17. Mary Ave Bicycle Footbridge CITY OF CUPEIQINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Summary AGENDA ITEM 11 AGENDA DATE December 6. 2006 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge Progress Report, BACKGROUND On June 21, 2005 the Council accepted a progress report on the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge Project. The project is a single span cable stayed bridge over Interstate Route 280 connecting an established bicycle trail system on Mary Avenue in Cupertino on the south side of 1-280 to Mary Avenue in Sunnyvale on the north. The design concept, developed by city staff and the design consultant team of Biggs-Cardosa Associates and HNTB, Inc had been approved by the Council on February 1, 2005, The Council, in adopting the FY 2005-2006 Capital Improvement program approved a revised total project budget of $9,250,000. While that budget became the established resource for the project, there still remained some uncertainties that could affect the estimate of the total cost of the project. These included many Caltrans approval issues and conditions, completion of wind force testing and other minor but yet to be resolved design issues, As such, staff advised the Council that it would continue to seek additional funding while the design was being completed and more refined cost estimates became available, Bridl!e Desiw Concept The cable-stayed bridge concept is one that has been used successfully all over the world on large and small bridges for pedestrian, vehicular and rail traffic, It is currently being used on a portion of the reconstruction of San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge. However, it is still a relatively unusual and rare concept, and it remains one that is more architecturally and visually striking than other traditional design concepts, The 460 foot long bridge structure (325 feet of clear span over the freeway) consists of two eighty-five foot tall support towers, a l6-foot wide bridge deck with the capacity to support a light maintenance vehicle, An eight foot wide paved pathway winds through nearly thirteen acres of landscaped approaches protected by privacy screening, residential security, lighting, and signage, Printed on Recycled Paper I 11-1 UNIQUE NATURE OF THE MARY BICYCLE FOOTBRIDGE PROJECT This narrative was included in the progress report in June of2005. However, it is important that the unique and particular aspects of this project be understood so this information is repeated here. The proposed Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge (Mary BFB) project is uniquely different in many respects from most capital projects designed and constructed by' the City of Cupertino, It is important as the project design is nearing completion that these unusual characteristics of the project be understood because it is largely not relevant to make comparisons of costs of construction, project management, design and implementation of the Mary BFB to other more traditional projects. As noted above, the design of the Mary BFB as a single span cable-stayed structure with a clear span of 325 feet over an interstate freeway at a high volume interchange (IR 280/ SR 85) presents, an extremely high quality of architecture and beauty in its appearance and function. The bridge, when completed at the proposed site, will be a signature architectural icon as well as a practical solution to the connection of two segments of the Mary Avenue bicycle trail. However, the architectural and engineering. design (A&E) and the construction management (eM) costs are in a greater proportion to the construction costs than most capital improvement projects (CIP) that the city has undertaken, For example, the Library/Civic Center project had a ratio of A&E and CM costs (often referred to as "soft costs") of 20 % of total project budget with the remaining 80% of the total project budget for construction (referred to as "hard costs"), The Mary BFB on the other hand is currently estimated to require approximately 34% of project costs to be allocated for A&E and CM with the remaining 66% for the construction of the bridge and the landscaping on the approaches. A summary of the more unique aspects of the project is described as follows, Extraordinary Requirements for Design and Construction Management There are a number reasons why a project of this nature generates this kind of demand for soft costs, These include the coordination of requirements with the California State Department of Transportation (CalTrans) in the construction of a facility over an active interstate freeway, Also, because of the structural configuration of the bridge over the freeway, extensive structural wind load evaluations are required including active wind tunnel tests of a model of the structure as described below, In addition to the normal responsibilities for traditional CM tasks during construction, because of the occupancy of the project on and over the interstate freeway, there are additional demands for testing, construction surveys, slope stability tests and design review of falsework (the temporary structures supporting the bridge span over the freeway during construction). Further, because of the highly specialized material (very high strength concrete, post-tensioned high grade steel, among others) th~re will be a need for a "source inspection" by Caltrans, the construction management team and the structural engineers, A source inspection means that the material is tested and