06080238 CITY OF-CUPERTINO , T, 11, .T BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT tat BUILDING ADDRESS: THE BATH ROOM INC 06080238 10345 FARALLONE DR ER'S NAME: PERMITISSUEDATS MIYAKAWA 1910 W EL CAMINO REAL 08/29/200(5 MONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (650) 968-7666 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERM".INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB joo LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I bereth,sNal at I am licessom order provision of Chapter 9 Job Description with Seethat 70110)of DIAtogta 3 of ft Business and ismitommou,Code,and my Ikon.I. in fell force bd.fr.L Y REMODEL 40=efffiN NON STRUCTURAL LionseClass Le., A67330 Damcmusese, 2!3�d &4'fe"_ —I- -I ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understand my pins shall N used as public records tsd Licensed Professional OWNER-BUDDER DECLARATION I hereby affinn that I am exempt from the Commanor's License Lsw;for the FOYA ED a following memo.(Saction 7031.5,Business and Prefectures Core:Any city.,..my 129 which acquires a paroult he common,altar,Improve,demolish,or unfair any structure $15000 •1;. priorta its isautrunce.alsomquirestim,applicant fimstach Krusilus file asignedstancencut Sq.Ft.Floor Area that he is licensed pursuant M the provisions of doo C01.1sker's Liccom LAW(CWPtm 9 Valuation a (cournmencing with Secuon 7000)of Division 3 of me Business and Prollossins Code)or that he is exempt 11creficill and the bucht for the alleged assumption.Any violad,an of Section 7031.5 by any applicant per a permit subjects me applicant to a civil penalty of ccpu,,a,,ncy Type no,mom than five hundred dollars(M), ell A.their able compmenuumm, 0 1,..ef�prcM,mmy.pl.y..Ub.r h' forsa Re aired Ins actions --� and Profiesmans Code:Twill domewark Codex he Conuoustor's Licssm,Law does not apply as an owner of property who Wildsorimposecs moment.and whodoassuchwarichimselfor through his ormemploymes,provided mansuch unproncroorm,so an,handed oraffersed for Bale.If, homm,me building or Improvement is sold within ance year ofccompleduar.the meres- bull&'win Mw ft immune of movitri,that M did num Wild or improve for Variants,of .Is.). 0 1.as owner of she property.am exclusively contracting with Round commuctons to concruntel use,projea(Seg.70aa,Business and Profession Code:)The Conturcurns U. comes LAW don not apply as in mancer of properly who WiWs or improw,thembon,and. who cranuarcut per such projects with a cormwour(s)licensed pursent W ft C(aftracirces License LAW. ❑I am exempt under Set B&Is C for this ressmor l a Date I WORKERS COMPENSATION DECURA71ON � I bessay Lffirm under penalty of perjury ons of the following decluentalmor lown d*111 maintain a CIrlIctuo or Consent he self-Inuit for Wormer Comn* ,as provided for by Secure 3'1'00 of flas Labor Code,for the performance of me o"'for which this Permit is issued. I I haw unit will maintain wmsbues compensation Insurance,as required by Section of 0.Labor Code.far the performance of me work,for which this permit I.issued. MyW., "s rN.so I use carnm.nd Policy amobarture: Canil. In X;J,2 Policy No.: 13?311-3�e_5 0 CERITIFICAMOF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Dnos motion need sales completed Irma Permit Is return hundred dollars($100) or less.) I cerfil)v the,I.use marommors.of the vustic for Which this anal,is Wood.I must am employ any person in my mourneers,as as become subject in ft Wormoux'Coniscresuflon Laws ofCsfirmeh..Data APPIbnL NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If.after meting this Certificate of Exemption,you should become iubject to the Worker's Compensation previsions of the Labor Code,you am Z forthwith Comply With such Provision Or this Permit"I edthernmed revoked. Z 0 E D! CONSTRUCTION hereby affirm CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY this mere is a cotru nsction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) dUndoes Name F� :0 z League.Address U0 I certify that I haw nod this application and sum this the now informadun is I,L Correct.I 1juM 10 Comply With all City and county ordinances and state laws relating to 0 building construction,and hereby auchofice mpoexammins or this city to enter upon the U r W used propertyfor inspection purposes. (We)agree to saw.indemnify and cup harroloss me City of Cupertino almost fiabilitics,judgments,costs and expenses which may In my my acme against said City Uin consequence of the gronting of this Permit. Date APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WAA.SOMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: SOURCE REGULEA'nq. Re-roofs (�;7 Signatup4l'A,plicarnoCnasclor W,—.--6 df_ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will done applicants,or Anne truildfing=upset sacce,or handle hansuchno truncrud as dallmod by 0.Capsorm.Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety Section 255324)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 0yes V,5'No Wilift applicant or future Wilding occupant use equipment ordevics,which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove crall.luroardums.1,comeminums as defined by our Say Ana Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? 0yes 7�1� I heve mad the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califor. nia Health&Safety Code,Secoom 25505,25533 and 25534,1 understood that if&building does on,currently how a inans,that it is my reasonability in WoufY the occuproul of due requirements wbichm t prior on issuance of a Certificate of`cFoP'9`4G Signature of Applicant Date O.ud'auffichri — 11Dow 41111 All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better I /, I —