19861 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bui]dLng Projert Idenefkrtlm PERMIT NO. Building Add.: 19861 one: A H y _d CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Ct or'.Name: I�w,sw�s Lk.N¢ APPLICATION / PERMIT II m BUILDINr—ELW7RICALML BINGWJCIAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL Archltem/Engineer. r Lie N. QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LIm that ED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby o 7Ot ofD BcevedheBur rovmm Pm Chap C(comma, AIs1eLIANC6RESIDEMTAL BDE9�tIPT1ION Ingwtthicerwisin 9(10(8 se leffect v/the BuYrusard ProfeWovCodc,and Ller.C sac L Tsai. ' PANELS DaContractor te - UP TO 2DOMAPS ADEC K3N .1000 AMPS `y Po+{NWy CZ ]arderwnd my Ebro.s1u."ll B ATused n pubfic nerds OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA 5/SQ.FT. F Ly tj Lkxn:d Role eWvl SIGNS ELECTRICAL 6pa OWNER-EUILDER DECLIRATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC Z E"rG71(Ka Ilurebyafflrrn that 1.m exmpt from the Cuntranor'.License Law f«the following reason.(Section 70315,Basins and Prefessbu Code:Any city« O � TEMP.METER OAIPOIR WSI. F� cauntywhkh requhnaperntlt tomvtsue,alter,lmprwe,demolbh,orrepalr y a nyrtruciureprbrtolblavarcgaborequU theappb=tf«euchpem w POWER DEVICES C 1 file a Ygned statement than he b lkeved pursuant to the provisions of the Oyu Contraearb Litems law(Chapter 9(mmmendng with Section 9IX9)of Divi- Y�O� Alenle on3 of the Business and Professions Code)ortbat Fexempt therefrom and SWIhAING R')0(.ELECTRICVALUATION Qy y.'.•--tt the hula for the alleged eumptlon. Any violation of Section 7m1S by any , .ppileart for a pemJt subjecta the applicant to a dm Nl penalty a not ore than OlTDRTSSWIICEES-FD(TURES $ fi undyed dollars WML .. I,u a r of the pmperty,or ny emeesploywtth wages a thetr sob NEW RESIDENTIAL EI,FLTR SQFT. STORIES TYXCONSTRUCTION mmp«srtlon,wfildothe w«k,and Ne Yroeure b rot hderded or offered for D sale Sec.701.1,Busirusard Prdenbu Cole:The Comrsctoh U«rue law SZg doanotapplywoa rofpropertywh WlWsorlmprovnthe mo d OCC.GROUP RESUJHS whodomsuchwmh himself«thrwgh Msownemployees,provdN that arch Imp..art not Intended crolfertd f«sale.If,howewr,thebufidingorTILDRMN&VENT-WATER(EM � TOTAL Improvemem b sold within oneyearofc«npletbM the wvner-bullder wBl have ben of proving than k did not bund or improve for purpose of sale.). PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN L u owner of the pmpady,am es W.iwly contracting whh Ikenard mntnetms to mveuct the projen(See 701q B..lnesard Prolesbv Code: R ISSUANCE The Contractor'.License Raw does tad apply to an owner d property who WBds or imprwn thereon, and who-nursers fee such III" with ac9olpet«(.)hoev punuant to the Contnctor•.Lice.Law. FIDWPROTECT.DEV ICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am eumpt under Sec B h P C for this reninSANITARY Y N_OUTSIDFFFrS Qvncr D.ra NS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. RECEIPT If WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION❑ FD(Tt ES PER TRAP S IUOLTAX Y_ N 1 Fereby affirm than I hive•«rtiftah o!eovent to self-.sure,«a m'Lae orworken•eompevatfon Tvuranm or.«nBbi copy thertnr�ec. RECEIPT'I m 3g W,LbC.) GAS FA.SYSIFTI.I INCA 0[JTLFIS PARKFEE Y N_ Polley. RECEUIT I GAPA.SYSI'FAE-0FA)VER 4( C°m nY S BUILDING DIVISION FEES I I CeaWed copy b hereby furnished. GREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCFIECKFEE iL�JI Certified copy h filed with the my hapectbn dlvWm. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID Cm bererom COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWFR-SAMTARYSTORMFA7:8�' Date Recef [# (1'hlssectbn need na tr pleted If the permit b fm ore dollars hundred dalia (S)W)«Im.) WATER HFATERW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N Ill e t than employ p person in any ew«k/or wMch oo p sub a(tared, — 1 hall not c y person b my manner.o n tR nem-.a,' i 1 D the WATER SYSTvd/.TREAnsac PAID W«ken•C conlaws of Ia.YB,LuA// O Z W_ eant .Nwn. /'C LIQ NEly RF9DINI7AL PLN B. FI'. Date ReCEI I# ZO NOTICE TO .0 ICANT ,after making thio Cert to of 1w, aIn,you .heuldbem b}ctta Wori,eri Compersrtlonprov:lunso Lhe Labor TOTAL: CCN r Code,you mY forthwhh comply wBhsuch provbbruorthbm pedt.hslbe CC j deed revoEed. UVILDING FEE CL me E CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FE CL Z Z Iherebyaffire,that them I,a mvtructfon lending agency for the perform, ELECTRIC FEE ane,ofthe wort,for which thio b permit Lov097 ed Sec 3 ,CW.C.) TOTAL 0 O I,Mer'e Name PLUMBING FEE U. t— Lender.Addren MECHANICAL PERMITMECHANICAL FEE U 1«nBythat l havemad Lids appliatlonand nabove Information that the aboInformation OS IsmrnH.Rag ee Wcomply wtthallcityaM countyom en«s and Yatelaws ISSUANCE AID. } N relating to WIMLng coratruelm,and hereby authorees repmentaevn ofthb Ul_ F Z efty to enter upon the above-meneored property for leapeetbn purposes. ALTER OR ADDTO MECH. weo m. Date Retel I# — (We)erg«to a.vq Ldonud fy.n d keep harmless,the city of Cu pertlno .g.net liabilities,judgments, ts and e.,..which may in any w.y..e AIR HANDLING UNIT 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: against lid CRY in consequence of the gamey of thes permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER l Stns CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of AppBont/Contract« Date EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAIAR DOLS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the.ppleam«futum bufidingo pant Yore or handle h...ndou. / HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTS) material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.17,and the Date Recei t# I kahh a AdSafety Code Ion 75533:)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTI) TOTAL: Ye B)the upplia Iding occupant use equipment ordevims VEMILATIONFANSINGLE RESID) I DATE whkhemithaardousabmnuaM nbadefinedbytMBay Area Ab QoalitYn ragemem De �tu? BOILER-COMPOHPORIW,0(DBTU) k1'MK f O I haw read the�ar oubmanr,ab requimmenta under Chapter 6.95 of BOLLER-COMP(OVER 100,0(10 BTU) T` V 199 the Califomia Health A Safety Co,!,Scat lona 75505,75533 and 75531. 1 urdentaM that lithe bulldingdoes oat mnensly haven tenant that ltb my NEW R®DENTIAL MECH. SQ.FF. rrs � s�(,11ponsibfitty to notify the o pant of the requirements whicb must be A T ?`Gr"rm �, � laCertlflolid agent to TOTAL ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY