S 3958 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERAHT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL S 3958 BUILDING.PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDINGADDRFSS: SANITARY NO, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE DUrr-c- D2\vc- O ERS NAME: _1 PI GNE: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: Iv.V N a , N/C CONTROL« ARC CTrENGINEER: 1. NO. ADDRESS: ❑ CONTACT: PHONI_ BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ COnwltant Fm Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG FI ECT PLUMB MECH 5?-, ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE 1 nearby�dm,n that I art hanged under rprvi.idea or Chalrer 9(sopecocing JOB DESCRIPTION wOZ withSectirn]DIO)of Dvuian lofthe HurnewamllTnfcaituu Ctde,.rW my licemeis R CID NTIA - O PERMIT ISSUANCE _F F I' F - full furtt.nd effect. y'1+1 ❑SFDWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL HP.ZW Llano:Cleo Lich N<i E,U DNe Contranor APPF,IANCPS-RFiSIDENTI,\L ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING REPIPE 1-=. ARCHOECTS DECLARATION PANELS ❑MULTI-UNTP ❑$TRUCNRAL Z O v2 Z 1 uMmtxrd my plot,shall he usnF no public records MODIFICATION OZ—M UPT0200AMPS El INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR F-y F-W Liccmcd i'mfevienal 201-I0MAMPS IMPROVEMENT a _ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ❑SWIMMING POOLS =— 1 hcrehY vRm Ihel 1 nm cxernp from Inc Ctntina[Iols License Law fur the OVER 1000 AMPS ❑BATH REMODELfREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION 3 a U reproving reason.(Section 1031.5.Has.,vtxl professions Cud¢Any city or munty SIGNS ELECTRICAL ❑OTHER 0 which restarts•permit to csruuum,alna,impme r ,denNi.sh,re repair any slmnlne imcisiaparce,al...requlresthc apPllenm fp,otch prnniuo 0lnusigeedstmemem SPECIALCIRCUMMISC. ��" Ind nenheemed Err....,,,to lh<pmvinau nrtha crtttr.ett�.Lken�e lew(enager9 C�G� Uummeeeing wile Section]0(M)rf DivisianJufthc Nusineu oval Rn(asims Ctdc)nx TEMP.METER OR POLE INS , COMMERCIAL 1 a d 00C that he,i.exempt Ih—hor,and Jte hesia Ir lint,allcgcJ exemfnioa Any violue.of ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DEMOLITION X Q+oo Section 10313 by any applicant for.pe.,wbjms tnc.ppn•,n,to•civil pctW1Y of POWER DEVICES I✓:-'n ❑TENMT El FOOD SERVICE HGten rose than live M1 P"Pe Uol-t ycer,l. ❑ Lu owm ar rbc poperly,umyamphoraswith wages..theirsere c ,Bunion. SWIMMING PO01.ELECTRICtaft A, Duff EMFM will do the wort.Cd the heoreacture isnot,Lineal or Law co fu sale(Sec.Nin,owner of OTHER C 3 m and Professions Cade:The CtaJreeltV s itnJ w do dao tW apply In.n mveer of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FlhTURES hi, who oys,lil w tmlroves Ovcon,oral wtro dues such work himself u flocodeed for hiv own owe er.fli Watch, r r such inert i, tM ere not i cardfJ«pDera,for NEW RFSIDP.NTIAI.EhEClR `!oFr sok.ILhwer%HT ebuiWingurimpnvemrntis wM witldnx burld afrneave Tri tie c. SQ.FT FLOOR AREA gISQ fI'. Tier-milder will Mac ik M1UNcn of proving Beat k did rxt bwlJ or improve fritter17 - �cn. m'( r of the Soc,7(Y..tn caclu golf mnusling widt:ic pho CcrverxYm m TOTAL: cranoemo (Sec.lllal.Business eml y no Inui Codc:)'lirs,ith r'a nal! amcLaw racts not applywan nwncr of propmy war buJJs rr impmmthcran.and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE wlM cmtrenssuch Erojecu eilnnnwr.ctu(s)IiansN pursuantw lheCmtrrcta's U'.low. PERMIT ISSUANC17 ❑lam excm h R. ,B&PCfrrehis. �OFo - Dare ALI'I7R-ORA1N&VENT-WATER IEA) VALUATION 'SATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE O O O Ther punallY of perjury one of the fol lowing doeua .e uun C] Ihavc ill mainuin eCmif Icof ConsrnnosdGinwn,fu