B 0311APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL rtRmu ro, 0 311 APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. -MECHANICAL HULLOING 1/1VI51(IN 1 e,,,, ,,,�„ dn,add. ,-,.,­,,,,r.nlna IS0001 4::�en6-rOVE De - CONTACT PHONE 31- 38y s/ ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (IniHal) LICENSHD CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 'QTY. I hcaby aRfm mad 1 am Iiamed under previsions of Chwi f 9 (comneaciny .'C)Z with Scction]II(11do'Divisio J oflM Bushes. and Pmfiet6n, Code, anmy liccmc is Y�� in fulltma awl cfftt'I It I QUZU Lienor Clu, l- Lw 6� Date RCHfIIiCrs TS D1UECrorfA ATI N Zv-'Z IultMsfad my Plans,.• hausedsspddJiefmrd, Z—_ rn F_ W Lialucd PafasimtW OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION C Q I krwhy affirut I am camnpl from the Conln,r'n License IWw for Thu m Nmc O6 UF folldrring reason, (Section 703EJ. Bte neas unit Professions Code: Any city or,unt cy LLEO N which requires a pemtit to amlreal, .11w, impm.x, demolish, or repaif.1 swoon sn y -j Pnr,.00,suaOee.alson,macs the m,licam fm ouch pcmot1. Hlctiolotd uwcoant y1 T that be I, licensed pu.at to One fwvisims of the CnnusctNS Liam. Le. (Ch,.r 9 X00 (extrowndng with Satian](M)ofDiveawt 9 of the Huai dens. and Podlessions Gdc) or 1 e p( ltdu be it exemq then(. and the bvu for the alleg 1 exemption. Any vimfumb of �mINLSection 703 IS by any apPlicam for a permit wbijec, the sppli.-am to ac,%il p,wdty of f=C not omen Than It, hmdreJ dAla s (SN)()). o I.ssder of Oe ploPi u my employee, with wUc, ueir en enmpem. rdao 'HE do Jen wrxk, mdI the afuclme is not intended or o ferN for ole (See. TOW. Bad.. awl Pmfasi,n, Co&: The Crnlri LLenx I -mw dor not apply to an ,wmr of ta' Popcny who FuiM, err ma mve, dcrcon ad who docs wan work himfclf er through his,wn employext, provded d a mch impnrvemem, the nit moodded a aRefed for talc. If, o :roc,, the buil'og or impnwemenlo. taXJ withinone yearofcomph,tiat. Ile awfer-Wilder will M, Ue hmden of IeovinS that he did not haid or ma, we fa pur- Iw.e of rale.), 1, as u rte, of Je poperl , em ctclusivcly corn ting with mocnud aodwtm to codw,el the prolene( (Sea. ]BLT, Busime and Proftvvass Code:) Tac Conuaclar's li- neLawddc. not apply to an tomr of,roeny wlc buihL er mpreve, lured. old QW.. who comment, Encroach pretence with a cvwsout Ikcnsul Pnvwtnn met conmam'I Littnsc ".. Tum eaemp uwf,r lee. B R P C for this rwwn ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCF APPLIANCES - RESIDEN IAL PANELS UI" IO 210 AMPS 2014000AMPN OVUR 1000AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUHfl ILSC. T MP, MITER OR POIJ? INST. POWER ULVICFS SWIMMING POOL. ELECTRIC OITf LEIS - S W ITCHILS - F1X'1'ORES NEW RESIDENTIAL EL EC IZ SQ PT Owrcr Dae WORK17R'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby u1Rrm unclear Tomah Of perjwy orc of de folbwiog dzluaimu: IMvc end will mnmvnvCrnifalc of Gxutmnn,dGinaum for Workrr't Compere wide m pnnldal for by Suctim 9]IL of lM Isbn Cal, for the pufantcncc of the k ry✓ Tenn wt rcmOl E unrd. �rYha,c unJ will ntainmin wdrtkcr'x compcmffic "ark fi, a.,h a, pee by Stttim 3]1X1 ooflyneer l�a(l'yy�C�o+le. far NenypyeyAdwx�runce floe woto lar whlcM1 lhissp�rm�tul>uqux,eJ. CwW{ 79 VIT J'r.IIC Polly NoTrlaDa Ivl4 Came Palmy Ni 1��� CIRTFIC OF FROM W ORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE ([nit rection mrxl nmbcannpewd1,1en ' pcmtil u for.,. dAlurs (3 1X) or ka'.) I 1 certify that in the perf.e of the wort for which this Pctmit is issuM, l shall ret cmPlny any perom in any manor w as to Become uthjecl to the WwIecw Contpcn- 7, .union liwsaf Califmnis. Dec z2 