inspected as it is fabricated at its "source", which may be in another state, or even another country, 2 ( 1- :L Finally, owing, again, to the unique nature of the project, there are some specialty consultant costs associated with the project such as the artwork, the bridge span fencing, lighting, railing and additional structural engineering peer reviews because of the unique structural design of the bridge. In summary, this project requires approximately $1,000,000 of additional design and construction management effort not typically experienced on other city projects, which accounts for the higher ratio of A&E/CM costs of 34% to construction costs of 66%, In project budget terms as shown in Attachment A, the cost allocation for the current proposed project cost of $ 10,822,000 is summarized as follows Feasibility Study (2001) A&E Design and Contract Administration CM, Testing and Surveying 200,000 2,915,000** 600.000** Subtotal- A&E I CM $ 3,715,000 (34 %) Construction - Phase I Construction - Phase II 625,000 6.482.000* Subtotal- Construction $ 7,107,000 (66%) Total Project Costs $ 10,822,000 (100%) *Includes 2% of construction cost ($145,000) for the project art sculpture, **These estimates include several recommendations to the Council on this same agenda for the Council's consideration, These are approval of amendment no. 2 to the contract with HNTBlBiggs-Cardosa Assoc, in the amount of $470,000 and a contact for construction management services with Swinerton CM Services, Inc,in the amount of $600,000, PROJECT DESIGN AND SCHEDULE IMPACTS The design team is currently engaged in fmalizing the Phase II bridge construction documents, The final bid package consisting of the plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) is to be completed in January, 2007. It is expected that the project will be advertised at that time, and assuming the receipt of a responsive low bid, a recommendation for the award of the construction contract would occur in late March, 2007, The construction will proceed shortly after that and is expected to be completed in Aprilof2008, This project has been delayed almost one year from its original schedule, which called for completion in April of 2007, There are a number of reasons that have accumulated to cause that delay. 3 11- J Following concept approval of the cable stayed bridge, the design team began a detailed investigation into the effects of wind and seismic activity on the bridge design, A series of computer models were developed and studied by sub-consultants specializing in wind and earthquake analyses, The narrow deck of the bridge and the high protective screen required by Caltrans makes it somewhat more susceptible to the effects of gusty wind conditions. To thoroughly understand those effects, a recognized and respected wind analysis team at the University of West em Ontario, located in London, Ontario, constructed a six-foot long scale model of a section of the deck that was tested in the wind tunnel. The bridge also underwent additional detailed analysis of its stability during a variety of earthquakes, because current seismic specifications require that after a maximum credible earthquake, all bridge structures shall be designed to prevent collapse or injury or loss of life, The additional time required for wind tunnel and seismic analysis along with a number of other requirements by Caltrans, in whose right-of-way this bridge is being constructed, has added a full year to the schedule and, as noted above, commensurate additional costs to the project. However, most of those activities and challenges have been met and staff and the consultants along with the senior management of Caltrans are confident that the project can proceed to construction early next year. SCHEDULE Based on the above considerations the current schedule, which is expected to prevail, is as follows: 100% Design (PS&E) Completion Bid and Award Construction Contract Begin Construction Complete Construction - Open Bridge December January-March April May 2006 2007 2007 2008 PROJECT ART City policy requires that 1/4% of the constructed cost of a project be allocated for the installation of public art, Because of the visibility and importance of this bridge project a 2% art allocation ($145,000 = 2% of$7.2 Million) was included in this project budget. There is a case to be made (and has been made by some) that because of the unusual and elegant architecture of the bridge, the bridge itself is a form of art. However, during the feasibility study and in later forums, the Council and the community had expressed a desire for more specific representation of sculptures or other art that reflects indigenous flora and/or fauna ofthe region, Tom Aidala, a noted artist and architect was engaged to develop art concepts for the bridge, The initial concept, as shown to the Council in 2005 was to include art in the form of egrets and other birds in flight on the superstructure and railings of the bridge, Unfortunately these structures, while strikingly beautiful, created serious problems during the wind tunnel testing to the extent that the concept had to be abandoned. 