01080141 'CI BUILDING UILcUoN PERToNO D' PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMFF NO. 7544 FALLENLEAF LA 01080141 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUR DATE MCCARTY KEVIN P AND ELAYNA B 08/29/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, OO ARCHITECDENGIN'EER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO DG LE PLUMB MECH Teat^ L z LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION O?=O head, affirm tiro 1 am licensed under provlaon.of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description �r-nFp, with,ecdon rornl ar ivision3 of'he Business anJ Pmfenions Cade.and my license FIRE DAMAGE REPAIR. <yE i:' Nlrarteamefl t. ares srtse Clam Li<.a X O i U to Com.ry F•caARCHITECT'S DECLARATION �7y ,i} 1 understood my plans shall he used as public records i a,z Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION s"e 1 hereby affirm that I am coonpt from the Contractor's License Law for the Ism following reason.(Section]0315.Business and Profeaims Code:Any city capacity ,f,/ _ which requim a permit m construct.alter,improve.demolish,or repair any swnurtaa [/ y�2 0 0 0 0 a3 -pri t is nave,al rtq_ doepplicantforsuchperm Oofl 'gedsolsment - - .. _- _. - - t,, p ... .... that he n dpun ma the pro ons ofihe ContractorsL Low(Chapter Y f I.``.} 3S�, U '4'or Area' r Valuation (co ecng th Section]OW)of Division 3 ofthe Busrne dPmr<ssioro GWe) ,-,( �D .�'}t:� l tt� or that he is exempt therefmm'and the basis for the alleged esirripthm.Any violation of Section 7031.5 b,any applicant far.p.it subjects the application a civil penalty �t,,g�,�S raotmam'himfile hundrmdollars(S50o). 101'4PNE'VUNI7ATION 1 `vCOccupancy Type ❑Las , theee'orproperty,ormy employeesinthe ifeolesmion, will do the work, and the structure not intended or offendT lesep. J Profi CarlThe C t or%Lie does not apply to ---- 10 3.- UFER Required Ins owner ofpn)peny buildsp ane ,ad whodoes. ch workhimself ofthrough n. employees.provided m rn improvements am nor inrequm 104 --.REBAR ___-- _./_..• afferlei T7.'If h Jb 'ding pm rnt i 'thWcompletion.the nc bclc will have the buNen of proving that he did not Id or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS m"mo """ r106 - SEWER & WATER , _ - 1i ❑1 owner othin proynyameacW Ire fiof mTactotsto 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBINcompact the pnm'Sec ]041Business and Professions Carl The Cormmnar's License Lawd«s not apply to an owner of property who badds or improves thereon. 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL _an " m p cant.,°. e - 2 0'4- - UNDERFLOOR--FRAME _..-- d M1 °tial¢f h pmj as_w m. .c muctoaa Cn t t 1' ❑1 m r under Sec. B&P C f r th's rtason 205 - UNDERFLOOR"Y "'INSULATION owner' Date 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING a„” WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION . 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER In by rfirm a penmtyarpej y ente off-ingaepmmmaa 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1,c din. sIrmo ton' cby Sec r3 Consent vnbor far wart the 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL _ Co pe m s;provided for by Seniors 3]tq of the Labor Code, for the m aide iiia work rat seinen rMa a mit fiat i..aea.., 305 - FRAME _ ❑ ) ve'vnC will maintiin Worker's Cmpe is;ion InSumnce;as requirta Iry 5enion 306 - HOLDOWNS - 3 fthe Labor code.f ,M1 perform ce f Joe work far which mi,perm,is d M,y W k C vol r be 307 - _INSULATION c.,reu J—�aa- Tr' Palm y- �9 �7� U/ . 