00080094 crBUILDING Uo'N DIVISION lPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE 2.0730 GREENLEAF DRIVE JUST WATER HEATERS INC 00080094 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. J. C. DEACHA 1764 NATIONAL AVE 08/14/2000 O�O ZQARCIII'1'F 1/1iNGINELR: BUILDING PERMIT INFO u (510) 293-9901 Luc F.LF.0 PLUMB CH LICENSED CONTRACIOR'S DECLARATION z n• I bercbv ammt Ilial I am Bernard unser 9bommerefn Job Description rro,hann� fchst a n er g F,HF-yt with5egion](k1H)of Di:cin Jof the Budnessand l'mressi...Code,aadmy lire... a I, is in full force and a t, r aeaTass I.iccnse Cl71%dj}— S DELI 1M D{j'Iy4}T1vrV _ Contracts - - F re ` ARCHITECTS t a,Pu A "g deml:mdtnyplar,snnBb Isedasplimiarecords REPLACE 40 GALLON WATER HEATER GrG es o Licensed Prarmsinntl a Py s OW NI:12-BUuipt DECLARATION 1 hereby a(Orm on 1 um eBusine s an the Contractor's License Low for IM C5 a liillnwing renaon.(Semon]OJIS,Business and I'mfasloro Code,Any city or enunly N tF C which requires a permit to constm n.alar.improve,demolish,ar repair any unanchor r,3= prin miuiauana,alsorequire,the applies..launch pemtirm file.signedaa¢ment that he is licensed pu¢wnl..thepreb,mo,of,he Comment,License LawlChapter 9 S Ft. Floor Area Valuation Icmnme..agwith Section7ddsBnf Division 3.[,he Business and Pmfeaal Code), q' or that he is exempt Nerefmm and the basic for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not room than firchundred dollars lSS«B. . APN Number Occupancy Type ❑1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, $887 will do the work,and the struma..B not intended or offered for sale(Sec"7ID4, Baume,,and rrafasiam Gale:The Gomm,....'.License Lw due,tot apply In air Required Inspections owner or ,act,who builds or'mtpmves 1h,c o r cod who does such work noweir X633042. 00 - ,rfourthhi cke,ce, ilal iht h' p ver t t' teadmlo 32 ullenal Ro sale.If,however, l I d bng or hapimserierni is sold within(me year of - -- •.. corilifiction,the owner father ill basell 1 f prorvan,math fd ,rhld ,r , "p f purpose "` a' I ) 502 — FINAL. PLUMBING ENERGY 01.as owner of the pro,may,an excsu>ivay contracting with licensed contractor,in 506 — GAS TEST cons mm the project(Sec.]BW,Business and I'mossion.c Cade:)The Contractor's Llcerve law does act appy'to a a nvivaof Pmpcny who bobbin improv.>Ihcrenr. 507 FINAL PLUMBING and who contracts for such projects with a c antra s)licensed pursuant it the - Contracmis License Law. ❑Ium exctnPl under Stt. ,B&PCfee this..all ` Owner Date WORKER'S COh1PEN5A'1'ION DECLARATION h I hereby atria under perahy or perjury one of the following deelamcmns: (� ) ❑ I have and will maintain it Ccnilicme of Cni,,ent m roll'-insure for Workul'y - 6 C.... ser,alivar m provided fnr by Suction 1700 .I'the Labor Gxlc'far the / pear ounau'c of the work for which ihis permil is ixared, ❑I have and will maintain Worker k Cn up.....am Insam.ce,as required by Section a /o 3]1X1 at the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this pemtil is issue).My Waded Compensation Insumnc.,artier and Poplicyl!n��umber,v((,,e(�: Caboaa n� Policy��03 0— 1 /) CERTIFICATION OP EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Tfu,sermon need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollar IS 100).r raxf ' ,unify Ihit In the"Rome ance III like wrnk fnr which Ibis Perm,,is issued,I Ahall ran cop,any person in any inuaocr s..as 4.o become,object ,, he Workers' '. r peltxnlii a Laws of California.Dam pplicant NOTICE:TOAPPLICANT:if, ],a,making:hiss Criifcatc of Excaptinn,you should become subject to the W'orker's Compenection provisions of the Labor Code,you most Q 0 Grthwair comply with such provisions or this permit shall de deemed revoked. z ^ F" CONSTRUCTION LENDING anit,a Y a4. 7 I hereby which Nat there iss anted(See. lending vgency(or the performance of the work for which this permit is issue)Istt.J(MJ],Civ,C.) L Lender's No. � z Lender:Address C.7 1 certify that 1 have read this application t.d state that the above information is W [.. correct.I agree Ip comply with all city and entry ordinances and state laws rehaing 0 C.1 m building eomvvcuan,and hcmhyaull r,,.m,csconams aphis city..enmrup,an - 'n, G,] the a r ve-a entimted properly fnr impccda.pnrpu,va. - E. Qat fWe)agree las ,indemnify and keep houric,a the City of Cupertino against 15 liuhililic,judgments,costs and expenses w nth may In any way accrue tgaina said V z City in......rence of the granting of this permit. ^ APP ICANTUNDERSTAND. NDWILLCOMPLYWITHAL NPOI Issued T I RCEREGULATI S. d b y' Date gnmurern Date Re-roofs RDOUS MATFRI S DISCLOSURE x511 the applicant m fmure building acopam store or handle horallom mus eri:d Type of Roof it,defined by the Cupvrtino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety code,Section 25512(a)? 0Ye9 ' J''"" All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will he appri.ant or rutlire Inklingneanpnal use equipment ar device.whish If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit ha,mdous nor Onamniums a,de Grad by the Pray Arca Air Quality M,mm ageont liotrix:? all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Yaw ElNo,­ all non-point source regulations. - I have read the resurrects..aerials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Cade,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 undemmnd Ther iflhebuildiagdcesnotcunentlyltave tetmn thatitis my Asprntsibiliy to notify the occupant of the require s which n sl be i el prim to issuance rat Certifies..of /Decnpmmy. Signature of Applicant Date allran m esagen Date All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better