29222 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. ^ ^ w BUILDINC DIVISION APPWCATIONIPERNIT PLUMBING-MECf1AN'ICAL L L'LJL tlUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDINGADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAU OW R'S NAME: PHONE: CO CTON'SNAME / LIC NO,, Z/—F_ 961 WC COISTROL0 ,�4R ITE /L'NGINFPft: LIC NO: ADDR S: EJv- 9 7 57, .tl. CONTACT. PHONE. BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Consuhmat Fees Paid by Appllrant(InHial) Bulc LECf PLUMB MECH ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONr.d under CON QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE 1 wrtny,mom mm 1 am ti.<n.wJ nnaer mr,.lx2m.of Owgw v(r.�nnom, ]OB ESCRIPTION 1aQti'Z with Section 9Dg0 of Division 3u fine Basovitai" fica,siuun Cate.atd my licensch RESIDENTIAL h OO le full face mud effect. PERMIT ISSUANCE Y W ❑SEEWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL Q U Dauc CDca 1Jc.X q Duc Camruta APPLEAI:CES-RESIDENTIAL � El ADDITION WPLUMBING RF.-PIPE F, y ARCHI'TE'CTS DECIANATION PANELS ❑MULT6UNIT 11 STRUCTURAL ,Z O'�� lunlcnrmd myplans"In he used as purlic rands MODIFICATION OZ UP'r0200 AMPS 11 INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR r,a�� Luccnsetl l4ufecswmW 201-IOTAAMPS IMPROVEMENT yXW OWNER BURDFR DECLARATION OVER I"AMPS CR BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑DFM0LrrI0N tY 6 I M1crtbY affirm Thu I em BUH_D from the RATIcN Licrnse lees fw the x a L U followin8 ream.(Sr diem 7031 J.Bao.and Plvfessiaua Code:Any city a.,y SIGNS ELECDUCAL OOTMER t[] W which rs,,m ct it Pcramit to c,mmium eller,iarpnvc, hmolish,«rtreir my itclun, O pier to i0 i.ssa...,al-mlulrcrthert'Nicvm famch'mnluofik uigrcJ gmcmnnl SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. iN+ the he is licensN lXYFnMI to lM rluvisium 0Inc C,mllvcmr's License lyw(Owper9 00 (manenoing with Srction7")ofDivuim 3 oflhe Bminusud Pmfeuions Cak)ar TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. COMMERCIAL' that K is esempl Ihertfrom and tate baso fa the alleged!eseelpian.Any violation of 4• Ssetimu]031.5 by any gplicw for e reemil subjects the applicant w e civil penalty of POWER DEVICES �NEWBLUG/ADDIIION ❑FOODSERVI �y ANT ❑FOODSERVICE: F,Z Y m uswre Inas fn¢M1u,ldKd dol Wes(5500). CLes awns of the propMy,or my emrloyca wish wages a.thcir.snlc nsnprnsetiun, SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC IMPROVEMENT wdl du 0c wruk,unl the stmmune is nig inwndd urulfctW for w i,(Sci,,Tt,4,Rusinccs ❑OTHER �_ and Pmfc.uitms CMc:Tle Cmduclora License law des not apply w un owaa of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FD(TURFS 4' plopeny who builds or improves ft.and who does such work himself of dirmugh - hu own employ.,,provided that such ingrwveraenae are nn intat a oRered for NEW RESIDENTIAL Ft I= SQ ET. sale.ILMsvem,Ne buildin8a ingm,vemem 4.14 witleooeyeaMmrmtdoorne SQ.f ..FLOOR AREA 3rSQ.P-n mr-builder win av,,the laden of proving that he did not build in impnve far par- ei E v ona,of sakg, I,as o,acr of the pmvvd,,aa,C,r]a,ivtIy t'rvon,tin,with II«nuJ c'oamica—In TOTAL: cmwnct the PmjcO(Sa.7044,Business and Pmfcuhnts Cava I Tlw Clmbalas naorLi- QTY PLUMBING PERMIT FEE APR - 21996 vee law&e t apply to an owner of pvperty who builds or poandimves Ihenco ,u whoccausa.faweb cojau witharintruma(s)licensed pursuam to the Contracmet Iisrnsc law. ❑IameacmpuMer Ser. ,B&PCfurlhiancasm PERMITISCUANCE ���'�( Vr IXUi Ctrllh Owner Dart, ER ALT -DRAIN&VP,NT-WATP.R(EA) VALUATION WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE I heathy affirm uMcr pearly of perjury one of be,following decluatiaa: ❑ Thecae and will maiaalnaCmifucue MC«ued la relf-imvrt for Wakcrs C«nprn- DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOK AREA.COND. wivn,u province fa by Senior 3y0l)of the Ia vmr Cook,for due K..a of the STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION sunk far which this pemdia iesual. FACTURES-PER TRAP /e 0 I have and will maintain W..ker'a Compnsalion Inmtmee,ar le9uimd by Smlum 3701(Iuftne Labor Code,for the pif«nwue of the wuric fm which this permit is i.esucd GAS-G.SYSTEM-1 INC.40VRETS My Worker' Cslmpcnwim lnsyynna cvmicreal picY�m OCC.GROUP APN Certirr.