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CITY OF C14PERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT0W"IUCaTMINFO ATION: tae£loft rf"r, �a,2ava, x< ib ey.w-c.ry BUILDIrr��G D ESS: PERMIT NO. 1UE ESTATES DR AIR QUALITY HEATING & AIR 08010110 OW NEWS NAME: PERMTT SSUE DATE SMITHSON ROBERT C AND SUSAN D 720 NORTHRUP ST 01/17/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO REPLACE FURNACE/ ADD AC BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 u p G LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm Out i am licensed under provision of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description 'fib Sada.70M)of DiAxian 3 of NO Business and Pr odn Wlicenula ^ in full tone end eI( /- [(� j2 License Clans Lte.g tD af, Dam CAn DELL CHfTELTS DECLAR Z 1unMrvanJ my plants slWllac used upublic iso C' rad Licensed Professional ^ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 2 S I Wmhy.(Tiro on 1 1 exempt from Ne Contractor's CLicense: Law o for the i O O following munn.permit 1 70313•Buuness and Pmfeuioli Code:Any city or county S$ which mquima a lunar re mires r,alter.Applicant prow,demolish.tor rtpnig any structure _Lir^ prior uiucensed cabamluima thovishosof for Comesssuch mitm Ncum Law(wumem F � NUWbccemedpurmut700)ofDisiomofNeConuinesstlJcn¢law(Cock)or Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation $ (commenting pt thadon7000 th basis f 3o theeged Business Profession.Cock)or .. Mthe b Attempt 00uefrem and de bub for the alleged emmption.Any vlolWen of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ne applicant 70 a civil penalty of APN Number Occupancy e not mare 00u Tse hundred dollars($5001 P Y 1'J'P ❑I,uawrer of do prapmy,ormy wplaycm with wgosu Nab sole compemdan. .410 theworkandthesinemretsmtintendedwaffe (Dole/sec 711/.1,Budneu and Pretensions Cade:The Cummumf.Llmr¢Law dos ret"Ply m so away of Required Inspections prePmtywho build.orimpmwa themon,and whodcen.ch.,it himselfor through his , own emplayw,provided thatsueh improwmau an,not mounted araffered forsam.It. however,the building or impressment Issold within ore Year of completion.the owner. builder will haw tin burden of proving shut M did not build or imprew for purpose of sam.1 ❑1.u.of the property am eulauwly contracting with Iiensed conuu70rs 70 comuum de project(sue.7Wa,Businm am Prefessions Cade:)The Cmhacroes U. . came law does not apply At an owmar of property who Wilds or impmwa dimmer.and, who contracts for such pmjc=wit a conuactar(s)licensed pursuant m We ConuanoYa License Law. ❑lamexemptunder See ,B&PCfermismuun Ownu Data WORKERS COMPENSATION DECORATION I hereby a1Mn under penalty of Perjury one of the following declarWoos: ham viM will mainufn a tifiu Ceru ofCaosent M tilt-Imum fa Wmeee.Cr mpen. on,u pmvidcd for by Suction 3700 of the Labor Code,for Ne pent rmance of the work for which ria permit is issued. 1 haw and will maintain Workel.Compensation Insurance,as required by Section of the IaWr Cade,far the Performance of the work for which Nis Permit b Issued. ' MY WarkeYs Carpe dw lwmntt art iv end Polity numberT9� 1123 - Canier icy Na.:_IT/ CER IFl A3FEXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSA770N INSURANCE (This section recd sur W completed If de Permit Is forone hundred dollars(SIOFl or ma) 1 cattily dust in the Performance of Ne work for which this Permit is bound.I Nall not employ anyperson in any mumerm As to become subject to me Workers'Compensation Law of Caltfomia,Dau Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.after making this Ceninceu of Exemption,you should become Subject m du Worker'.Compensation provisions of the labor Cade,you most O forthwith comply arm such prevision or Nb pe dm permit shall eeed rewkM. Z y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [•-sur I hereby aErm Wt Nem b a comuuction lending agency for de performance of C> the wart for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) GQ Gartmes Nurse z Iandeh Add—.. V Q I certify that I Its.read W.application and use than the