51181 (3) t r. Ali v5 �'S'�i a. I `rc�Yw! /\..! ... Lot No. tel' No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. r4rf'e'Pz p Sanitary No. y 7/ Data 196 Application is hereby made for a permit to T a 0) story, Type 3 z to he occupied only as in accords with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements $ *a l+ . dogo D p. b FEE$ -q/J s::!/1 Plan Check $ �/ w Owner Address Ot.Lcj -.4. W Q Contr. Address / Phone - OZafSta fes' ea Licensees J so Approved 2&MM� APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date `'3/// 196- FEE$ "',-2 Cantr. ✓ � Address�� Phone 7 U V State License 1/7�' Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT rl 8 �J Data � �� 196 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. 17�2'ClQ� � "71 Address a - /7-� Phone X 7.5 �-O d State License 1 3 d 9 S Y Approved APP ICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT /CZ L L� b Data /yn 1% O FEES //, Contr. Contr. Address 140 Phone .326-49 State License //"f2- Y Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the 'J Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING FOUNDATION DATE IN EC TOR UNDERFLOOR DA E IN,, c OR FRAME 3 -� �3 6T� PEC TOR LATH PLASTER DATE PECTOR FINAL r'S 6 8 DATE CTOR ELECTRICAL ELECT. SERVICE UNDERGROUND DATEt/wIlMS NSPECTOR � . ATE �ppNSPECTOR ROUGH WIRING Y�3/ NSPECTOR FINISH WIRING _ O_ATNSPECTOR FIXTURES '� I- 'a DATENSPECTOR MOTORS ^AT( p. PECTOR FINAL a DATE INSPECTOR PLUMBING & GAS UNDERGROUND DATE� OR PARTIAL ROUGH CC//JJ p�. SPECTOR ROUGH COMPLETE -Jf� �rATE SPECTOR MAIN DRAIN ATE SPECTOR GAS PIPING DATE SPECTOR FINAL `�' -� DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR APPLIANCE fir' INSPECTED DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR MISC _DATE IPEC TOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE p CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... .`+....:... .......... ....... 19............ Building Permit No. ................... '6 Si�SI The Building Located at ..... �.I..IIr�......... ............� �x/.........�../............. .. ........ Owned by .-- x......... .4n...�............................... --N4...�.......7} (Complet d) , �'� (�J`.. Has Been (,Altered)- For Use As: -.._...... ... ....._...----- ----•.......................... ........................................ ......................................... A (� —�- ....................... �...... �F� �rrfY.G' .. ..Z�.......................... .............: .. ................................ ---------------------------flS -.. r.. Y.��. .._................I...- . ...... ...................... ................................................ BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-1M GAS SERVICE NOTICE OHM: BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COP}' CITY OF CUPERTINO 0 You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for Owner or Tenant .. . . ...... .� At ... .. .. ................. ...t...........:._................................_........................ New Service ✓................. No. of Meters .../............. Reconnect .............................. Move Service ............. .......... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ........................ ........................ .,5�PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. WPIumbing Final Plumbing Permit No.1: —/4?`/---"------- Lot No. .....;7------------------- Owner or Tenant At LV- 7 Tract ........ . . ...... .. ..�.?e"; ............................................... Date Connected ...................... DateFinal ....................... ............................................................. 19.41P, ...........7�44� �PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12166-IM ICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE [l/� BUILDING INSPECTOR'S O CE .4ti7 1 CITY OF CUPERTINO ............................................................. 19 ..... To / You are hereby a t r t connect electrical service for Owner or Ten an ................... .. .....4� � ... • ......................................... �� t v At ............... .......... .. . ..... ............. ......................................... ...... No. of Wires ...... ............. Size of Wires . ...V... Size of Switch�.�'. ..�. Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase ........................... HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. .................................. Voltage ... ........................... No. of Meters....................1 Light.........."... t 10..�N Service..... .... .. Reconnect.................. Hear................. 220........./... T W' e......... ... Move Service............ No. of Add.Meters............ Power............... T Ph e........... .. Move Meter.............. 1 ................... ......... ..... ....... . ................ .. ........ ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ( ROUTE SLIP File No. 5 S Date Out 1 Date In X2-6— 6, L Location subject — Notes C 3.449 —. Approved -? -- Date Inspector CM?% Q - • LOT NO. NO. STREET „MAY 17 19A RPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT x - A I Q CITY OF CUPERTINO GG Date 19, 22�7'^ 19, 22 Permit No. S/�Q� U o = 'o Fee $ Application is hereby Inside to the City of Cupertino fora permit to LL W 0 r install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to i o install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing „ = Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. t � S � Use of Premises 00 nn o < Owner4 tL/ eleoL Address ZByz' Address �E vI/�PDO S �[� EZ A)Q s �,0 CONTRACTOR, AGENT 3 Phones 2 e/S -13[[(7''70 Ww ZD7 Z G.Q °a o State License Approved 1 U I_L.. PLUMBING INSPECTOR l- zH a a F O u E 3 u d d o m V u o a `o e' o ol6ts o �0 0 � '3 0 o ^ Eoouo [— CZ / r /'R I Vev-.-j 0' • LOT NO. NO. STREPT w aC1T'I OF CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO z _ 7QPPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Y o MAY 17 197` Sanitary No. LL Wa Date _D—, 19 — Permit No. U 1i'' LL Pee $� O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a Permit to install Plumbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i I and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. wx LL Use of Premises 00 o < Owners Li_ t//L)e 7P— Address 2J qq n Z By�N�/L//�/)L OOLS Address'tir BC EL6-whiIVO S 3 CONTRACTOR,AGENT T — `0 Phone �S—�3 6 O w z w w a o State Licensrl4 ?,OF ZZa Approved (Y PLUMBING INSPECTOR t� , _ _ ! 9 0 g . r � = « (! � ® 0 \ § § � 20 f � 0'o } ( f ( k ° ( \ E ® 9 No. Street Lot No. GI'f Of Wp tW0 CITY OF CUPERTINO IT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT yMAY TZ S itary No. .0 Date Y 19 Permit No. Afapl+til)is hereby made for a permit to_Rp 3 a '� story,Type 7.4 1MYTE Ao.Y�s, .2ft/e . o.. to be occupied only as.tJ�.SYe/Iw (, �j=1W(�A►1f� in accordance with o Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee C Od p U Estimated Value of Improvements,$-3000 Fee 0 o It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and '> all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of c m Cupertino will be complied with. _ c .; ? Owner—A K, 1 K5 iF_R Address 2igi Z oLM C r d By "PA 1,rLA L Addres[�C/ oa Phone Z yS,i36 o Approve u ZV 9 Z Z wilding Inspector State License / v