NO PERMIT NUMBERNo. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Dote ,�1 196 2_ Application is hereby made for a permit to to be occupied only as in accordanogwith Estimated Value of Improvements O FEES- if, Owner Owner.( Contr. Lot No. / [O (0 t— Sanitary No. &9DO File No. Slyd %.I a - 1-4 story, Type Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, s_�3300. o� Plan Check $ Address Phone t2t-5-.2 g?&53 State License✓r/���/ Q Approved A.)./Q • �. W+i1/ a' APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Data 196 FEES -:?,6 Z9 e Contr. _ CJa,-110 La4-.1 Address I Phone - 736 -.5 Kul State License Approved /4)- AQ- 4&=at'4 / APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date �6 196 7 GAS FEE $ l /-5D/ PLUMBING FEE $y / Contr, 19& C.f1 0 %� �� '.!J[5,1441 • Address :IMP Phone S`" 02 State License �%���O Approved LI APP ICATION FOR � "� 7 APPLIANCE PERMIT Do en 196 FEES Contr, t- �% Address L10 w• za44� �• Phone 3 - S+eta License �2-61 �, 5 Approved �• /0• Applicants agree not to violate, any of the r/ Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California _ RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING INSPECTOR PAD FINAL FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR _ FIR E LATH PLASTER GRADING FINAL_ FINAL ELDG._ ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDEKUKUUNU KU ROUGH WIRING_ FINISHED WIRING _ FIXTURES MOT ORS FINAL PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW RED. SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH PARTIAL ROUGHC-Z ROUGH COMPLETE -120t+ DRAIN 69 Q9 • . - MAIN FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS '� FINAL APPLIANCE 2- A• DATE INSPECTOR MISC MISC MISC MISC t .y 216 4'�e r/ /� z 5? & zn& /e% 2/ e/E -/ No. Street Lot No. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT City of Cupertino Sanitary No. Date Hea-e 3 O , 197o2 Permit No. %. Application is hereby made for a permit to a story, T e (� O' X r X a -- Building to be occupied only as�'Pi in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith . PI Ck Fee iv Estimated Value of Improvements, $ ��t`------- � � Fee $ %Zo ' It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zon g Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. / Owner p,!- ipe/� � 1C/ / Address T� � . (,tJ/ S /- By Phone State License Address Approved Buildi g Inspector 02/lam �a 4�4�j ZQ .Z,,�7 LOT NO, NO. STR r k` w APP ¢ 2 \ r LICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO ��Oy a .t Gj Sanrtar} No. U PR 2 �_ 19F� 196 �/ ermit No. 7� = 4 Uate 0 Applicationtishereby.made for a permit to _ oa T stor , T TI '' .� Building i Ina Y Ye P <w to be occupied only asML_1in accordance with 0 o Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee >W O o F 3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ �, �y��. Fee $ �— oa Z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d 0 Cupertino ' I oI icd with. 3 N Owner Address ZZS� W Z WW Q. A ?? a0 Phone Z�Z 'rZ b// J'J APP.rbve '� State License r✓ �1 / BUILDING INSPFCTOB Type of Appliance Units Fees Remarks (Check V) New Replace Relocate Gas Ran es Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulatin Healers BlowerFumaces a.on Gas Fired Boilers Wanning Ovens Percolators Griddles Stem Tables Gravi Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous (NAME TYPE) D A on �XA 1 n Appliance Fees ' Dp n < 21640 Fitzgerald Drive LOT NO. STReET �p@II N FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT ®" CI1Y OP CUPERTINO n"a 1 MA14D3S»� z ` 196_ Permit No. - LE 7• 1 J�� Fee $ ZLOd � 'li'Ciq+ ERTT d to the City -of Cupertino for a permit to CITY instal] gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Residence Owner Ditz-Crane s Plog Sheet Metal y 378 0934AGENT Address 2295 DeLaCruz Blvd. Address 130 S Gilman, Campbel BENEVICH tale License �52825 Approved W11-1-IAM D. PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units FeespNotConnm Units Fees Water Heater / 54 Water Closet Bath Tub / Shower i Proine v ' Lavatories �3 Kitchen Sink . Dish Washer Waste Disposal ' Wash Tray- �q STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar pink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb tl Unit DMHopperSize Fountain ain _ WATER SYSTEM Sizet Sink Material - TOTAL FEES - Fixture Fee Gin Main Drain Feeader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler System Water Sys. Fee li�f V. Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Permit Fee c2-0-6 Total ,S Total Fe0 /11 F1 No. Street Lot No. 4gga�'LICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT ',11 )�pY CITY OFCUPERTINO 2., 19610 ' Sanitary No. 61109, wT h7a ]v) 969 Permit No. 6 Fee$ Sv Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all, other laws applicable thereto. Use of Ditz Owner By Palm Plumbing Go. ; &sftnnyvale-Saratoga Rd. Contractor, Agent Phone 245-2323 State License 186579 / Approved WILLIAM D. BcP�' kC"k OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .. .......... 196.9� To You are hereby author e to me electrical. service for Owner or Tenant ...... .. .... .... . .............. ....... At--- ...... i- ............. — ........... ....... No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires . . ............ . Size of Switch ±i— ...... Motor Load .......................... Voltage ....... ........ ....... - Phase ........ ...... HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. . .... ....... ...... ........... Voltage ............. .......... No. of Meters ...... I ............ Heat. No. of Add. Meters............ Power...... .ITEM I NEW JRPL (FEES Number of Outlets Number Size of Main Service I I I Transformers Power Poles H.P NO.NO. {ynW� LOT NO. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUP17:RTINO Q Date y4r'^ 19, Permit No. 511 ..,� S0, [-cc Application,is.hereby`made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixiuies as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Owner a: , C'—O� C'D, By l�. f'Y� R — ^'Y�A Al1r--P- , CONTRACTOR, (AGENT J� State License Address Address// A pproic FLECTR,rAL ITEM I NEW IRPL (FEES Number of Receptacles . 1 4/5- .14 1 Number of Panels I / I I / H.P. Phase E 21640 Fitzgerald Dr. No. - Street Lot No. % APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Plan 1661 ptl �t C� Q CITY OF CUPERTINO 'i'L Date r•i I ,V T5 11969 Permit No. e� IIO 7. Fee $ . DD Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use Owner 1-fam, res. H. G. WA^1Dr:FMR By qoq vmvo nnnn 6U NNn•.QQptrUAqrlIft;ntIA PHONE 736-3421 Phone Address Santa Clara Approved e n ect o State License 12422 / X V dot CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ................. J�r . ........ -/ ..... 19...178.. Building Permit No. 47 The Building Located at Owned by Has Been (Completed) For Use As: ........ ..... ........................ I ................... (Altered) ................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................... ............. .................... BUILDING INSPECTOR t . i f• . o ow y • Z" OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE - ...... . ..... 1 1906 You are hereby authorized to connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant �--, ........... ....... ............... ............. .. ............................. ....... At No. of Wires ....3L. Size of Wires ........ Size of S tch/ 0 00'" Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase Heating Load ........................ K. W . ................. ........ ... Voltage ................ .......... (Light ...... 110.v..... New Service... I(e,onnect ............ No. of Meters.] ...... . .. ... Heat ................. 220..k!� Three Wire .... No. of Add. Meters. ...... ?face Seni,,. ......... Power ............... Thrm Phu.e .er.- .......... M ... e Met ECTRICAL INSIIECT04 /-o-r 7 r Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTTNO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. -- - ---------- ......... Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No.Ej-).j'2-:�.7j ....... Lot No....... 7 ------------------- - Owner or Tenant ........ ViTz" .. . ... IC p A ............................................................................. At..... ------- po� ............................................ Tract------ ............ ........... ............................ ......... �* ...... ... Date Connected --- s - / 4 - 6? --- ---------------- : ........................................................................ 19............ DateFinal --------- .............I---- - -- ..........................^ 19............ ............................. 7: ....... PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-IM [�T / GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Q ..... L ..............................� 196...... To You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for Owner or Tenant ... D.I.Tz.. ....... R--814E................................................... At ...... ..[ Ez`t ....... t TZ. G E.12 1. !.-D......p...................... .....Y................. New Service ......../�............. No. of Meters ......I .............. Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Metern............ PLUMBING INSPECTOR ROUTE SLIP File No. y/1,'7 Date f-.3 Notes Approvedz,% Date Inspector ROUTE SLIP File No Date Location. �,MW Flo Subject Notes Approved �—��— Date' Inspector