spew information b lgr ^ ccrra't I agree m comply with all city and county andowaxa and sum lava refining m .O SV': Wilding conumcdon,and hereby Autumn mpreenudses of this city 70 enter upon de l31 aWw-mejudito ms.costinertlyfa Inspection puryosea PL (We)agree to saw•indemnify and kap hrtmlesa the City of Cupertino against Ilacoisequence of Standing upmr.mmit. may in my wyaame Against said City (,) APLICA consequence DERSTANDSmin Permit. APPLICANT DBRSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WI ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURC�AtEaTd TIONS. I I l o ����// Re-roofs Signuu of icandConuacur Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Wlll No applicant or forum Wilding e.Chapter 9A or Wndlo HeaNam mvurial u dc0md by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.13.am the Health and Safely Gale. Ell l Y.us33tat7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Ym No Will tha applicant or' mm Wilding occupant use cquipmmt or dcvima which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,.I agree to remove havardoo.ter conuminuu u darned by the Bay AMA Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. cn D Yes 6- 1 haw mol du hauNau//mamriab MuNimmems under chapter 6.95 of the Califon. nix Health A Safety Cade Sections 35505.35533 uul 25534.l undemand dm if the Wilding dao *rg&nun".d Nw•rwn4 dw It b my rnpomisiMli,,u 'ry do el ant of de oh must I met prior 70 entrance ore Cenifeau f heti Signature of Applicant Date 2JA0 agent I Da All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better CITY OF CUPERTINO 7 ITEMS OF 7 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: SylviaM COPY # 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . : 36913046 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 01/17/2008 RECEIPT #. . . . . . . . . : BS000003721 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08010110 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 10421 E ESTATES DR SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . ' CITY CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . OWNER SMITHSON ROBERT C AND SUSAN D ADDRESS 10421 EAST ESTATES DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO, 95014-4505 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : MATHEW FARBER CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : MATTHEW FARBER LIC # 22791 COMPANY AIR QUALITY HEATING & AIR ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 720 NORTHRUP ST CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SAN JOSE, CA 95126 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 293-7138 • FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ----------- -------- ---------- ------ --------- --------- 1BREMAIRHA NO.UNITS 1 . 00 61 .19 0. 00 61 .19 0. 00 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 7, 650. 00 0. 80 0 . 00 0.80 0. 00 1EPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1. 00 40.79 0. 00 40.79 0. 00 1MPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 .79 0. 00 40 .79 0. 00 1MRRAA UNITS 1. 00 61. 19 0. 00 61 . 19 0 . 00 1PPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1. 00 40.79 0. 00 40 .79 0. 00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1.00 40:.790. 00 40 .79 0. 00 ---------'- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 286 . 34 0. 00 286 . 34 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 286 . 34 VISA --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 286 .34 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION ------ -------------------------- -------- -------------------------- 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING , 508 FINAL MECHANICAL I ' ©. CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC aCI OF • CUPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM �p APN# Date: �d/(J 9/ 36 4,0CI Building Address: wner's Name: Phone #: x1r' 5 2,5-7- - 3 &" Contractor: Phone#: DC7 3— 7/3 it V" � Fax #: V0—OyM Contractor License#: _ _ Cupertino Business License#: —Z,Z, Contact: Phone #: V?) — 