28798APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BUILDING DIVISION au3 APPLICATIONIPERMIT BUILDING UWN S NAME: FHONL. I I CONTR IOR'S NAhIE-� IJ 3 S /A ❑Consultant Pecs Paid by Applicant (Initial) 1 hereby affirm that 1 um licensed under provixinns of Chapter 9 (mina firing ' Z with Section 93300) of D�EARCHITFCTS aBusiness writ Pr it reaons Cole.ar�mylicenxi,. �cco fuurotceandenter.3 Q! .. U License la Lic.p DECLARATION Z O - Z 1 miller. mal my plans shall be fixed as public records OZ=_ G' F = Licensed Probe ss.nnul y,y OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION y C w Q I hereby tdlirm that 1 am exempt from the Connaao,', License Law for the x 3 LLU following mason. (Section )1131.5, Business and Professions C,de: Any city ar county y which requires a permit to constrvct, filter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure priano its issuance, do) rc9fiircx the applicant nor such penniuo File u signed statement f that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Comrktor's License Law (Chapter 9 Wp'QD (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Businessand Prtfta,iZ oCode)or 2 %e LLthat he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of N Section ]031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil pewlty of not more Nan five hundred dollar. (5500) Sp LJ 1. as owner arrive properly, or my employees with wages n, their.sole compensation. F- will dote work. and the structure is not intended oroffned for sale (See, 704,1, Business a3 m and Professions Cede: The Contractor's License taw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through In, awn i mployen,, provided that such ioProvententS are not intended or offered for sale. IL however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for pur- pose of sale.). ❑ h m owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (See. 704cl. Business unit Professions Calc:) The Contractor's Li- u Use does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and QTY, who commas for such projects with o contractor(s) licensed pursmnt to the Contractors License Law. ❑ I am exempt under See. ,B&P C for this moxa Owner Dale WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby offirnl under penally of pc Jurymm of the following Jed,oldom: ❑ I have and will maintain a Cenilicam of Consent teselbinsure for Workers Compirm sarion, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cede, for the perfa imine of the wm 4>t hicM1 th, permil i. issued. I have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, as requited by Section 3700 of the Luhor Code, for rhe pcnbrmm®e lathe work for which this pa nu n iuweA, My Worker's ump�ensa}y Inx., cecaxier and Policy n bj.l Cartier._((! Q _L'�_ Policy No.: ERTIFICA'1'E OP IiXEM I'I']ON PROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Tlhis section need nil he completed if the pnnnil is tin one hundred dollars 01Pill or less) 1 eatify that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued, l shall noI cmpby any pm,on in any manner so as m became. amort,, tire Workers Cnmpen- Iz satiun lawsof Califomia. Dae .Z.t O Applicant M NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, attar making this Certificate of Exemption, you should a , become su comply the WmrkaS Compensation onail that b the Labor Cede, you must LEI ftnM1whM1 cantply with such pravininnx or this permil shell M: Jccmcd revoked. Q IY CONS'I'RUCTION L[NDhYG AGENCY U 0 I hereby umrm that there is a aonswclimn lending agency for the performance of V. F' the work for which this pandit is issued (Sec. 309). Ci, C.) O U lender', Name Lender's Address Hper, 1 certify that 1 have read Isis application end slate that the above information is W correct. 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and slate laws relating to QTY. U Z buildingeoustructlon. and hereby amhoriu rtpresenmtivesoOdd, city menterupon tote above mmmtin led prorymy fir impeclion pmpow,. (We) agree to vve, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino agalnn liablldies,judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way acerve ageinsl sail Ciry nucquencc of the granting of Ihls )mrntit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY IVITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE, REGULATIONS. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will Ne applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous mmedal as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Cade. Section 25532m)R E] Yes r-1 No Will the applicant or enure building occupant use equipment or devices which mit hurard u, air contaminants as drained by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Disinter? ❑Yes' E] No I have it the hmzubm, maedal, requirements under Chapter fi 95 of the Cali- fnmia Head, & Safely Code, Sections 25511.5, 15533 and 25534. 1 undenWnJ that if the buildm obex not currently have o tenant, that it is my responsibility ran `YLhZcupam of lh tiioTans,yllnch must lic mel Immto issumtce cora Certircai/of ocel(Ityncv. ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL PANELS OT TO PIX) AMPS 201-IMAMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TAMP. METER OR POLE INS'I'. POWER DEVICES SW MMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETS - SWI I CHES - FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELI2M'R PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER - DRAIN & VENT -WATER (EA) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS - FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, GOND. FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. 4 OUTLEIT GAS - EA. SYSTEM OVER 4 (EA) GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GREASE'1'RAP SEWER - SANITARY- S'IORM 15A. 2001`1`. WATER HEATER WNE,NTMLECTR WATER SYSTEMO REATING WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. red. MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO IO.R* CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) EXHAUST HOOD OVIDUCT) HEATING UNIT (TO 100.000 BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER IU(L000 BTU) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) MOILER -COMP (3HP OR 100.000 BTU) BOILER -COMP (OVER 100.000 BTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL MUCH. SQ. ET. OFFICE 61 FEE FEE JOB DESCRIPTION FLKMLI NU. 2 8 7 9 8 NITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ?-2/- P/_ N/C ❑STRUCTURAL CONTROL It MODIFICATION ❑ INTERIOR ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT BUILDING PERMIT' INFO BI,DG ELECT PLUMB MI3C ❑ ❑ ❑ JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL ❑SFDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RF -PIPE ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑ INTERIOR ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑ BATH REMODEL/REPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER COMMERCIAL, [I NEW BLDG/ADDITION 13 DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER I ti SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT SEP 2 A BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK FEE ENRRGYFEE ' GRADING PEE SOBS FEH PAID Dae RscriptB 1 BUILDING FEE FEE ' SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING FEE V MECHANICAL FI7E CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING MITIGATION FEE IPA"' ume Recdpta TOTAL: _ a ,, _ ISSUANCE DATE