308. -'. SHEETROCK ,. M.WORKIE St - n \I I (CERTffIL.COM EXEONINS ANE ` 309 I t�EXTERIOR_' LATH ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE"' - -- -„- - t (Th.sicton neN not be complaeJ if the permit is for one hundred dollars 310 ', ; INTER IOR _LATH 311 - SCRATCH COAT l"or rym,''the peri , nn kr 'n nm - ­­'31'3--`­ROOF"'NAIL_" -- 'Coll t plywsofC aynan tobecam bjccunthaW°k 501 FINAL ELECTRICAU'ENERGY Compensation La of California Dac, - APpI...... _ _ - - - --. ...502--- FINAL -PLUMBING -ENERGY 'NOTICE TOAPPLICANTIf,after making m Ceaurcme at—Ese-poom you did. 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY Z forthwith rn 'bl n ant W k C p s t p hs obeli ah Cod.you must Z � 's m ply nn nth near permit:nallxa d ked. _504 FINAL-BUILDING-ENERGY-- - _ - -- F;> '( - 'CONSTm is a'a NLENDING AGENCY ".a , a.� In hereby R n 'm pr lending age yr n peegnnaape 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL „ W 309] CivC, r„ Name 506 _GAS__TEST. p z ._.. - - ' - — - --- I:chder Addms - 507 - FINAL PLUMBING ;,( _ U Q Iretail,'hot Ihave read'his aindication and s,am hot'he abovcinfonnodmais 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL Iy fie amread:1 agrta to comply,with ail city and county ordinances and vac laws relaxin to buildingconsmption.and hereby'authmizcieprewmativcsofthlicitytoenter own 509 - FINAL GRADE meamve-mentiaapaFoppery, (or,Inspection,Purposes,.• 510 - FINAL PLANNING (WOagreelos demtry sadA phaal.sthe Civ rCpenim against 1 Cg ts. I d thenars h h m'3 in any y against said liabilities514 - F BLIC WORKS Ci q 4orm y- t ¢of thi perm' - 10.NT,UN T ANDS AND WILL COMPLY NITHrALL INON-POINT 7 O - _ Sr c RECL AT1ONS:, ''-: ';, Issued by: Date !i i amreurApp�¢mdcanira<mr+.,;'': ,:;,, Data l: Re-roofs w - HAZARDOUSMATEftIALS DISCLOSURE - nd,e pplpa t rpt buldmg pa t.t h, h,'narwN'snaterr.l --Type of Roof- asdfndbyth Cpcn M pICW Chpr 9.1 Jth Heal to and Safety yp -- - - - --v- � CW Set 2553'_(al t w - .a, _ - +or 5 - :❑N ''. ' y 1,'' •. } H `,All roofs�shalLbe i ected.prior to.any_roofing material being installed__ _ em twBtb air to future bundngoc thea t eegap ora ate awn<n If a to is instal I without first obtaining an inspection, Fagree.to iernove m t h zaN cone 'tont. refined 65 theBay A a A 0 1 ly Manage nt e '❑N _ „all,new,materials for.inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations.. a:. ,i. 1 have read)toe hvzallo materials q remeni ahider Copper 6.91 of the ,C-lifursh Health ASafe',Cial, SeaSedim,25505:25533 ad255U.1-rd .tardthat -dth building J,:-1 dyh t ' tn ' p 'ill r notify he ... . ... . .. ... - u a t wide requirements which must be MCtPTiorrDiSSLeiscofaCertirienteof r _ Signature of ApplicantDate •• All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better :_, 4 wncr r,autM1orizm agem.v;. .: .;' Ua'e � - . .. c.. • ( i .... .. . _ _ .. .._. _ - r. - — -- OFFICE - — - y LC Q o m ' .p • z o F = Y22'SS r o vv W t oam Ga Win c `'' 3 -� �nvf�l � � Cis O a .�� ie �. �a h � a Q U m m m o n Q p v � ocE3 cc i3 " C7 m Q c n 8 m o 9L. C GI a W ffi m— E 'er _ C.i co � z y s v — � - c � m � t - 's J X43 1 � � - --fid e C u 9 - �� coLOo � mQ � Q m aaC m O� V W N v m . fig `mea E�E O Lu � w _ CPJ } O LL V Q � N r LO ° Y e z .� a n m } � c � U. SUl U LL 2 x ujb \ m � Ln m • C-4 T - W- ag$ 0 m u , } cy � W E0 3DVd 'ONI 'SZi3rina okN ff 79Tb-98E-015 bE:ZZ T00Z/HZ/80