILUINGADDRCSS'. 22179 HAMMDIQth WAY </;UpE-zTMb 9SO14 Z SANf['All Y NO ,IJ%/ API'I.ICAI'ION S'l BMITI'AI, DAH! - TI 4 OWNER'S NANIE: PHONE: THF - o $21EW GI20L1P &0-377-03Ov CON'TRACTOR'S NAME: IJC NO: -1NE,0'SRltnl GRP- 6R I N/C ❑ CONTROL at ARCIII'IF.CI'/ENGINEER: LIC NU: SorCasTAaa4i7-v-C= 2440 ADDRESS: ^� 13Cc¢li�R4Tf flA7/r #71oi`:A)f�k7 CON 'JAM: PHONE: �92.l010(7 .. 13U ILDINO PEIiMI'f INFO r p Gv AESUA 41S -669 -48o; -7y —7 �Rz �Gl ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED D CONO RAC ORS DECLARATION -aft!.... o I 1 by th 1; I lCImN ' he � g withS I J00e dU '- 3uflhs l3uk ess ngyn,fcsst "�J( dmllttn-e is inf full force I Bal Y (/ QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT _ FEE I' JOB DESCRIPTION RFSIDENTIAI.: ❑SFDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL PERMIT ISSUANCE D APPLIANCES-RESIDHNTIN, LIr CI.:s GCN Dal:— C -s OHCJ( A CIII'rreare D,imbli est--, mukrsanW my plum mall reared m public record. ❑ADDRION ❑I%UMHING RIi.I'IPE ❑h1UhTI-UNIT CI STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION PANELS UPT02W AMPS ❑IN'rPRIOR ❑GIIIAfNIiY RIiI'AIR IMPROVEMENT E) SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMOTEIJREPAIR []HE MLUTON ❑ Ofi1ER Liamed PmfcAinnal Oin Time iUH.DEIt DI3 he ContractoRATONr's Law for the I barely . tSe. that 1 vm exempt from the G,niara,ode: An, following mous... (Section J Business and Professions Any city nr county 201-1000AMPS OVER 1000AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL. h,m 1 my ...... I I I h p J I' p y srodmre —ha ryl E / L n prr t I I. rcq ❑ ell by 'O rl b J:I mmum ,n SPECIAL CIkCU1T/MISC utE I J1 io, s a 11 p r t0 Contractor's I' (ChapterY 'r1:Ml'ME'fEIi OR IalL131N5'I'. �,TL-�� COMMEI2CIA .: ❑ NI7W BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION e (u„nc umals Section JraN3)n1 have, 30 he HBs nu nllnit sines Unit) or ("unmeaning Ihut he rs exempt thvrcfrom and th, basis for the alleged exempmn. Any violation of POWER DEVICES Sectlon7031.5 hy:my applicant for n Permit subjects the applicant four civil penalty (i1 not morelhon five hundred dollors (851X). ❑ 1.asownerains, propeny, or my omployces with wages as lhedrsolecompenmtion, will do the work and the simctareis not intended or offcred for sale (See J04J.Iff"iorss ❑ TENANT ❑ 1,001) SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER S GPOOL ELECTRIC and Professions Cnde: 'rhe Con scio s License Low docs Bol apply m on ower, of O-SWITCHIiS-FI OURES prefer whp builds or improves thempa, and who does such work nintself or through hi,,mpleyecs, ..00id ,I that such impro encs one nal intended .. offered fur NEW RESIDE rlAI. ELECI'R SQ PT. SQ Fr. FLOOR AREA VSQ. Fn site. 11. awevcr.the haldingorm,porniver s sold within one yeas, I'suplction. the - owner -builder will hate the buMen of proving that he did not build or improve fnrpur- ,� e of solo,). .IA I. us nwncr of the proper, am ciclinoely m earefing wilh licensed comb: cons to IOIAL: TTT xmtcl the project (Sec. 704TBusiness and Professions Gaic:)TTc Conlrnesors Li ,en,p Lawdor, nut upplymm: nwncr nfprnperty who holds or Improves lhere,mnml QTY. PLUM PERMIT FF.Ii wharh) wit pn.aam to Iheeammetar, PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law ]Ism e.