4 i7-Lf In the alternative, a concept has been developed that would place sculptures on the Cupertino side of the bridge approach. There would be two sculptures: one that would include a family of California native quail elevated on a cluster of granite boulders, and the other a red-tailed hawk elevated on a pedestal near the approach path, Staff will provide renderings of this concept to the Council on December 6, 2006. PROJECT FUNDING & BUDGET - SEE ATTACHMENT 'A' FUNDING In June of2005 the Council had approved a budget of$ 9,250,000 which was incorporated into the 2005-2006 CIP, Since that time additional funding has been approved in the amount of $ 630,000 for a total funding to date of $ 9,880,000, A recommendation in the mid-year budget adjustments on this agenda proposes to add $390,000 in funds from Proposition 42 that were received from the state after the budget was adopted. Proposition 42 is the voter approved mandate requiring the state to sub-vent certain funds from the gas tax to local governments for transportation purposes, In addition, $360,000 in operating budget savings from FY 2005-2006 is also proposed for the budget for a total of $750,000. This would result in a total final funding of the project in the. amount of $10,630,000, A summary of this funding extracted from Attachment' A' is as follows: Total ADD roved Fundin!! - June 2005 $ 9.250.000 (rounded to $1000's) Funding Approved Since June 2005 Additional State TDA Additional TDA 3 (Non BEP) 06-07 CIP Funding MaryfMeteor Approach Total Additional Approved Funding $ 300,000 80,000 250.000 $ 630,000 Current Total Funding $ 9.880.000 Proposed Additional Funding - Mid- Yr FY 06-07 State Proposition 42 Funds GF Operating Budget Savings FY 05-06 $ 390,000 360.000 Total Additional Proposed Funding $ 750.000 FINAL PROJECT FUNDING $ 10.630.000 It should be noted that in this project the investment from the City's general Fund in the amount of $ 1,585,000 is highly leveraged by other outside funding sou:r:ces in the amount $ 9,045,000, Said another way, over 85% of the total project budget comes from sources other than the City's general fund, Le" almost a 6 to I ratio, 5 1,,-) PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATE The project Budget as shown on Attachment' A' is as noted below: Cost Estimate - December 2006 Item Feasibility Study (Completed 2001)) AdminlPermitslF ees DesignJPS&E (BGIHNTB) Construction Design Services (BCIHNTB)* Construction Management (PB)* Construction - Phase I (Completed 2005) Cost Estimate Construction -Phase II Public Art (2% of$7,2M) *(Approval Recommended 12/06/06) Total 1 00% Project Cost Estimate (Rounded to $1000's) Amount $ 200,000 393,000 2,052,000 470,000 600,000 625,000 6,337,000 145.000 $ 10.822.000 There is a variance in the funding proposed and the cost estimate as follows: Cost Estimate Funding Proposed . Funding variance $ 10,822,000 10.630.000 $ 192,000 This difference is attributed to two uncertainties, i,e., the unknown cost of source inspection which had been expected to be provided by Caltrans but is now included in the budget in the amount of $ 100,000 and approximately $ 92,000 in minor cost variances in the construction project. Staff is not recommending additional funding for this variance at this time because the inspection issue has not yet been resolved and the minor variances represent less than 1,5 % of the construction cost and are within the expected margin of error for bidding, Further cost refinements prior to advertising the job will most likely eliminate this 1.5 % variance, It is recommended that the Council accept this progress report on the Mary Bicycle Foot Bridge project. Submitted by: 7::f1~r~aurJ Director of Public Works Approved for submission: UJ( David W, Knapp City Manager . 6 17.-10 ATTACHMENT 'A' Proposed Mary Avenue Bicvcle Footbridi!e Proiect Budi!et Cost Estimate - December 2006 (Rounded to $1000's) Item Amount Feasibility Study (Completed 2001)) AdminIPermitsIF ees Design/PS&E (BG/HNTB) Construction Design Services (BC/HNTB)* Construction Management(PB)* Construction - Phase I (Completed 2005) Cost Estimate Construction -Phase II Public Art (2% of$7.2M) *(Approval Recommended 12/06/06) Total 100% Project Cost Estimate Fundini! Sources VTA Grant Share State Transportation Fund (Sher) City of Sunnyvale Bicycle Transportation Account (State) TDA 3 (non-BEP) City of Cupertino CIP Total Approved Funding - June 2005 Fundini! Approved Since June 2005 Additional State TDA Additional TDA 3 (Non BEP) 06-07 CIP Funding Mary /Meteor Approach Total Additional Approved Funding Current Total Funding Proposed Additional Fundini! - Mid- Yr FY 06-07 State Proposition 42 Funds GF Operating Budget Savings FY 05-06 Total Additional Proposed Funding FINAL PROJECT BUDGET $ 200,000 393,000 2,052,000 470,000 600,000 625,000 6,337,000 145000 $ 10.822.000 $ 7,000,000 500,000 110,000 600,000 65,000 975.000 $ 9,250,000 $ 300,000 80,000 250.000 $ 630,000 $ 9,880,000 $ 390,000 360 000 $ 750,000 $ 10.630.000 11-7 City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3202 (408) 777-3354 FAX (408) 777-3333 CITY OF CUPEIUINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Summary AGENDA ITEM 17 ~\... AGENDA DATE December 6.2006 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Adopt Resolution No, 06- 10 ~ authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute Amendment No, 2 with Biggs Cardosa Associates to provide Final Design and Construction Phase Services to the City on the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project for a basic fee not to exceed $420,000, and an additional fee of $50,000 which may be authorized by the Director of Public Works for Additional Services, on an as- needed basis, for a total fee not to exceed $470,000, BACKGROUND On May 5, 2003, Council adopted Resolution No, 03-082, authorizing the