7 W 67 " Building Permit Info: rElect Plumb ❑ Mech tial Commercialescription: hqCM L For Residential Installations: Attic ❑ Ist floor 2"a floor ❑ Adhere to minimum setback requirement For Commercial Installations: Replacement same weight ❑ Additional weight(structural calcs) ❑ Structural Calculations required for new installation ❑ New installation Planning Approval Required ❑ Cost of Project: Type of Construction (Usage Class): Strapped ❑ On Platform Bonded ❑ New Location ❑ Replacement Valuation: Green Buil ing: Must attach Green Building Check list to this application CITY OF CUPERTINO 11 FURNACE/AC CUPEk iNO FEE SCHEDULE • Quantity Fee D Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group FURNACE FURN/AC 1MCRAA Commercial-Repair/Alteration/Add to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit, cooling unit,absorption unit,or ea heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system,incl installation_of_controls_regulated_by this code. 1MCREPALT Commercial for the repair of alt/add to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit,cooling unit,VAV boxes, absorption unit or ea heathing, cooling absorption,or evaporative cooling sys, incl install of controls regulated by this code: 1MCSUSHTR Commercial Install/Relocate ea M suspended heater,recessed wall htr, or floor mounted unit heater. 1PGASCOM Commerical for ea gas piping System P 1-4 outlets 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or P more per outlet. 1MCAPPVNT Commercial for the install/relocate/ or M replacement of ea appliance vent installed & riot incl in an appliance Permit. 1BSEISMICO Commercial Seismic B 1MRRAA Residential Repair/Alteration/Add to M 1 ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit, j cooling unit,absorption unit,or ea heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system,incl installation of controls regulated by this code. 1MRSUSHTR Residential Install/Relocate ea M suspended heater,recessed wall htr, or floor mounted unit heater. 1MRAPPVNT Residential for the install/relocate/ or M replacement of ea appliance vent install ¬ incl in an appl permit. r� CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC • CUPERTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group FURNACE FURN/AC 1PGASRES Residential for ea gas piping system of P 1-4 Outlets 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or P more per outlet. / 1BSEISMICR Residential Seismic B 1MECPLNCK Mechanical Plan Check M 1MFR=<100 Furnace Syst<=100k BTU install or M relocate ea forced-air/gravity type famace/bumer, incl.ducts/vents attached to such appliance up to and • include 100,000 Btu/h 1MFRN>100 Furnace Syst> 100k BTU install or M. relocate ea forced-air/gravity type fumace/burner, incl ducts/vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 Btu/h / lEPERMITFEE Electric Permit Fee E 1MPERMTTFEE Mechanical Permit Fee M /1 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P J 1TRAVDOC Travel Documentation B / 1BUSLIC Business License B • CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC CUPEI�TINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group AIR FURN/AC CONDITIONING 1BCAIRHAN Commercial A/C Units <= l0k CFM B 1MCRAA Commercial Mech Repair/alt/add M 1BSEISMICO Seismic Commercial B 1PGASCOM Commerical for ea gas piping System P 1-4 outlets –IPGASRES 72esidentiaFfor ea gas piping system--—P— of 1-4 Outlets 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or P more per outlet. Comm/Resid IBREMAMiAN Residential A/C units <= 10k CFM B 1MRRAA Residential Mech Repair/alt/add M 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential B 1EPERMITFEE Electric Permit E I 1MPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit M 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P 1TRAVDOC Travel Documentation B 1BUSLIC Business License B Single Family GreenPoint Checklist data: i , Build llt Greefi The GreenPoint Checklist is band on the various green features incorporated Into the home and is the Sman Solutions From The Ground Up basis