¢n undrr Sec. a& PClarthis reason - AhIT3ft-DkA1N & VENT '-WATIiR WA) O t IG� •fit'¢.Dan 1 -7 VALIIA'r10N BACK FLOW PROI'I!CT. DEVICE WO ili'S COMI'ENSA'IION UECLAItAfION I- I hereby affirm andeti'emsllyof perjury one of lite following deciaradnm: DRAINS- 11.00R. RO(YEAREA, CONE. ❑ I have and will maintain a Cenificotnnf Consent toself-inmre for Worker's Compete stolon, ax ....iff mi for re Section 1]1X1 of the LUM,r Gale, for the pm'lirtmmac of the work for which this pemdt is $TORIES � 'TYPE CONSTRUCTION FIX '1UkFS- PER 'I'RAP ❑ I have and will ewer' w Insurance. ns respired by Section Wnrkm's Ceocc odmaintain 3900 ,h Codethe forreoccur do work forwhichm,h istread, GAS -13A. SYSTEM -I INC.hOU"I'LHTS OCC.GROIII' APN yWih Con sort are: My WorkcYs Compensaion Insurance carriar and Polity numncr are: Cnrnur: Policy No.: GAS - EA. SYSTEM OVER J ILA) ' CEIt'1'IFICAI'12 OF EXEMI"1'ION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCEGREASE/INDUSTRI. (11r,wetin incest nm be completed it the pem,tGe for one hundred cloth,, or In,,) WASTE INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION RFS GREASE 'I'12N' PLeiNCHECK 17EE I mnify that in the performance of the work fur which Ibis pennil is issued. I sM1ali not employ any perste in any local sousm beconm.mblect In the Workers' Com m SE\Viik-SANITARY-STORM EA. Fr. ENERGY IPE WATER HPA'1'ER W/VENT/ELECTR Applecant Laws of CeliLemia. DWc npph Fre NOT ICF.1'0APPIACAINL:IL afsrnukingthis CrnlEcataof Esmnption, you soon ld bemmesnbjeet Io ihr Worker's Comp re'reion Previsions of the Labor Cnde, you must WATIiR SYS'I1iM/1'ItHATING SOI WATIiR SERVICE: farhwalt enmply with such provisiem or mit his pershall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affinm that there is a cnnslmctisn lending agency for the perrnnnance of the wort: to, which ihls pem,it is issued (Sw.3097. C'iv. CJ PAID UJ to Receipts NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL I SQ. FI'. Le ethos Name TOTAL: Lender's Address I OTAL: I cedify that 1 Neve feud this application tied .mar ihm the also, inferno, a is BUILDING ?E - - - Ql'Y. MECHANICAL. PER 1'f i agree mramply want an city and rnamy orhwnraa anJ.umc mwsmmnng a. huttect ilJing conswmion, nnJ hereby ewhonze rupresen Wlivea of this city to cote upon Ibu - . .: NIIC hili ' YEItMI'I' ISSUANCE ELECT RIC FI 3 d O abroe-mentioned properly for inspection pari -es. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenino against AIITLRORADDTO MECH. PLUMBINGI ' Ilnhilities, judgmentu,costs and expenses wbicM1 may in any why acerae ugain.a said Ciry ,re"re"we or g o tiro granting lof p AIR HANDLING ONI'r(TO 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL 'E APPLICANT UN CRSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH At.[. NON -POINT APPLICANT SOI1kCE iGU COO' AIR HANDLING UNI'I'(OVER 10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION X LUwe / Signaumoof Applicant/Gra l MATERIALS DISCLOSURE. EXHAUST IIOOU (WIWCr) HOII5ING MI'TIGAHDN THEHAZARDOUS HEATING UNIT (TO 100,009 BTU) Will the applicant or future builiingrrenpant store or handle hazaNnus material as defrvd by the C'nperti nu Mur lcipul Calc, Chnplcr 1) 12, and the Ileahh l I Safety Cala Scrimp 25532(a3^. � HEATING UNI', (OVER 11X1,1100 BTU) El Yes ❑Nn PAID -" Ilam R -my, # VEN"I'ILATI(IN FAN [$INGI.Ii RLSID) BOILER -COMP (3HPGR 1(X).000 R'IV) Will the applicant or Tuts a building by the ml use ea Air rue or devices which emit haennlnus air contaminants as JcOncA by the Bay drat Air Qnoliry Management District' E] Yes (?�No AL' BOILER- COMP (OV HR 100,000 BTID AIIt GOND I'I'I ON17R I have rwd the heart lmyuiremmns unnrr Charterer b.95 of he Cnli- mal Heald, ably Cdsle, tions 355115,15533 and 355:6. I unJCNanJ that if hire nrti11 nnc� trarmn ly : - I,,' ,th' 11 is n,v re.npomihi ily to mice,, mo accrtnant ISSUANCE mm �, "'eeelll NEW RFSIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. Fm nb car em t�wni< ripe mi asa:mro ofacelnfrlthanr ISS LED BY: I Owner nc:utt horinnl agent Duo 'r(YPAL', OFFICE