WMer's Cecnpcn- DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOP.ARFA.COND. STORI TYPE CONSTffDLTIGN mo tion,us provided fur by section 37M of Ire Labor Cade,for the peffonnance of an,w / work far which this pc rod e,isweJ, FIXTURES-PER TRAP (/ v 1 Nowt anal will maintain Worker'.Corrytens,aim Insurance,as rtyuiral by Section 37IMaftheI,Na Crlc,fonMlcrfomtveeeafthc work forhen this Erma,is iaoued GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.a OUTLETS OCC.GROUP r AP�� My Worker's Canftenwim Inuverxc earner iter]Policy oumbm man, Camkc Polar,No.: GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER n IEA) CERI'IFICA111 OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' ® Z COMPENSATION INSURANCE GRE- SMNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR tlhis rection eecd not hecontplmed dlhcpcnnil is Etratc hunt edl dollars(V00) BUILDING DIVISION FEES cr ksc I GRFASE l'RAP PLANCIIECK FRE I sully slut in the padmrwa ofte,work for which this permtl is issunl,ldull SEWER-SANITARY-STORM FA.200 FT. z nnl emm ploy any persin nary career so to to Irum.t ma a th bjee Worten'Conifer- PE ENERGY E moi.Laws of Cdifomia.Dre Q WATER HEATER E W/VENTT1CIR z O ant GRADING FEE NOTICE TO APPLICANT: SOU r,aface C.ampmaking This Cedif Ie of Excmptkoc year should WATER SYSfEMIIREATING E ; bccorrc nuhjecr Ir the M'orkch Cuemntxn nov pisinm tO Jte Istnr Code you u.m S IHE fmhvah comply wish such Prnvatum ur this Permit shall de decntcdreveked. WATER SERVICE Q Uz CONSTRUCTION].ENDINGkd,hrAGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL PCMB. SQ,FT PAID V. Thereby aR thmlMeif.cwmmc.30D,tCivc agency rOr the performarcc of Dec RaciptN V. .. the wink f«which this pertnil a issued(gu.309].Civ.C,) p U lender's Na. TOTAL. Wlerdcls Addrear TOTAL: AiI certify rhnr 1 have real this upplicrac.anal sae then the aluve infom mirn is G FEE h conceded I89cce 10 comply with all city and umnty Ordinances and state laws relating a QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE C..) ,Z buidingmnstmcdon,aM lrerenyauthonve representvivc.of lhiaciry lomta rpm the sEis FEE uhovcannrmcd puprny Gr inrpatinn purports (We)agree to sat,indemnify.rel Id e i h.rmku the City of Cuperdnr against THSOL ISSUANCE EJ.E IC FE i IiaMIiJ«,jW ms,cosrs and expntscs which may In acy way accrue against said City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH.in ronscyu f ,onto,of this Pemti,, PLO BINGME APPLICANT IN 'RST YDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT' AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000 CFM1H FIE LAICAL FEE SOURCE 1 O11 XN, I AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IONO CFM) CON STR ON TAX tgrumrtM to Dale EXHAUS'THOOD(WMUCT) HOUSING IGATION HE US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE -antrr lcture hodtingnrcupanl store,,handle hamNuunnatnrl HEATING UNIT ITO IIM,W0 BTU) a%do y the Cuperlim Munkipt]Code.Chapter 9.I2..rtd the He.IN and Safely Code.Section 15532(u)] HEATING UNIT(OVER 100.000 BTU) p Yes L]No PAID VENTILATION FAN(SINGLERFSID) Date Receipt WillroEllam o ,xpu c., r Iran,hulldiagcunt ore oce,rcm Jevlem of which BOILER-COMP dHP OR 1W.000 FOU) end,herardou.s no cOnumnunts-defrred by the R.y A.Air Quality Management TO D saki f ❑Yu 0N BOILER-COME(OVER 100,IX0 BTU) Lha to lta.,New T:nenWv resuiraarCrtln utxlcr Cnr fi.95 of the Cdb AIRCONDMONIJt per ISSUANCE DATE fan Ix Hersh y Cd Secdue]6516,25533 aM 255?n.1 wvkdeM Jut if the huiding docu Jy an4 thrit is my rnrymdbility In oci the alltwnl NFW RFSIUGTL\LMECH. SQ.FT. a Jac reteire t vendee of v Cenlbeale of Occo'ne'. h/rte �O tier nry t Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY, OFFICE