522521100 #91rA8(f.okd Traci No.st:g� LoT No. CITY OF SAN JOSE- "I BUILDING DEPARTMENT c APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date I - 19 G % Permit No. 57Z -Z -S �-•-✓ Application is hereby � -AV for a permit to r9NIX ✓Gr ' a_2 story, Type Buildi5qJ//� Use Zone - 6 at J sS PFdL,O /A�-y/ v Occupancy to be occupied only as ,�'/I✓t_% /�A_M� T' /1 / 9 Vice in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot- rJfite ere/witch, i Spfnikler Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 21 ours. oV Exemption from requirement for State of California for Canfractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed ❑ ^ ' / Undersigned attests that his State of California Contracfor's License # ,3 13 is in full force and effect and properly authorizes thdis ap plica+ion. San Jose City Business License # lost 48 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner •J ✓ !t�[ tI�jS0.'. �• Address �/ 7 -!x -S. ✓% Si J�ipn/ as8 By Address S4649F AS A&V ✓E p ,p� ys.wj NO11O3dSN1 dO 480038 99/5 — W01 — I'o8z w�Oj o0on}g �_ 7 uoi}epunoj