for the GreenPoint Rated program.A home can be considered groan it it fulillls the prerequisites, Hams at least 50 points,and dmares Water(minimum points per category.Energy list of Indoor Air Qualftynanny i Health(5),Resources(6),and Water(g).Please contact Bulltl It Green for a Ilsl of qualified GmanPoinl • Risers It you are Interested in pursuing third-party verification. The green building practices listed below are described In the New Home Construction Green Building Guidelines,available at www.bulltlitorean.oro. w ENTER PROJECT • 2 3 G u s A.61TE: - _ •Points Available Par Measure t.Protect Topsoil and Minimize Disruption of Existing Plana Is Trees ❑ a.Protect Topsoil from Erosion and Reuse after Construction 0 1 _ 1 ❑ b.Limit and Defineab Construction Footprint for Maximum Protection 0 fl 1 77– 2 Deconstruct Instead of Demolishing Existing Buildings Do Sib 0 ! 3 3.Recycle Job She Construction West including Green Waste) ❑ a Minimum 50%Waste Diversion by Weight(Recycling or Pause)-Required 0 ! 1 R ❑ b.Minimum 65%Diversion b/Weight(Recycling or Reuse) 0 ! 2 ❑ c.Minimum 80%Diversion by Weight(Racycling or Reuse) 0 T 2 4.Use Recycled Content Aggregate(Minimum 25%) ❑ a Walkway and DMeway 0 ❑ b.Roadway Bass 0 Total Points Available In She 12 0 B.FOUNDATION". Points Avallable Per Measure- 1.Replace Portland Cement in Concrete with Recycled Ryash or Slag—[:]—a,M15imum20%Flyashor Sleg o TI ❑ b.Minimum 25%Flyash a Slag 0 ! 1 2 Use From-Protected Shallow Foundation in Cold Aries(C.E.C.Cfirnete Zone 16) 0 11 ! 3 ❑ 3.Use Radon Resistant ConsbudDin on At-Risk Locations Only) 0 ! 1 4.Design and Build Structural Pest Controls ❑ a.Insall Tennis Shields a Separate All Exterior WoodLOConcrets Connectors by Metal or Plastic FastenaruDMders 0 i ! 1 b.All New Plants Have Tmnk,Base,a Slam Located At Least 36 Inches from Foundation 0 1 Total Points Available In Foundatil 0 C.LANDSCAPING - - Points Avagable Per Measure 1.Construct Resourco-Efficienl Landsrspes ❑ a No Invasive Spades Limed by CaHPC Are Planted 0 i_ 1 ❑ b.No Plant Species Will Require Hedging 0 • ❑ c.75%of Plants Are Orought-toleram California Nalives,Mediterranean,or Other Appropriate Species 0 ! 3 a.Use Fre-Safe Landscapin Techniques 0 1 3.Minimize Turf Areas In Landscape Installed by Builder ❑ a All Tud Will Have a Water Requirement Less than in Equal to TO Fescue(50.6 planl factor) 0 2 ❑ b.Tud Shall Not Be Installed an Slopes Exceeding 10%or in Areas Less than B Feet Wide 0 ! ! 2 ❑ c.Tud is SM of Landscaped Area(mal 2 pants) 0 2 ❑ d.TW Is 510%of Landscaped Area(total4 points) 0 —r— i 2 ❑ 4.Pant Shade Tress 0 ! 3 S.Grou2 Plants by Water Needs(Hydrozonin ) 0 2 fi.install High-Efficiancy Irrigation Systems ❑ a.System Uses Only Low-Flow Drip,Bubblers,or Low-flow Sprinklers 0 2 ❑ b.System Has Smart Controllers - 0 3 ❑ 7,Incorporate Two Inches of Compete in the Top 6 to 12 Inches of Soil 0 ! 3 ❑ B.Mulch All Planting Bede to the Greiner of 2Inches or Local Water Ordinance Requirement 0 1 2 LJ B.Use So%Salvaged or Recycled-Conbrn Materials for 5M of Non-Plant Landscape Elements 0 ( i I ❑ 10.Reduce Light Pollution by Shielding Fortune and/or Diraching Light Downward - 0 S Total Points Available In Landscaping=31 0 D.STRUCTURAL FRAME R BUDGING ENVELOPE - _. .'- ::'' .. Points Available Per Measure. t.Apply Optimal Value Engineering ❑ a.Place panels and Studs at 24-Inch On Center Framing 0 1 ! ❑ It,Size Door and Window Headers for Load 0 ❑ c.Use Only Jack and Cripple Studs Required for Load '0 ! 1 2 Use Engineered Lumber ❑ a.Beams and Headers 0 1 -L -;- - ❑ b.Insulated Engineered Headers 0 _ g ❑ c.Wood I-Jolsa or Web Trusses for Floors 0 ❑ d.Wood Waists for Roof Rafters ❑ e.Engineered or Finger Jointed Studs Its Vertical Applications 0 ❑ I.Oriented Strand Board for Subi 0 _ r_ ! ___;_ 1 ! E] p.Oriented Strand Board for Well and Rool Sheathing 0 —j 1 3.Use FSC-Certified Wood ❑ a.Dimensional Lumber,Studs and Timber:Minimum 4D% 0 ! 