City Manager to execute a design services agreement with Biggs Cardosa for an amount not to exceed $1,300,000, of which $75,000 was to be used for Additional Services, as determined to be necessary by the Director of Public Works. On June 21, 2005, Council adopted Resolution No. 05-109, authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No,! with Biggs Cardosa for an amount not to exceed $752,500 for Caltrans related services and design services unique to cable stayed bridges, Biggs Cardosa is nearing completion of the Final Design of the bridge with the award of the construction contract, expected by mid March of 2007. Unfortunately, a number of additional design services have been required by Caltrans since the authorization of Amendment No,l. The design of this bridge is unique and challenging to the various Caltrans divisions responsible for oversight. The Caltrans management staff, from the outset of this project, has been unable to predict, in advance, specific needs, reports, or analyses, of the design until the design team was well along in their own development. Many of the additional requirements have come from independent internal groups in Caltrans that have traditionally taken a very conservative approach resulting in unpredictable periods of time to reach their conclusions, /7{(-1 Printed on Recycled Paper Much of the additional work covered by this amendment is considered critical and required by Caltrans to fully complete the design to their satisfaction. FISCAL IMPACT The award of Amendment No, 2 to Biggs Cardosa will temporarily encumber $470,000 of City funds from account 428-9449-9300, until grant reimbursement can be accomplished, STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council Adopt Resolution No, 06- M, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute Amendment No.2 with Biggs Cardosa Associates to provide Final Design and Construction Phase Services to the City on the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project for a basic fee not to exceed $420,000, and an additional fee of $50,000 which may be authorized by the Director of Public Works for Additional Services, on an as-needed basis, for a total fee not to exceed $470,000, Submitted by: Approved for submission to the City Council: ~c;UdUJ- Ralph A. Qualls, Jr, V Director of Public Works ~ David W. Knapp City Manager 17 ~ -.z RESOLUTION NO. 06-204 DRAFT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2 BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AND BIGGS CARDOSA ASSOCIATES, FOR FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES FOR THE MARY AVENUE BIKE & PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council has been presented a proposal for final design and construction phase services for the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge Project; and WHEREAS, Biggs Cardosa Associates has the necessary expertise, skill and resources to perform the design and construction phase services required, NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute Amendment No.2 with Biggs Cardosa Associates to provide Final Design and Construction Phase Services to the City on the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project for a basic fee not to exceed $420,000 and an additional fee of $50,000 which may be authorized by the Director of Public Works for Additional Services, on an as-needed basis, for a total fee not to exceed $470,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December 2006, by the following vote: V ote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino {tel ~3 City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3202 (408) 777-3354 FAX (408) 777-3333 CITY OF CUPEI{JINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Summary AGENDA ITEM j'7 b AGENDA DATE December 6. 2006 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Adopt Resolution No, 06- AO 5", authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an initial agreement with Swinerton Management & Consulting, Inc., to provide Construction Management services to the City on the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project for a basic fee not to exceed $600,000. BACKGROUND On September 13, 2006, Public Works solicited Requests for Proposals from local and regional consulting firms to provide construction management services to the City for the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project. A total of four firms submitted proposals on October 13th. All four firms were determined to be qualified and they were individually interviewed on November 8th, The four firms, listed below, presented their selective team members to a five member selection panel made up of Public Works staff, outside consultants, Caltrans representatives, and design team members, . . Swinerton Management & Consulting, Inc. . . Parsons Brinckerhoff Construction Services, Inc, . . Ghirardelli Associates . . Lim & Nascimento Engineering Swinerton presented an experienced team of construction managers whose members have both design and construction experience on bridges working closely with Caltrans inspectors, Additionally, one of their sub consultant teams has the singular advantage of having worked directly with several bridge contractors in developing their cable tensioning sequences, The same sub consultant team also prepared bridge construction sequencing criteria for Caltrans that is now a standard throughout California, This degree of professional expertise and experience in one team is unique and especially valuable to the City's project. Ilt'-I Printed on Recycled Paper FISCAL IMPACT The award of the Construction Management services agreement to Swinerton will temporarily encumber $600,000 of City funds from account 428-9449-9300 until grant reimbursement can be accomplished. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council Adopt Resolution No, 06- 20 s;- , authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an initial agreement with Swinerton Management & Consulting, Inc" to provide Construction Management services to the City on the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project for a basic fee not to exceed $600,000, Submitted by: Approved for submission to the City Council: 'Zi~Q~~aLAtf Director of Public Works ~ David W, Knapp City Manager I, b- 2- DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. 06-205 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AN INITIAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AND SWINERTON MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING, INC" FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE MARY AVENUE BIKE & PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council has been presented a proposal for initial construction management services for the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge Project; and WHEREAS, Swinerton Management & Consulting, Inc. has the necessary expertise, skill and resources to perform the construction management services required, NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute an initial agreement with Swinerton Management & Consulting, Inc., to provide Construction Management services to the City on the Mary A venue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge project for a basic fee not to exceed $600,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December 2006, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino /1 b--J City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3202 (408) 777-3354 FAX (408) 777-3333 CITY Of CUPEIUINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Summary AGENDA ITEM 17c, AGENDA DATE December 6. 2006 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Adopt Resolution No, 06- 2..Djp , authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an Agreement Between the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the City of Cupertino regarding the Joint Use of Premises, which will allow the City to place a portion of the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge foundation within a District right of way, BACKGROUND Optimal placement of the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge southerly tower foundation requires that the foundation encroach on the right of way ofthe Santa Clara Valley Water District's Junipero Serra Charmel. The Junipero Serra Channel, a concrete-lined flood control charmel on the south side of 1-280, will not be materially affected by the encroachment of the foundation into its right of way. Nor will the bridge foundation be materially affected by the proximity of the channel. However, in order to allow the bridge tower foundation to encroach into the channel right of way, the District has requested that the City and District negotiate and execute a joint use of premises agreement. The agreement is intended to define the rights and responsibilities of both parties and to assure mutual benefit for the facilities of both parties, FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact associated with this action, I/~'-( Printed on Recycled Paper STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council Adopt Resolution No, 06- 26 ~ , authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an Agreement Between the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the City of Cupertino regarding the Joint Use of Premises, which will allow the City to place a portion of the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge foundation within a District right of way, Submitted by: Approved for submission to the City Council: ~~ua~U "U~ Director of Public Works ~ . David W. Knapp City Manager lIt - 2- RESOLUTION NO. 06-206 DRAFT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A JOINT USE OF PREMISES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AND SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City has been requested to enter into a joint use of premises agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Water District to allow encroachment into the right of way of the Junipero Serra Channel for a portion of the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge Project; and, WHEREAS, the City has the need to encroach upon a portion of the Junipero Serra Channel, to properly construct the Mary Avenue Bike & Pedestrian Bridge, NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Joint Use of Premises Agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Water District which will allow the City to place a portion of the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge foundation within a District right of way. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December 2006, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino (;C-J , ".,' l,':" / ~ 1 j l: li. i, ~1 '" ':'..~l.;;~' , ' l ! , . ""I' , . . .J ,f, t \. ~""t',~}~, . 'I I ,; " ; l~ i r: "" I . 'If' ! _",0 , ;"1::' <t. J ;, l' f :. ,I. ' . " " iI,,"," " ,,1\ ...J '< '.( ~A...~' ' "',1 ,,- " t"l- ',. ~ j, , '-1 ! , l J l. ":: ~.