23797 i APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pro M Identip¢tion PERMIT NC). BuW ing Addrm - L-OT S 23797 _rod G-Raos�� c�t��t� rex. in dO.vf11 233-%06 CnY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Contntm'a Name APPLICATION I PERMIT L Kaj '^ BU LDINGELK'IRICALPLUMBING ML HANICAL CATEGORY COMIROL N kee/Englrmec . BUILDING PERMIT INFO e Q ELECIIUCPERMFr - FEE 43, . a (_ PFRh4'1'ISSUANCE -^— a ICENSED CONTRACTOR5 DECLARATION L(J [hereby tfbm thutlem lkmxd undo providxu of Chapter9(mmmen APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DE'CRLPHON ingwlth Smt n7V00)of Div1,1m3ofthe Butl and Pmfessl Code, dmy [item.b In fullf dLICN effect 33 PANELS j LI¢ xa, __ nClaS�wc� Date 1.1c.1 or UP TO 2DO ANUS ARCHITECT c - 201-1000 AMT'S 92 7undeeMaM rr7 pion.Mollis.urd upubkc remrdu OVERIOOOAMIS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. CO (� L)¢rmed Pmfn,bnal SIGNS ELECTRICAL1 ^ st)4 - OWNER-BULDER DECLARATION Ct' 4 1 hereby affirm tham Contractor'.tI aexempt from the Contor'.Llex.Law fee the SPFLIAL CItCUrT/MLSC 0 9 following recon.(Seaton 70315,Bushes.ant Profedona Cade Any city orI}]s'3.MIFCFR OR POLE IN I r„ e� county whleh requira permit to eurmtrut,alter,lmprwe demolish,or replr T �4 any rtr m prior to lb bvame,alw requ�the applicant for such permit to G`o Rle a signed Yatement Out he b Itonex d pun Cant to the pmvdlorm of the POWER DEVICES Q6 Con actm' L{cerme Law(Chapter9(mmmenMgMilt Seton 7000)ofDM- I 3�e slon3ofthe Buainem and Pmfeub¢Code)orthrthebexempttheefmm.M SVI34UNG POOL C VALUATION oG tk boats for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70715 by any - ry r applleam fora permit wbteta theappliant too civil pevhy of one more than O HES-FDnURES iV �• _�� r� five hundred da11a.(55M. z� n 1,u owrer of the prop nty,or my employm olth wages u th it wle NEkR*FNTLAL ELFCLR STORIES TYPE CON'MUCUON mmpenat on,wiflclothr work,andthe structure b rot intended or offend for O ale(Sec 70K Bu,lrcv and Prnf.imm Code:The Contactor.Urerme Law til S� docs not apply to an ownerof propertywho bWlda orimproves thenor,and OCC.GROUP REB.IJNRS whodoeseuchworkhlmaelf¢t gh M,ownemployees,pevdedthatsuch Improvements are not Intended oroffernl fexr le.If,however,the building mdidI Improvement baold with:norcyearofcompletbn,thewmer-buWerwlll have - t rden of prorina that he dnae wild or improve for purpue of sale.). QTy. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE "1,to,owner of the property,am exclusively mntractng with li¢n,ed FLOOD ZONE APN oontator to ostrut the pm*d(Sec.70M,Businem and Prvfeabm Code: PFRMR ISSUANCE . . The CoMntor'a Lion a Law clan not apply to an owner W property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WA=TA) Wilde or improve domene,�and who mrrcnaa for,ueh PPje ta with a - - gLt(act Bre pursuant to the Cantratora Ll¢ra,Law. FEE SUMMARY c LJ 1 am exempt under Sec B&P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE ORAINSH.ODR ROOF,AREA CONTI. SANITARY Y_ N— Owncr DateRFCEII'f N �I WORIGIAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby affirm that I have a rertlRate,M ocownt to sell-Iwre,or a FD(nJRES PER TRAP SCHOOL FAX Y N_ I mrtl(1¢tem(Workm'Campematlmlvunn¢xa¢nl(led mpythereof pec. - RECEIFT . `}(I 39W,Iab C) GAS EA.SYSTEM-1I ,icfu TLEIS PARKME Y N I aky N GAS FA.SYSTEM-OVER d(EA) RFCFlPf N m Y �1LBUILDWG DMSION FEES .. CertNed ropy b filed hereby the eLty CREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLA➢'IC+ry,.�( CartNed mpybfl4d with the city lmpeabn dlvialon. IVB Iv(L�JC� ` _— l CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS S'A'SE TRAP pAlp COMPFNSATIONWSURANCE sLWElHSANTfARY siORM EA.2ofIFT Date Recei t# CThor cation need n¢be eunplted Ilthe permit b(more hundred dollen ($1w) IWATFRHEATm W/VENT/ELEC7R ENERGYFEE Y_ 'N ¢rtky that In the petamwmof New¢k/arwhleliWspsmde blawed, — I,hall nx employ any p¢rwn N any manner w u m become,ub)et to the WATERSYSIE✓./TREATING O AooBran Compenatbn law,of California.Date PAID 'Z0 NOTICE TO AI'MICANT':H,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENTIAL FLMB. SQFT. Date Re i t# N should became,ub)tct to the Worker'Compeuttlon provbbu ofthe Labor TAL: Code,you most forthwhh mmplywlth ouch provbios,or this permit shall be G W j deemed!rroked. SEISMIC FEE CONSIAlKT10N LENDING AGENCYI. aZ IherabyaBbm thtthmre ammtautionker ,gageryfortWFerfomr ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z .no,of the work for which thin permit la hared Chen'.3097,CW.C.)f PLUMBING FEE fJ 0 Lender.Name LL F- Leeder.Add. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W I¢rtifythrtlhx,,,nxdlhisapphcatbnaM statethtthe.boveinfmmaicn 1 bmrreci.lagreelocomplywkhaBdtyandmuntyoniln.nm dYUf m PFRMITISSUANCE FEES PAID: } N relating to Wilding mnrtrutlon,and hereby authorize representatNnofthb F Z city to enter upon the awrr ve- entio¢d property f¢Inspetlon purpo,ea. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date Revel t# — (We)agree to ave,indemnify an d keep harm].»the City of Cupertino AIR HANDLING UNIT - P agalrert Welee,pdgmew,mrta and expense w k,h may ft,.ywayaovue (TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTA aga Wt,aid City in..,.quer¢of the gaming otthis penNt. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTLONTAX I!Y Signature of Applicant/Cmdracter Date. FXFIAUST HOOD(W/DUCD - CONSTRUCT NTX j'.i /'mat. HAIARDOUSMATERIALSDlS SURE IfE11. lQu�` �^ cp— Wlllthe.ppliaut¢future wilding oavpant.t.m.r handle hazardous HEATING UNITOC,100,030 BTU) Date ei material as defir M by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Ho.lthard Safety 75532(.)? I-DATING IJMT(OVER 100,000 BTU) ❑Ye, No Will the a pplican�re bulldirgamrpam use equlpment or d ewe, VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE hkh emit hazard it mntm3ruMeu deOred by the Bay Area Air p Quality Managemexri Mel BOR.EIZ-CVMP PHPOR1011.0()O BTl1) P M D 4 Yn IC3 No l luvoread lhehav oily Cosdr,Sb touirem0S,25 and 2553x.1 of BOILER-COMP(OVERIW,000 BLV) the CelOomla Elealth&Safety Code.Setloms 25505,75533 and 75539.[ rJ UN 28 1994 rMenibd slut ifthewOd p .ft mrrren hrvts tenent,that it met NEW RE9DINIIAL MEIN. SQ.FT rnpomm011y�ntlfyth pant of the mentswhkh rrusth mea P" ° ' a CIlY ur wrchiI ae Date N ISSUED BY: ►fes fff ro '� OFFICE COPY