05120069CI TY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT COl�fi1�rXTQRINFORMATIf1N BUILDING ADDRESS: YURIY PRAGIN PERMIT NO.O5120O69 1164 ELMSFORD DR OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE YURIY PRAGIN 12/13/2005 E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHI7ECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONfRACIOR'S DECLARATION ' Job Description 1 hereby afllrm that 1 Am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 701)(3) of Division lar du Bus. and Protossionx Code, andmy license is in full mice and effect. �ff REPLACE WINDOWS W/STACCOPLACEMENT License Clan Lk. M qv— v" Dam Contractor ' ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my pons shall M used an public mcnrN �db}y Licensed Profession,) OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 6b ' 1 hereby Affirm that 1 em exempt from the Curvatures License Lew for the following moon. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city m county Ax$6000 which acquires a permit to car erm re uct, Blur, improve, demolish, repair any structu '0 pilar to IIS issuance. also requires the applicant rarmth pommll to III. a signed eummmll that be, is licensed pursuant Wsite provision, ofthe contractors ucerse Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area N V*f'Valuation (commencing with Scotian 7000) of Division 3 of the Bushmen end Profusion, Code) or that he is eumpt therefrom and the bub for the alleged exemption. Any violman of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of r Occupancy Type rot mart than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ 1, as owner of the pmpeny, m my employees with mges u their sob eampenudon. Required Ins echo+ will do the work. and thesuucurm Is not intended moffmad forwe(Sec. 7ON. Bualneu and Professions Code: The Commences Limme, Law dw not apply 10e an owner of q p property who builds Or improves thereon. and whodoessuch wank himselforthmugh his ' own employers, provided that such improvements are not intended oroRered (mole. If, hmevm. ebuilding or improvementlaanld withironeyeanormmpleeon,lheowwu, bullde B law the burden O(proving then he did not build a improve fm puryese of u 1, u moor of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed conummas to m construct dm project (Sec. 7044. Business and P aO:ulon, Code) The Common'! U. ccnse law alma Out apply to An owner of propeny who builds or Improves daemon, and. wMmnmacto ra hpmjem with •comactor(O licensed pursuant to time Comanctors Lken,e Lew. ❑tem exemp n1u5 BdvPCf Nis Owner Z . , Can W RKER' COM ION DECLARATION I he by Ise soil of per)ury mu of the fallowing deowtions: IhareLl-m will msinuin•CeNfiesteaf ConsemurwlGin,vac for Workeea Compen neon, u provided (m by Section 3700 of du Labor Code, for the performance of the walk for which this permit ie issued. ❑ 1 haw old will maintain Workers Compensation In,uranw, u requited by Section 3700 of The Labor Code, for The performance of the wait for which this Forest, Is Issue t My Workers Compensation Insurer= carrier and Policy number ice: Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thbautlon wood rot be cmnplemd ff the ported la(ormlc hundred dollars ($1010 or less.) I molly Not in the performance of N workfryn which this permit is Issued, l shall nm employanypcnonlnmyman r t b Ib'ecHotMel cos Compen,Nan /q Lamof Califomla Dam l Apph t -A- Tei „ NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL elle, talking this CeNOcam of Exemption. you should became subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you most faMwith comply with such provisions or Nie permit shall M decmod rooked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hemhy Affirm Net dart B a construction lending agency for the perfmerance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) lender's Name ' Lender's Address; I cerdfy that I hew nod this application and sum that the &how Information u coned. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances ad tum laws rela0ng he building construction. and hereby authadm representatives of this city To enmr upon the Abow.amadamed pmpeflY for InspeCTiOn ParPOSCL (We) agree In saw, indemnify and keep harmless, the City of Cupenlno against ihbili es.jtr emu, tom andexpenms which may In any weyeccfue agaln,tssid City AP eof thc UNDERSfANOS Aof s permit. COMPLY WITN LL NONPOINf Issued by: Date Z^ /�^fins SOUR REGULA Re-roofs Type of Roof _ nuum o H AR IN US MATERIALS DISCLOSU E Dam 1 aPpliesnt uncac Wild'ngoccupmluorcorhaM chnaAovsmatenel Asdefined y Ne Cupenina MunId Code. Chapter 9.11, and the Health and Safety ede, Sccean gss31(a)? - All roofs shall be inspected to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yu No prior If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or futons Wilding occupant I@ equipment or devices which it hsmrdnu air contemian s u thud by the Bay Asea Air QualilY Management all new materials for inspection. intact? ❑Yea No Ih the haumeusmmHabmquiremenuundcrCMpw6.95ofNc Califim. an Health etyCodc, Scedms 25505.25533 and25534. l understand matfthe building does not c rely haw a t, m to notify use aapant of the armiaeum sante esmofoca r• require tch ignature of Applicant Date list A f '�0 All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better weer or anlb ager Da