�cmi Fi-_�•l� PalkY Na. GAS-EA.SYSTEM,0VER 4 EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS - COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASFJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR (This s cllon need ort he aanpWcd if the pmnit is[err ore hu,dad ddlars(SITU) BUEDW G DIVISION FEES a ksJ GREASE TRAP PfANCIIECK FtJi 1 cenify that in the 1m mainucc of the wad fur which This permit k iu id.l shall SEW t employ any pemsatratransitin any transit so as to became subject ft K'orkm'Cmvpco- ER-SANITARY-STONM FA.200 FT. reENERGY FFP 0Z sation laws of Califcsimi Dae WATER HEATER WIVENiEl-EM Z Applicant GRADINGPEC V] NOTICE.TO APPLICANT.If,after making this Certificate of Gen,plion,you slcud WAG( SYST?,V REATING a [' beasne subject w the W«ta's Cun,pcauion provisions of the Lshn Calc,you must - SOILS ITE 1' [i falnwim c«,ply with such pmvirivmr or this Permit dudl to JccmM rtvoked. WATER SERVICE a � U Z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL PEAR. SQ,FT. PAID I herwhich 11YIIntrti3aaex](Scel30 len ling ageayfmthe per(ornnnrntt of Due RsaeipX �� the wwk f«which tis pomit is icsucd IStt.J097,Ci,C.) O U leadeOl Nene TOTAL: L) Lmrl,,,AdJrtnx TOTAL: y 1 certify Inv 1 have rt&this application and sour tbut the ahuvc iof«muion Is BUILDING FEE - t/i a,nal.l egg to canPly with all city am cvumy ordirurce and nuc laws at a- QTY. MECHA_NrICAL PERMIT FEE V Z Whim,cawrvction.card herebyaulhu crtpreseaaivuo(this city to atter upon lie SEISMIC FFP. above-nrcrution.d property'fpr impecEon puryoaa. (We) to cave,i,demnif ad keel hmmk a to City of Cu PERMIT ISSUANCE ^C^e Y r ) penst dCity ELECDUC FEE Iiacobuc acn, ,,f hecoonanalut mi which may in any war acmeageing said city ALTER OR Allll TO MECII. ' conaryucnre of the granting nl'Ihir � PLUMBING FFR APPLICANT UNU STANDS D LLC PLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.(W CFM) I Let SOAR ONS. _ MECHANICAL FEE ci AIRHANDUSIGUNIT(OVEH 10."CFA) CONSTRUCTION TAX SiVischnsin ol'AlSplimainfiCurbstedli a Date tLHAUST HELD(WA)UCD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HOUSING MITIGATION FEE Will the applicant orfutwe building«[upMlamma handle M1vadws material HEAUNGUNIT(TOIW.0(X)BTU) ' as declined by the Cupertino Municipd Cook,Ctaper 9.12,and the Hrnitb and Safety Cade.Satan 25532(.)^ HEiOENG UNIT(OVER IW."BTU) , ❑Ye ❑No VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RESID) PAID , Will the of licanl or future building ucc,anta nt vime Date RcipX mihaznNtau air cmmianudefred hYthe Ila,Area AirCalilY Managementment BOILER-COME(3HP OR IOO.M)BTU) Ohariar ITOTAL ❑Yep QNo BOILER-COME(OVER IW,000U) BT . I have teal his,herallous materels rt9aircurcnausMer AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE form.Health&Safety Cove,Seniw,s 2554)5,25533 ard'_S5}4,11 mdcntand that if the ' Iuildin8die,noes cunealy have a tenant,that it is my wNvmaiNlily to notify theawfsat NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ,FT. M Pie ncydremcnl,which null be ael Malo i.uancc of o Cm 11..Ic of Ikcupeny. Owner a autharized agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: 1 OFFICE