27280 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY ON CUPERTINO 11 ILl11NG-ELECTNICA L PERMIT NO. 27280 BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL, BUILDING PROJF,C'P I DENPIFICA'I'ION f BUILDING( �TJADDDRRESS: is SANITARY NO. APPLKWHONSUBMI1TALDATE 2 NG If D T Q 1 UNII'p LOS 0 OWNERS NAME: PIIONL: CONTRACIDR'S NAME LIC NO: NIC CONNfROL De/0 2. .4rt)'.� Fir Co 2 Cmc 3 7/2 kClll'1'ECI'/IiNGINISR: LIC NO: ADDRESS: �.O ❑ �•o ! 1L ZED S.til+t ' K-S!�/, - !`A CII5NIA� Tr-f PHONE: �pQ O,N/E QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO 7TG"'7 �3 BLUSG EOL' PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL LOB DIiSCRIPTION Mmz I hereby alfrm that l wart Nocnsal under previsions of Chaplcr9(commencing with WOOF SectionlWE,o Division 3.1 the Beincssond Profesaiom Cade,and my license is in PANELS Fee V U full force and effect s, i Z Q�w I,icennc Class Lic.N o s7 UP TO 200 AMPS H Qy Dam Contractor 201.HNID AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA SISQ.Ff. I—ri,,Z ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OVER IOAMPS o'l0N0 FOIsnderswaimy plum hall heusedaspublicmcoNs. N• �� �\ dna F-J SIGNS ELECTRICAL f,/v{ <Y7� Licensed Pmfeuional L OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. KOyF I hereby affirm ihnl 1 am esen t Imon oto Contractor's License Law for the G e �-7 06 WX 6S to 3 a to following maven.(Section]031.5.Business and Professions Code Any city or county TEMP.METF,R OR POLE.INST. which"of.,a .it,.consma ,eheir.improve demolish,or repair any xtmct.m mwprior ser is issuance.also requires the applicant l'or such permit In file u Signed smtemcnt POWER DEVICES W Y a Cz that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law(Chapter daaLL 0(commencing with Scctfon1000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL RI.ECfRIC I'ION� _¢ or that he is excnrprtherefiom and the basis for thenlleged uxemploa.Any vinbeionof 3 E 7! Scai00)031.5 by any applicant for•permit subjects She applicant to to a civil Iz.IIy of OUTLETS-S W ITCHGS-FIXTURES 01 LUA VAI1hUA1 N not mom than five hundred dollars(SSW). CFo El1.usownernithcprc)vrty,ortnyanployccswilhwegeusthere)lccom,nosed.., NEW kESID13NT1A1.ELECTR SQ.IT, STOR117 '1'YPti CONSTRUCTION yam wile do work,said the stru<turei.not intended or offered for sale(Sec.104,1.Business and Profession%Cade:The Contractors License law does not apply to w owner of II pmpenywyees.dsorimprovcslhcmprrve who Jtwnwcbwmk hirtoelfonM1mugh bis ownempluy¢S.provideJ thnuuch improvcmenuve not imendedumffeed(orale.If, OCC GROUP RFS.UNITS however,the building or improvement is sold within one year ofcompletiun,theowner- builder will have the burden of proving that be did not build or improve for purpose of CIO sale.). ❑ I,mowneroDne pmpmy,am excluxivelymma6ngwilh licensed connecmnm QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE F1.000'l,UNE APN msrun the p ten(Sec.7044.Boor—and Pror-n Core)'Ihe Cn araaor'n 1PERMIT ISSUANCE License Lawdocn not apply man uwnerof property whobuildsorimpmNeuron,eon,and whoannlrana for such pmjects with acontructor(x)licensed pursuant to the Comractolx Licione Low. gLTER-DRAIN&VENT- EA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 am exempt tundra Sec. ,B&P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DZ 0U 1:SIDE FEF--S SANITARY Y N Owner Date DRAIN. -FLOOk.ROOF.ARI3A, ). RECF,IPI'N WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N I hereby affirm that l love