2 ❑ b.Dimensional Lumbar,Studs and Timber.Minimum 70% 0 ® ❑ c.Panal Products:Minimum 40% 0 ❑ d.Panel Producer Minimum 70% 0 ! ( 1 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint Checklist 2007 Version Page 1 of 4 }5$tMGHUR • PROJECT 1 D 1[S es$Dlltl WM Systema(Includes SIPS,ICFR 5 Any Ner-fill Fnmtu Asumbly) ❑ e.Floor 0 I 2� i 2 L_ ❑ b.Wale 0 2 ❑ c.Roots 0 1 2 .I 2 5,R06UN Pollution Entering the Home from the Garage ❑ e.7191mty Seal the Air Behar between Gauge and LMng Area 0 1 ) ❑ b.Install Gampe Exhaust Fan 08 Build a Detached Garage 0 1 LJ 6.Design Fnwpy Huls on Truuq(75%of Attic Insulation Height at Outride Edge of Exterior Waif D 1 L Design Roof Tweet to Accommodate Duchvotk 0 1 LJ s.Un RerydetlComent Steel Surds for 00%of Inferior Wall Framing 0 1 i I.Thermal Mas Wells,When Drywall on Al Interior Wells or Walls Weighing more than 40lblcu.K 0 1 i 10.Inpell Overhangs and Dudes ❑ e.Minimum 1&Inch Overhangs and Gurn ❑ b.Minimum 24-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 0 i 1 Total Points Available In Structural Boiling Frame and Envelops=35 D R.F-17SMOR FTNI Hi Forms Available Per Measure 1.Uu RecyeledComanf(No Virgin Piestic)or FSGCareOed Wood Decking 0 2 2.Inete11 a Relit Bunn Wall System 0 2 J.Use Durable and Noncombustible Siding Materials 0 1 /.Ssleo Durable and Noneomburdble Roofing Materiels 0 1 2 Total Polite Available In Extort,Finish.7 0 F.INSULATION Points Available Par Measure 1.Install Insulation with 75%Recycled Content ❑ e.Walls andlor Floors D 1 —E)—b:Cegin — 0 - 2.Install Insulation Neth Low-Emiteng(Certified Section 0135D) ❑ a.Wells endlor Floor 0 I 1 ❑ b.Colin D 1 ET J.Ina sm Quality of Insulation Installation before Applying Drywall 0 1 1 1 Total Points Available in umuldon.5 D G.FLDMDD4G Points Avellable Per Measure 1.Distribute Domestic Hot Water Efficiently(Maximum 7 Points). ❑ e.truism HS Water Pipes from Water Hallo to KNchen 0 ❑ b.Insulate All Hs Wats Pipes 0 1 4 1 ❑ c.Use Engineered Parallel Piping 0 - _ 1 ❑ d.Use Engineered Parallel Piping with Demand Controlled Circulation Loop 0 _ ❑ e.Use Structured Plumbing with Demand ConMed Circulation Loop 0 ❑ 1.Use Cemrs Core Plumbing 0 1 1 2 ❑ 2.Install Drift,High Efficiency Toilets Dual-Rush or 5120 ppO 0 1 1 4 Total Points Available In Plumbing.Total 12 0 IL IiBATg1110VWTILATION&AIR CONDITIONING Points Available Par Measure 17 1.Design and Install HVAC System to ACCA Manus J,D,and S Reeommendetions 0 i 4 2.Install Sealed Combustion Unite ❑ a.Ranson 0 _ 2 ❑ b.Water Heaters 0 1 2 1 1 3.11 Zoned,Hydronic Radiant Hesfing with Stab Edge Insulation 0 1 1 /.Install High Efficiency Air Conditioning with Environmentally Responsible Refigerants 0 '1 5.resign and Install Effective DUChnrtu ❑ e.Install HVAC Unit and Duorwcrk within Corniticned Space 0 ❑ In.Use Duct Mastic on All Duct Joints and Seams D 1 ❑ c.rates Ductwork under Attic Insulation(Buried Ducts) 0 1 _ ❑ d.Pressure Balance the Ductwork System 0 1 ❑ e.Prolecl Ducts during Construction and Clean All Ducts belon Occupancy 0 ) 1 e.Install High Efficiency HVAC Filter ERV 5& 0 ❑ 7.Dont install Firaplece or Install Studied Gas Rmplsw with Efficiency Rating Not Lest Than 60% 0 ' 1 using CSA Standards k IL Install Effective Exhaust Systems In Bathrooms and kitchens ❑ a.handl ENERGY STAR Bathmom Fens Ventad to the Outside 0 1 ❑ b.All Bathroom Fane Ars on Timo or Humiliated 0 ❑ c.Install Kitchen Range Hood Vented 10 ins 0091610 0 1 g.Inetell Mechenicdl Ventilation System for Cooling(Maximum 4 Points) ❑ a.Install ENERGY STAR Coiling Fans S Ught Kits In Living Areas S Sedmoms ❑ b,Install Whole Howe Fan With Variable Stable 0 1 I ❑ c.Automatically Controlled Integrated System 0 ) 2 ❑ d.Automatically Controlled Integrated System with Variable Speed Coned 0 3 1 D.Install Mechanical Fresh Air Ventilation System(Maximum 3 Points) ❑ a.Any Whole House Ventilation System That Meets ASHRAE 622 0 ___ L-L-j ❑ b.Install Ali Heat Exchanger that meets ASHRAE 622 0 -1 1 2 77 11.Install carbon Monoxide Ali 0 1 k Tota Points Available In Heading,Ventilation and Air Conditioning.30 0 0 2D07 Build 11 Green Slagle Famllv GreBnPoInt Checklist 2007 Version Pans 2 of 4