08040088]KI aro �uF n zj Z. knyLL� 0 nySy_ `ac `ORR v _z> gc 0z a>_ aQ oz UO_ FN �z CITY OF CUPERTINOtx�ty ^` %-�'. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT C01�ITRt1CTQRIIVFf1�LMATION, BO. UILOINO /TTURDEN GATE DR GD DEVELOPERS & ASSOCIATES PERMIT840088 NELLR'SUNAME: ifite PERMIT ISSUE DAIS HAIM GABAY 1850 REDONDO AVE STE 202 05/19/2008 PHONE: (562) 597-5060 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ GINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH t= C= (� 0 LICENSED CONTRACIOR'S DECLARATION Chapel9 Job Description I hereby alarmhis t 1 son I'�mW under provivm's of (commencing vide Sation 7").lDivision 3 ofthe Bosinem and Professions Code,md my license i, ADD 48 SF, PORCH ENCLSR, REMODEL KITCHEN 429' .trsd elrat.uconLle.g BATHROOM 21'. -SQ FOOTAGE ADJUSTED PER BOB S. /JO Dam Contawmr ARCHITECTS DECLARATION BV 1 undmsuml my pies anal eo oned an public records Liconsed Protean ... I OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 bcmhy vlTirm that I am exempt from the COntswTofs License Law for Ne following moon. (Section 71171.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a pmmi, to combust. alms improve. dcmalLN. ar repeir any mneture %Prior on lso its Wormed. arequirestheapplicant for such permit to file a sighed statement dOd W is licensed puruwt to the pmiSiom of Use Canuacm(s Usenm Law Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or $65000 Nat he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the mleied exrmptiws My violation of section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit Nbjecu the apPllewt to a civil penslty of 32633018 g�Number Occas ane -Type rodead Ow hmdreo delios(5300). ❑ L u owws of thopropmy, a my employes with "tau thew sok compeuadon, will dethewoh wdthe he Comeoatkmndes Law dofa.1a(Sec.to OcrOf and oW Cade: The Conmcmfs License Law des rot apply If an ower Required Inspections his property w is emy who hullos imputes thereon.and who daevwhwort himuRedth i for sale IL man reals OwncmPlayeWiding or outsuchial. antsartnce fear h olEwagered debuildinganimpatememksolowithinot Yewwcwopanfortheowner- sold gilder will haw the Mvden M proving that k rid not huge w impose for PURru of ed'.). ukJ. Ed 1. u owner of the property, am exclosiwly, contracting with licensed contractors to ( commect the project (Soo 70th, Hnunus and Professions Code:) The Coouaeme,; Li- cease U. des a., apply as an. of property who builds Or Improves demon, and. . who conuacu for such pojees with acontrasnortU licensed pursuant to the Conoanofs LY -ns taw. ❑lam exempt under Sec , B k P C for this mason n I 1 1 ('� 1 Dee n May ��- ter Y a WORKWI COMPENSATION DECI.aRAIat 1 hereby ahem older penalty of perjury one of the following oecWatio r: ❑ 1hawaMwdlmainWnaCenifinmof Conventtoulf-inurefwWO sCompen- titian, u provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code. for the performwco of the wok for which this Permit is issued. ❑ I but and will maintain Wortefs Compnuauon Insurer¢, u rryained by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the Performance of the work for which this Penni, is issuer. ' My Warman Conpensadon imurwco artier and Polity number are: C.nim,policy No.: _ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CIM, ac=e. nwo autbeeonpkutl if the per e"fwonehutndreo deBus ($100) or less) 1 certify Nos in de performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, I shell nm employ any person in any mvtmcrm u m hceome s�bVo the `�arken' CampeasWOn -1 laws of California. Due MA - W / ApplicatZ if NOTICE TO APPU : If. •W making this C,mfinm of Exemption, you shook - them. subject m the Workch Compensation provio.. of the Lecher Code you mus raMw4h comply with swh provisions or this Permit shall k deemed re oolot CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 homey affirm that dem k a conswxinn lending agency for the perfwmuro of the, wok for which this permit u insw.d (Sec. 31D'T, civ. C.) Lender's Name Lenders Address I certify that I haw read oda spplicuico and sum this the abut iff ..don Or correct. I agree to comply wit all city and =aunty Ordinances aM sum laws reining m Moldingconsuwdon,andhembywthoommp mamof Nucitymcomrupnn ere above-mrntioned property for inspection purposes, (Wer) agree to ext, indemnify and keep to nnleu the City of Cupcnina agairut espesp which may in any myoases against said City in f thecramand in conugwnce of de grwtini of this permit APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -PO NT SOURCE REGULATIONS. Issued by: Date Re -roofs 01 / / 1U Sngnsone of Almlicantrconuacoar Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof WIII site oxupw,more m handle hauAou muerisl forum Wal a Coon, en u defined by the C2(.)? Municipal Coder. Chapter 9.12 wo dm Health and Wcty Co / . radon 255J2(a)7 J E] Y. Ly Na All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will Ne applicant or forum building occupantum equipment w devices which If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection, I agree to remove pe emit hocaronus air conmmimnu as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Distrix? 0Yc -0 No I haws mad the hazudmm maerials nOtIO ncmenu under Chapter 6.95 Of the CAilm. nix HcaIlh&Safety Cade, See6om25M5,25533nx125534.lundermandthuifthc building does not calrently ham a tenwt. that It is my responsibility to nolfy the, occupant of the rtyuvemon �fh/nmmxmet poor to serer wof Occas Signature of Applicant hof, �ho %� L �T 9 f� Date All roof coverings to be Class" " g xi. or better Owner or wmomcd es=m Dam