a certificate ofconsentto self-insue.m a certificate of FJDTURIS- TRAP RECEIPT rtes'Compensation lnsutwceor a rarified cnpyiherem((Seo 3X00,Lab C)which PARK FEI3 Y N re all cmplu eexunif rdis 'I RECEIPT' Poli< N >` '. �OOO pG-7L GAS-LA.STSTE INC.40UTLF.' y BUIL. GDCCI S11— CnmpxnY— s-�•4a hereby famished. GAS-13A.SYSTEM-OV 4(IiA Certified copy ) PLANCHECK FE ❑ YL Certified copy is filed withthe city lmpenion division. GRGSRgNDUSTRL WASTE I .RCE R✓ GRADING FEE CERTHICATE OIr EXEMPT ION FROM WORKERSGREASE TRAP SOILS FEF: ^� COMPENSATION INSURANCE or les(hiascaiun need nm be completed ifthe permit is feronc headrest dollen($I WE SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.2WFT. GNI3RGY PEE ` I certify the in the P'rformanu ofthe wmk forwhich this permit is issued,lshall WATER HEATER W/VFM/ELECIR not employ any person in any u n x e as m m hecoc Subject 4r the Work. PAID ^opPlpa,^mion Laws of Califamiu.mature, WAl'ER SYSTENETREATING Date R O z e N z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should NEW RESIDERTIAL PLMB. SQ.FT, (- become subject o the Workers Compensation provisions of the Leta Cade,you must foNrw ith comply with such provisions or this permit shail be deemed evoked. BUILDING FEE — CW (] C'ONSTRUCT'ION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC PEE 1 hereby Support that then is construction lending agency for the Isrformance of U p the work for which this permi t is isaued(Site 301 Civ.C.) .. a, ELP:CfR11C E Ilk Isndcrs Name O U Iaodcr'x Add.sx QTY. MECHANICALPERMIT FEE PLU+J�e jam 1 cenify that 1 have read this applicul un and atate That the above infmmalion is MECHA F i >" L1-I correct lugree¢r comply witM1 all city rand county nrJinanco and xtmc lows rtlatingm PERC V MIT ISSUANCE I—' y buildingennsned Amend hertbyamhonpupsNsenntivea of thiscitymercerupon the CONSTRUCT TAX U z ebov(We)coned property for impaction keep hour. ALTER OR ADD TO MLCII. (Wc)udgmntsave,indemnifyand hie may ny ayacoCity Of Cupenst s against liabilitiex,judynems.rouse and expenses which may in any wayaccme against City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,010 CFM) c cnceefthc gr gofffik permit.r�yJquIf—f,l AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER I0,000 CPM) Signature of Applicant/Contracmr (— Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCq PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALSOISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO I00,000 BTU) Date RecciptN Will the applicant orfuture building occupantstore o,handle hacaltha material m dabnnl by the Cuperin,,,,o{{{{Municipal Calc.Chapter Y.12,and the Ileahb send Safety IIBAI'INO UNIT(OVER 10().000 DTH) 'IY)'PAL: Cade,recd❑Yes 2(a)e qNo VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RESID) \, P Will theapplicae nt Or mBOILER-COME(3HP OR IWOW BTU) ISSIJA- BATE caupant use equipmeordevices whicM1<mit dt �rn t wwt//v defined by the Bay Area Air Quuliiy Manageent BOILER-COMP(OVER IW,(XX)BTU) JUT{Al a 5 t uses ❑yea pNo NEW RESIDWIIALMICH. SQ,FP. 1995 I have and the hacrNaus materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the " 1 + tC�a U California Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505$5533 and 25534. 1 understand Uf Lear and that tg4.1N if the building docs not currtndy M1uve a tenant Air is my msponsibiluy to ramify the cupant of the miEtiomen I whluh d M mel prior a isauanoe of a Ccnifi.a of O rune,or authorized agent Dnlc \ ISSUEDBY: _ OFFICE