21898 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building PmIed Idendfkalon PEl"T NO. BuddinAddreas: 21898 ZR .4�,qc �� rcre ��'' ` ' me AL.egl� 7• CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Cont" N Lk.Na APPLICATION if PERMIT / L powTiAl� ✓ �2� BUILDINGELECTRICALPf UMBING-ME{HANTCAL CATEGORY CONTROL a Anhke t/Engtneer. Lie-No: QTY ELECTRICPERMTP FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby Dna heuz1/�aBeenuedi under prwWweofC9(mmmm A[R.IANCESRESmENML ingwith Seetion70W)afDfvhdo3.fthd BusysandProfaailexaCode,and JOB DP I.e. aIn( 111��y��orrraaaand effect. PAN�LS Lie.aor ,A G` U�� ConUP TO 2COAMPS ARCHITECT'S DECLARATK)N201-1000 AMPS �q+W Q] I undenfand my plavehall be u.:d 1 n publlcre a OVERIWOAMPS SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA $/9U.FT. E j Licemed Pmfesbnal SIGNS ELECTRICAL << OWNER-BUILDER DECLAIfATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/ML9C V. a Ihuebyaffi.thatlamexemptfrmnthe Comraeorb Lit`neelAwfmthe p�y folbwing rcumi.(Semon 70)15,Bueims arid[Profulov Code My cityor O .E 3 TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. r countywhkh requima per Wt tomrwruct,alter,improve,demolish,oreepair - F.O6 anyMm=mprlortoibL arce,aborequimtheappbantf«sudtperndtto TOWER DEVICES r.U file a dgned ane e"M the he b Iloenaed pursuant to the provbbru of the 7� w Contnnor's Lkeve Law(Chaptdr9(mmmendngwfth Section 7000).!pv4 "'30 abn3of the BuelnesandPmAesbvCodc)arthe hebdadmp[thertlromand SWIMMING TOOL ELECTRIC VALUATION Q the beab for the alleged uempHon. Any vlelatlon of Section 7MLS by any �A appBuntfor a permit subjeGa the appheam toe civil penalty deet more than OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES $ flue hundreddollar, . 1,-1owner of heproperty,or my employ.n with wage as their uk NEWRESIDEJIIALELECTR SQFT, STORIES TYPE CONSRLIMON' peT7UZwill Bothew«ksedthes Code:rcbootImactor oromeLaw dm wt apply to an owner of property who bilNa or lmpmves thereon,and OCCGROUP RES,UNITS whodmeuchwork himxlf orthrwgh hlaownemployaes,provbe i thatuch Improvements are not Intended creffered for uk.U,however,thebrliding or TOTAL Improvement 1asoid within oreyeorofcompletlee.the owner-buaderwW love relen ofp,wlog that he du one build or Improve for purpose ofsale.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN er owner of the Property,am eaWh,ely,Busi contracting with lleemsed!Code, PIRMIT 65I)ANCE meCrierMeter,to m).leen the project(Sec 7044,Burnes and Proferbro Cade The or Int ro s therLw Bern not apply to ane sue of property who ALTER-DRAIN VENT-WATER(IA) _ ogSdPa t r Imprwv thereon,and who mmraRs(«such p(ojMs with a °gRyacYar(.exem t unde,uw to the Comndar.Llmve Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY OUT%IDPFEET LJ I am exempt urdn Sec B 4 P C for this reason IXUIN&FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y_ N Owner E RECEIPT I WORK MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FDCTURFS PER TRAP dAi00L'17 X Y_ N M1 hereby affirm the I love•artiRote of cosset to seU-Iwrt,m a RRA, nxntWLate ofWorEeri Competunbnlvunn«ma«rtlffed mpytheavft5n. Lab GGAS EA.SY57EM-1 WCIOURK TLETS PAFEE Y N 3gW, , Cd[ GAS- W�.BDSIS'� GEA.SYSTENOVER a(EA) RINEPf1 'n - Ltd A.S BUILDING DIVISION FEESCertified copy b fiercbyfumbhN. GREASE/WDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEpToR PLANCHECK FEE rtNed mpyb(iled with the city ivpeRbn dldeim. - i CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE the pemdt b(m orc hundred dollen SEWTF SANITARY STORM EA 7fNET ecc Date -Re t# (DdseMbn need eat be compined U alao)mlm) WATER HEATER w/VF /EECTR ENERGYFEE Y N 1«not mPlOYhat in anhe p penton many m work to a to enepemwl.lto there, _ I x]B not<mpby any Peron f any manner to u to become ubjdu to the WATER SYSTEM/TRUTING W«k<n'Compevatbn Lwe of6W«nh.Dee PAID Q Z Applicant NEWRESIDRMALZP B. SQFT. Date Recel t# Z O NOTICETO APPLICANT:If,after making thisCeraitnte of Exempjxmyou shouldbcomeubjedtothe Woh m'Compevebnpmvbbmo(the Labor TOTAL ~ N_ Code,you eustforthwith comply with such prosisbvarthis permit shall be Q > deemed revoked. BVIL12INQ FEE ap CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE = I hereby 91frm that there b a mvtullon lending agency for the perform TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE •� anoe o/Rhe workforwhichthh pemdtb Weed(See.?Off7,CH.C.) V O larders Name PLUMBING FEE LL H LeMer'a Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICALFEE O W _ I ordltythat l have readthb appaotionaM stinformationthe above information (1 lammed.lagmtocmplywhhWtltyaMmntyordlnan¢ andeateUws PERMIT ISSUANCE L'Z—& . FEES PAID:' } N relatingte, vtrueion,aed herebyauthorleerupreaentativvofibb f.. Z tlty1 V11heaberw-meed Property for hupeetton Purpoen. ALTERORADDTOME{H. Date ReCei t# _ e) save,hdemm a d p humim the City of Cupedhu ps buil ud meet nanwhiehrruyinanywayamue MRFLANDUNGIINITH010,000CFW00 SUBTOTALager Wt a ntinge(thlnperrnd. AERHANDUNG UNIT(OVER 10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX SIPw App LAZ RDOUS« Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DLC]) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: IInt,Rfx)USMATE IALSDISCIOSURE Will the clued by the ure Wdding oavpantoc, hapten le 91Z andvus EIFATEYG UNIT(N 100,fgO BTU) Date Rmei t# nukrhlu defraybythe Cupemiro255 Municipal Code,Chapter 9.11,and the Ekakn and Suety code Sectlm 255dzG)r HEATING UNIT(OVER 1W,000 grin TOTAL: k•cXP F7 Yes No Illthe applloruaair Wilding ottvpantus the Bay At«devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RE9U) ISSUANCE DATE which eMt ogtox us air eonhmW me as deRvd by the Bay Area Alr Iltyhfavgemem Dbtri l7 BORER-COMP 100,000 BTU) Yn ❑No aharHealthhe mode,Sectio lnemenbunderC 25534. 95 of 1)OII.EA{OMP(OV1R 100,000BM the Californialh Health&s,(my Code,Senbv 25505,25-933 and 755X. I undenhed that if the building don not eumently have a tenant.that It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT i".L1Ii mpovmOfty to notify the.pam of the requlrcmenta which rtun be met , prim to bsnrcu a.CertiOote of O.Paruy. /�sa p{/ __�� Owneroraulheriud a gent Date ��a..a^•. TOTAL: ISSUED BY: / OFFICE COPY