Applicant ( (n NOIUCE'GO APPLICANT: If, after rating Ni, Comfiewe of ExcmlNion, you should Fa bccrntte whject to tho Worker's Calm metai an provision, of t1e labor Cade, you must form. in amply wire muh prevision, or that Permit shall he decmml revoked. a Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 Mrehy a[Rrm lMnMm io n anucd aridm Lending ugatcy for Pa to' rfumtutrc of LL- the work fm "ch this permit is dewed Sec. 9(19], Civ, CJ Q ULenient'. Name Lancer'. A,1f,, C I edify than I lave read this appliaatioo sod . that the above iafeentation E h axrcct. l egfa In dimply with all city end county orJitnnav vod stem lows rtlalin6lo QTY. UZ building comartainn, end thereby uulhuriac rtpdeentativ6 of to% city locator upon the shove-lteattwred lro crIy fer in.Pce6da purposes. . (Wer) mace In.wve, in wwaTy wit ott, Moles, Ode City of Cupeninn egaiml IiabiIiIic.juJgmcm,cw, oral cape.. which may in anyway ac me erg 1said Cily n cnsugcrce of the glaring M Of%permit. APPLICANT UNDIERSI'ANDS AND WILT, COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE REGULATIONS. Il"ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE: Will the opplicanl or future building ofaupanl tore, handle 6u mod u, nulerial lineal by the Cupertino Municipal Cal, Cheper 9.12, and Bte Huhn aha Safety Satire 2S532(a)4 � ❑Yes Will me uppliunt of (alum building occvpnm um cyuipncm nr devices which heaadnu, tw anuminana u dented by the Bay Are, Au puamn, Mwgemeat no Ye, 6 I have read Oe hafnnlu mrerinlo d�uilrnnn, uakr CTaptcr 6.95 M'thc Ctle a HrN1 Selo G � dos 255(H. 23593 aha 2a33d. I wJntiaml Ihw if tM iogdct`d)�uic lcnvtl. lltvbia my luponsibilidy to ftm;fy theoaVpan PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE pi ALTER -GRAIN L VBHT-WATER (EA) BACK FLOW PRO ECL'. DEVICE? DRAINS - FLOOR, ROOK AREA, COND, II XTURIS - PER TRAP GAS -IIA. SYSTEM -1 INC. S OUTLETS GAS -EA. SYSTIN-OVER X (EA) GREASHA NDU.STRL WASTE INTERCFOR GREASE 'I'RAI' EWER - SANITARY - STORM IIA, 21X1 FT. WATER HEATER W/VF IOELECTR 1 WATER SYSTEM/TREATING WATER SERVICE NEN' RISIDENTIAL VLMB. SQ, FT. MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ACFER OR ADD TO MECR AIR I IANDLING UNIT 1'1 O 10,000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER If," CFM) EXHAUST GOOD(WIDUCI) HEATING UNIT ('1 O 100,000 If IL) IIEATNG UNIT(DVBR IM.000 BTU) VENOLATON PAN (SINGLE RISID) BOILER -COMP (3HP OR 100,000 BTU) BOILER -COMP kOVER 100,000 BTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW REMUENTAL MECH. SQ. Fr. TOTAL OFFICE 5120)99 FEE BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK ITE ENEKGY FEE GRADING REE SOILS FEE PAID Bac R,,cipt # BUILDING FETE FEE SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FTP. PLUMBING Ill MHCI IANICAL IEE CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING NIGUGATION FEE BUILDING PERMIT IN BLDG ELECT Pi MECH FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL ❑ SbOwL ❑ KITCHEN RGLOUEL. ❑ADDIT[ON ED PLUMBING REPIN: ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑SFRUCFURAL MODIFICATION El INTERIOR ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR IM PROVEAENf E]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODE11RUAIR ❑DI:MOLITON ❑ OTHFR COMMERCIAL ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE: IMtKUVIi ON'I' ❑ OTHER I SO. FT FLOOR ARBAUIQ. IT FEE BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK ITE ENEKGY FEE GRADING REE SOILS FEE PAID Bac R,,cipt # BUILDING FETE FEE SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FTP. PLUMBING Ill MHCI IANICAL IEE CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING NIGUGATION FEE