99070059 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPF.RTINO BNLDINI:-ELECI'RICAh li M1 rN . x UI LDI W:DIVISION AI'PLICATION/PN;RMI'1' PLmIll N;-MECIIANICAI, " R( BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE O-')"oti Q v boYl --Z OWNI!K'SN,L>IE: I'IIUVN�Ii:�� as CO R LTT)R'$NAME \ LIC NO'. Q Ay W o1 v� _CLI NIC - NNI'xoLK HTEC7DENGINER: I.IC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ CONTACT; PHONE BUILDING PERMIT INFO 15 w - CIO E] Consultant Fees Paid by Applkant(Initial) BO FLECf PLUMB MECII 5U N/ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE I hs ehy amrm mw I am Iecnseb undm pvolmong of CTnper 9 h.edma odng JOB DESCRIPTION wd'Z with Sedo.7000laf Division 3Mlle Hmiucmld Professions Cdde.ond my licen.ve is RESIDENTIAIL -00 P?RMI'I'ISSUANCE? a�F In tilll form arN eHMI. ,.�0 'SkA7Z ❑SFDWI. ❑KITCHEN RI?MOUEI, QUU Data Cl., _ Cronit 13, APPLIANCES-RESIDEMtAI. ❑ADDITION El PLUMBING RI?-1'111! hUwe-.4—'1.0.CY' —Cnmmdrc F=y �-�e (ARCIITIECTS UECLARA'f PANELS ❑MULTI-UNrr [I STRUCTURAL ZOanZ lutatersnnb my plans shallhuspl uc)able s MODIFICATION OZ-= UP TO'_ AMPS ❑INETRIOR ❑CHIMNEYREPAIR r Ltw Licari ProfnsiorW 1(1-IBt)AMPS LMPROVE.IFNr El SWIMMING POOLS 1 hcrcAY a(frm IhrIN ver OWNERmpt-BUILDER he C mlreomr'.Licrnm Isw for the OVIiR Ipar AMPS ❑BATH RIdMODI]/REPA1R 0 DES10LRION K 06 U fallmvine rtozoa(Sttlinn 00J L5,Buainc�s end Profcuirn�GNc:AnY city rr cwnlY IX SIGNS ELECTRICAL IV ❑OTLER 3 U. which rogwrcs r permit m mn.mal.almL improve,dentr b,a poi,ony viraclute vG-� �.�..0Q pr're to ita lanae,ruhn rtxluimnthu uPrlicont for xuch penult to rdcaaigned stmcmnd SPITCIALCIRCUITIMISL d�pd NUIMin liarnvW purwenunlhcpnwisidnsof the Cnnlrauun'v Llcm.aI wlChaper904 1x000 (dvnmareingwith Section WXXpot Divimi.3.fPe Bmitlexrand Profeviom Cde)a 'OJTE.METER OR PULP I 51' L: COMMERCIA tMl k ix seem)therefmm and the Iwi.f«1M rlkgul escmpion.Any violation of ❑NEN'BLDG/ADDITION El DEMOLITION _ Near.70313 by an,applicant for. cru,ablate the epplinnt toe civil pcttvlty of POWER DEVICES r� na time than live horldrN dollar lS]0o). ❑Th:NANT ❑FOOD SERVICE: F Z Y IMPROVENIENl O � 1.nsd vter of the l*oPenYwmYemplgm with u„gcsuthcir Wcewtpe�uatireL SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC ❑EITHER will do the wed.and the xruaure is not intcNcd aMfetW To-uk(Sec.IBii.Business W most Prefessials Code:tore Comttxn✓s License Lav boas not apply to to owroer,of OUTLETS-SWITCH S-FIXTURES 13 proper,wed builds or impnrva.Ilxnurn,ad w110 des,n such ummk himself or duuugh hit awn employees,provided tlwt such impmverr¢mO am not intended a fhared for NEW RESIDENTIAL HLECIR SQ ET. sale.N.]oweveLthe MtiIringorintpmvcntem in wld within nm:year ufemnplcllon.the D SV 2M ARIL $^Q I'I'. rot-Nllldkr r will have the hallon of prood fiO.thm he did nut ruild a Impnrve for par- oving •II int TOTAL. e,. JUL 2 81999 JI ❑ I,m caner o(tM popery 4m eacluaively cunlrYling with IicetucJ aavacraa m ,,,..t„,..tthemjc pt(Sea.7(D .Haiun Pro .Code)the Cm amxi bea oa am s Li- tenseLawdpplyan owner 4 poacny wlro holds a irnpmvas thereon,and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEF. whocauran.forsuch projects with aamlRCldtr(s)licrnscd la.tothe Common ri Lltsnse Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE B ❑I mm csemp under See. B A P C for Nis reason J AI.TP.R-DRAIN A VEND-WATER(EA) VALUATION Owner Date WORKERS COMPENSATION DECIARFI'ION BACK 11-OW PROTECT.DEVICE I hereby allimt ur ler picadly of pectry me of W follownig declare J I have ad will maintain a CerOficat of Cnnscnuo self-usum for Wdatds Campen- DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOP,AREA.COND. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCfION ew'odm,as provided for by Section 37W of the IaNrr Coda.for be perfnm once of the wurA foe which this pcmdl is issued. FIXTURES-PER TRAP ❑ I have and will reainain WtMer's ComIaa,atiaa Borrow,n required by Sttlkvn 3701 of the labor Cade.for the pertamerce of the work for which this parnot is issued. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.J ODU.F:I'S OCC.GROUP rA ) A MY WwkI trn ruo cortin ad P.licy nu Y4 Cartier. Poky Nt,: i'%aa`�IdDI GAS-EA.SYSTEM-0VERa(FA) CERTIM AIIIOFEkEMPrIONFROMWORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASMNDUSTRI.WAST!INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES ('Gums dmhead.4 he antplacdhthc)omit is turned hulwrtd dolhers 15100) GREASE'fRAY nr less)('Gum 1131? Iccaifythw In the perhmwmcaflhe wort to which NlXEannit it lsvucd.I hall SEWER-SANITARY-STORM HA.ZIX)Fr. nrtcmployanypawn in any mance mmewbjmu tohamenthe Wnkcrd C.,c- ENERGY FEE. O Z .adder Lnws of Cdifdgm c Dare WATER HEATER WNENTIELECIR GRADING II:E Z Appicar h NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,afar thione this Caofinale d Gacrration,you should WATER SYSTEdAlTRE VDNG b” Lacrossewbjttt to ted Workers Compcwtim provii iam M Ne.labor Code,you muu SOILS FEE fuMwilbcompy with worth Provisions or this permit vhall he dCCmdl revoked. WATER SERVICE 0. Q w ICONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL EhMH. SQFT. PAIDUOIIfd9hi Ihwthine isamnaretidn lending agency for'he per(nmwoDom Rcccip b " ca work forwhich the pmtit s iwcd(See 3007,Co.C.) nder's Nonrc TOTAL:Le {U Linden's Adnan TOTAL; I dsnify Ibnt 1 have real the;.ppkuion ed ante Um Its adwc infarttrauon in BUILDING HE F' h arrest l agree to comply with all city ad county ordimtecs and care laws mlemlg m QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE UZ Wilding cdrasmrawm,Wterchy vwhmir<repesentativa ofthis city la enter aper the SEISMIC FEE andrve-rrcmiared popcny hs in,pec6on purpmes. PERMIT ISSUANCE (We)a{reeto sus,indemnify ed keep hartud the City of Capered agaiw ELECTRIC tie IieMlaee.judgments,cost,rural espi which may in any way accrue aguml aid City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. in nssquetice of the graming of Nu Permit. PLUMBING FEE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NONPONTAIR HANDLING UNI'T(r0 111,1X)CEIMJ SOURCEREC LAITON MECHANICAIJI?I? AIR HANDLING UND(OVER n,IXX)CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX S"h1s TAppliunUCuntowtor Date EXHAUST HOOD(WfDUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE olub,appliarm dsfutare Wildieg occvpom store a bade haaanlom ttaerial HEATING UIsTT O0 I00.00D BTUI va defined by the Culenitn Municipal Code,Cluper 9.13,and the health rud Safety Cate.Seatidm 85324)1 HLt VINNG UNIT(OVER IIXLq)BTU) [IYes ❑No PAID VI!NTTIATON FAN(SINGLE RPSID) Date. Recclpld KSII the air chsmnl n future wilding byvaPwl y A ea Air Qu a devices which mit In'rnrdkws air aatvminrunlr as dktined by tW Hey Arca Art Quality Management ftO11AR-COMP(311P 11R IIXI,IMX)BTU) District? TO'T'AL: E]Yes C]No BolLITR-COMPIOVBR IIXI,(MXI IfTUI I have read the hasaNdes m,m,. AIR CONDITIONER raryirtmcnre udcr Chapter 6.93 Moe Cali- 1,CSUANCE DAT Wi $ frvtdn I Icahn&Safety Coates Smidslr 25505.85JJ and 255ia.I utvkrvard ddw if the ' L Z ldingdoesrnrcm aemdy vcaetwrlL 111rl elan}mponsiNlity m mtify the occupant t`T'W'RESIDFNTIAL MECH. SQ.FT of pro to usuanc die Certificate a OwatrlhJlnGl egrnl t TOTAL: ISSUED BY: i, OFFICE