01060039 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION p IT CONTRACTOR INFO CATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: - PERMIT NO. 21685 GRANADA AV 01060039 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE • BAUER SHEPHERD & ROSS 06/07/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. \. D OO w w0 0 ARCHITECT/ENCIN[GR://�� B ILDING PERMIT INFO a a s / ! BLDG Lu - PLLI MECH ia LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION c S y— I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under Job Description D i_ Y a tidos P oe xi ,Cad nad(commencing FH t-m with Section]000)of Division lofthe Business and Profusions Cale,and my license Rx.-c 1,i. uIlf tralofre 4$STGO REPAIR. O i License Clazs Lic,p Date - - Contractor ARCHITECT' 5DECLARATION EMERGENCY REPAIR OF WATER DAMAGE . Sup cxntol 1 underxmnd my plans shall be axed as public recoNs Y i o:po O Licensed Professiowl �j�, `1- n OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION — 1 hereby sham that 1 an exempt Rambo Contractor's License Law far the ?< following reason,(Section 703 1.3,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county �\ ✓�C � �C tT , I x❑ which requires a permit mnstruct,coalter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure V v /� li /•� J Y f n 3—F prior to ixuLance,also requinckh ppl t for such Permit to rile a signed statement that he N lectordlonl6al to the provurmi,tIfthe Contractor,Licra,c Law(Chaptee9 S Ft Floor Area Valuation (c rnmemm�g wuh Sect m70011)a[Divis nJsfthe Bus'n pd,Pr fcssions Code) , a' y ,«+ :9 . '15, -. .. t '•�. ar that he i5 ekmpt thercfnim and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation '" - S Iection 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit stmiects the applicant to a civil penalty 2I Occupancy Type rntnmrmniR nvehundred ealmtstssw). APNNumber "r.+:,� . „ ❑Las owner of the prnpeny,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, i will do'the work.and the structure is not intended or-offered for.ale(see.70". Required Inspgst ^ I'' ' 'Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Lew docs not apply to an jI$ owner of prnpeny Who builds lir improves thereon,and who does such work himself . Y A e C or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are not.intended.or __ ._.._ .-_1.O 1._.-.. FOUNDATION.__ __ _ ._,_ __.. ..- a -bfferzd for isle:IL'however,the building or improveecm is sold within one year of - ------- __.__.._. completion,the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 102 - PIERS improve ; 'FEB- 1 2 2002 for purpose oriole.). - - - -- - -' - - 103__-...UFER.-. —no exclus maing with contrac ors ,Li lens Law ofIN, an owerofycontsmtho builds or d rsaam,erson, _105._ r _ANCHOR_BOLTS___._._ ./ p. . .• f v construct the project(Sec.71ki Business and limitations Cade:)The Contractor's 104 REBAR ,, License Law dos not apply to an owner of prnpeny who builds of improves thereon, BUILDING Commerce,License for p w a.con tilt __.� 'c. CantmexempItcnalaw. 106 - SEWER & WATER:-. ._. .__.__-_ .._...._..._ - - _ ❑lamescmpt under Sec.' � � ,B&PCfonhis reason �`:J"'�)0 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING " s WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL :';• - Thereby affirm under.penalty of perjuryane of the following declarations: 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME ❑ 1 have and will inimmin a CmiError of Conant to self-m ure for Worker's 2 05 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION p Compensation, as previded for b Section 37W of she Labor Code for the /trrarm,ve or me work for which Itis p omit it is...d.. 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING '- - '1 have'mil maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 302 — TL` B & OR SHOWER PW at the Labor Coxi for the performance of the work for which this perms is .: issued,MyWrker'sCompesit InsurncecandPoltc,ynumlocare. MECHANICAL._,- - ca (Qt:ti4�EtlNti'('bhrtyNa,:N7�51�15+�B' 30:4-t ', ROUGH':'rELECTRICAL FROM,WORKERS' - - - .r. COMPL'NSATION,(INSURANCE _------ __305--=.._FRAME "CFRTIFI AT O (lin.xatmn ed nm M:rn npineJ if tM1e permit is far one hundred dollars 306 = HOliDOWNS ' (g1(MII I sd ._.307 -. _INSULATION... . 'nx9i Ic Ip,Itllhpl tefth workf " hsh pe` t .issued:I t ull�'/Yrfl -. _.. tau t 'tploy'anylwvoto I, namoc,so as 'noeon b3 tl kha'Workers 308 - SHEETROCK.�°i1 , rion bNOTIgET'OAPPLIANI.it,�itter Worker., pickatethis nfs'tf theExh°Icaar Ya mold _ _ - 309 -EXTERIOR LATH ... ..-.. .- -__.'._ ..._ ... ... _ _.. 310 - INTERIOR LATH nr Q P. 0 firm tbtply h p h ons I, this front shall he d em d revoked, ZZss .. wum311-------SCRATCH'-COAT _ CONSIRUC,rIONLENDINGAGENCY 313 — ROOF NAIL ' t - Ihereby frinn that the o web n le ti ng agency for the performance " - W Q 'afth afar which his ti it. issued Sec.Joy? c c) _a - 501- —FINAL -ELECTRICAL ENERGY- -- -'— --- --- 6i Q " Lender s Name - Z 6npera'Aa1 t. 4 502 - FINAL PLUMBING' ENERGY U'O r I cerify that I have read this aFlicalion and$rate that the above information is 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL RGY correct.1 agree to comply,with all city and county oNinance.s and state laws relating .:0. V .whuildingcommiction.andherchyaathone,reptesemativesofthiscitymenterupon 504 - FINAL BUILDING E W Ithe all mentioned Fort for inspection partitives._ af F alW'el.agrsetosave.indemnify and keep handess&CityCupArmagainst 505 .--FINAL ELECTRICAL -Vi liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may;in any way accrue against said G.z City in rota rote of the gmmA ah nn MP - 'AP A�' U DERS +NOSA ' 'ILL bIPLY WTfH ALL NON 0 / _= Ltgr un I. . Issued EST tq,L�C(, Dale Igo heollIcan6ZAlot M,kTERIAL5015CLOSURE _.nahe Re-roofs08 - FINAL MECHANICAL wBt leant rt building pant stare ort m ha'rardowmatend - Typeo58'&bf- .FINAL. GRADE. .. as difiredby the C.,omm Mande,I A ' Chrter912 ad h Health and Safety code,Section ass32u r - A i 510 'FINAL' PLANNIING _ All roc�sl4alLbeligspAlgd.p MlyMy Vf(Dfpjl;8material being-installed. 'Will ta pplit nt.1 faine building necpantase eq pmemo Ill which' If a root is iilstalledlwithout first obtaining an inspecDoln%f agreeto.remove emit hazardous air comm Iv ,g Id by the Bay Area A QualityM agement District?, / _ P PP - d_wlll,comply with , . Cl yes oNa t a new materials inspection. A hcanj understands an. - allnon-point source regulations., I hdvc rkd 6Th haiaNtios maierinls rcquiremanm imuerChapter�6.95 of the California Health&Surety Cale.Sections 25505.25533 and 25534 1'code rsmnd that „if th b Idll J es nal rtl,w Mtveat m Thi is my p sbbty to notify the nth }eyui h whi -t 1 prior miffs t ce i f a'Ccniftsac of °`° ay;� Signature of Applicant Date oa� l g _s _. ., . ._.. ow'erora aed�lin, Al] roof coverings to be Class B" or better ,. .. _. ..-... OFFICE .. ..... .. . . .. .. __