01070002 CITY OF CUPERTINO - - BUn.oINIG DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10220 DUBON AV MCS CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS 01070002 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE hk WRIGHT HOWARD E AND BETTY J 5177 PHARLAP AVE 07/02/2001 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 225-5151 u�i O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO GU BL ELECT PL MB MECN yad L IJ f_ CI z in_ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOb De$Cllpn n O Z=n I hereby affirm that I am licensed under Provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job with Seennn7oowofDnismn3ofine Bmine:nanaProfessor,Crde,andmylicense ADD GAS & ELECT LINE. a is in full forte and effect. J .� z a License Class__. __ Lic.# Cly/ w 3 u.y Dare den c or ARCHI C'T 9 DECLARATION FyLL O f understand my PARCH, be used as public Taco WN icc O C Licensed Professional x to R'pEC ATI N W I hereby affirm that 1 am exempr from the Comracmr's License Law for the L�Z< following reawn.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county 3 C which y p n 5 t f p d I F p y noir,re Sm P I t "I 9 M1 'lll tl II "II II .. I lam u, _ .... .. _. OO . .... thatl PI Roots] It d p'e til C t"t - L L (Cut ") Valuatlnn Ice t rg -," t ]roan the r 3 the aPii.An �oae) '..{ ".:j;345�'1F'( or Nat he is 31.5 b tang apnm and the buss for the cts thll'exempt on.Any violation - or Section 103 LS by any applicant for a rami[subjec¢the applicant m a civil Penalty or not mare than r hundred dollars Poon), 10 6"pN'�irR & WATER " Occupancy Type °h as owner of the properry,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, _ "'w ill'do the work,and the structure,is not intended or ofiered for sale(Sec.]044, 'Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an 301 — ROUGH PjVKjtrj4jMspections' i " Owner of pmpeny Who builds prov thereon,and who does such work himself or through his awn employees,pddtht suchimprovements ant intended pr 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER;-, - Offered far bele.If,lo ee fn biding -'p emet Id with sine;a., _' —' -'—- '- - - -" '"" . _ ,_ ..._ .. .. ._._ ._.... completion the owner lou lder will have theburden(b that he did not build or 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY improve for Proving patmne aroma.). 506 - GAS TE_ ST ❑1 m -serpa"N p pen' .. . .hal awrycontracting ml'"nseJ "ontrau tut 507.-.— . FINAL - PLUMBING . rttstms the prolem(5 .]044,7sine and Professions Code)The Cod "for" License Law dcea not apply to an owner of property wh.huiltls or improves[hereon, and who commas fo .uch.P oleos wit,a.coatmc...l, bceased pursuam ro the ------ to . ..... ._ _. ....._.. .... ...�. ._....... .... ... Contractor s Lie, cense Law ," ❑1exemptunder S<c ',B&PG for this rca,On sonar WORKER S COMPENSATION DECLARATION FI IV A L E D 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ❑ I have and will"m t " Canificate OfCameras to self-,nsure for M'arker's JUL 0 6 2001 - Compensation. as provided for by Set 00 37of the Labor Code, for the — - Pertannhnce of the work for which this permit is iswetl;. El I have and 11 willnars Wth l .tCompensation 1 "c rwhici this permit BUILDING . 3]W of the L b i Code,for the pert rmnn<of the k for which[hie permit i.r issued.My Worker's Compensation Insumrce carter and Palmy numtwr are: Cartel. I, .,r - ' pulayN .. ` Is r . CERTIFICgT10N OF EXEXE MPTION FROM WORKERS`s , )` - „ COMPENSATION INSURANCE' (Thi.s.,action need not be rnmpleted if the perms is future hundred dollars - (SIp0)orlessJ ' r 1 11 rtflht' th ac In ark f° hhm. pthe helw dl 1• -_- shall t employ any p nn any' to become subject m t WorkecK ' '�•t�' " Compen n t Lawa of Calddmm.Damp Applicant :'.'.1 .. .. . g p me of Exe pt e,you oa,, OQ forthm�ubn PYwt�W hpvinort h Cen shall of the Labor Code you must ` I LI be ] the P P h such _.. revoked. ... _. . .. .. .. .. _.-. .... .. . . ._.r _....... .. . _..... .. .... ..-. sort nt5 a e ted CONSTRUCTION LENDINGAGENCY �. firm thatM1 a rums dog ape Yf thererf'tmance 1 W Lenders Narre.Add ss p te t s sdefl(See 9 3 11] Civ.C 1 ftIhbyh okf which this r ;1� 1 nifY that lh read this application and state that Ile ab information is (.n conecr.:Fagme a comply with 11b.crawand com,lablinamealand late laws reh[ing Q-V m building conswctionaadhe'reb,anum i,a reprepe" uses of this citym enter upon W the b_ me f sedpnrc ty far_ recti p rp:es � d (W�. g t .a indemnify Ik pha 1 she Cty ofC p toabvinst 'rn liab t p rime ns.,c is and done nms h h y t any say ¢int said Cr n y of th 'rannin,oflhis Pej '1 ICANT UNDERSTANDS AND MPI Y l4IT ALL Nb P01 T' oURCE REGULATIONS - Issued by: Date riga t f kPoli ort et Re-roofs rre�H-�A��Z,B,RDO R ALS DISCLOSURE y.y: t future n la" g caP t ,are or handle hemadaim,dencrial, ..Type of Roof - . _ .... as d fed 25 CuPen Municipal Cud Chapter 9.12.anJ II Health and Safety c3a nil s t zs53x) a,f�' If a roof Is all.beed inspected first obtaining-t °Y _.All roofs shall.be ms acted poor to any roofing material being installed_ - t. ll the applicant future bu ld ng oc t are eynip nein devices which ' mit h rd a nm m t t rca A Q l ty M'I age nem dining an inspection, I agree to remove A def yt aYA all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with _ °Ye °N t all non point source regulations: -- 1 h ad th"hum d 'noted.l Tey re ncnts and Ch pt r 6.95.df the Cali forn n Health&Safety Code.Sect ons 25505,25533 and 25514.1 understandmat ` if theb ilding dues not r,h ate, t that 's Y sp n.ihlty ad notify the occupy t of me reyuucme t wh ch muse be met prima, Ormse.f.Centirealcof r : Occ pancY I .. Signature of Applicant _ _ --_. ., Date ^= rnoar.=dagain,' " Date Al]roof coverings to be Class "B" o2lietter'; ' OFFICE.— -- .--. .. . ... . �. _.. .. _.. .._ . - �