08070194 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIYISIOM- - - PERMIT CONTRACTUIt INFOItMATi„ON BUT 9.INO0.�'8rFSD S: PERMIT NO. DENISON AVE YB CONSTRUCTION 08070194 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE NELSON D' SOUZA 10795 MINETTEDR 07/28/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 316-1261 ARCHnECf,ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDGO EO PLS MECH O �Op LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION VOA m 1 hoeby affirm that 1 as licensed under previvJob Description of Chapter 9(commencing P with Secflan700(fafDivisiot3aft Business and ProfeAdauCode.mal my]i..ins INSTL 2BTHRM EXHST FNS W/NEW ELTRCL CONN&SWTCHS, TI N in full tome and a rm. Vim: Lie.mucl..r Wc.g INSTL RCESD LTNG W/ELCTRCL SWTCHS& RP,LC EXTNG a t-q Dau Coolrctar 7W ARCHITECTS DECLARATION THERMSTAT(4) U I uMersunJ my plane Nall M used u public retards yI”„ Licensed Professional 3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I bench,aR from that 1 am exempt from the Cant mor's ueanse Law for the 00 following moon.(Section 7031.5,Busiiuu and Professions Code:Any city ar county $9 which requires•permit to continues.allu,improve,demolish.or repair any saucmm �0 _iit prior bins iauvee.Nsu reqs,ire lM rmm fi appli.t for such peit laaaigm rud muou that he is licensed Pursuant to the provisions ofthe Conuacter'Wanm Law(ChaFte,9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation �E{ (commencing with Section700()af Division 3aftM B..i..d France..Code)., $1200 S'3 9 dist he is exempt then from and the basis fee IM snuffed esempuon.Any violation of Sccdon 7031.5 by any applicant for.permit subjects,the applicant to a civil Porosity of ml rom Nn five hndred dollars(SM 31629063 Number Occupancy Type I,u owner of IM pmpmy,or my wploym with cages u the'vsulc eompenudon, and do Newary.ands, he Com Isrwts Lictede Law doss eek to an Busies and property who ns code:The Contrselar'.n. ndwho Law arch,eat apply m m owner ar Required Inspections mecou who ,mirds miultmwesch improvements is doessuchwmk himseiforthr rade his howemplaym,provided prsuch imPsmem wtare mtiear acdend orarfend planfor U. hunder.in Wilding u imprormmmng aid within arc Wild or mpro a forn.purpose ase of Wilder w10 haw Ore Wrdcn of proving Nan M did Out build m improv for puryoa of ale.). 1,u owner of Na Property,am exclusively...trming with licensed mntraclan b construct One project(See.7014,Business and Profcuions Cada:)The,Cmua[mh V- cmue Law dines not apply to an owner a Pto cony who Wilda Or improves Neuron.and . . whomntnus far. ProlecuwiNaconuanor(s)ti =dpmuanlmmMCan=Wes Lae.V - ❑lam dmf Fe .B&PCfm Nis Owner Due WO CER'S COg (BAT10N DECLARATI- I hereby of nee under penalty of facility ons of the fallowing declara0ome 1 ham and will munuin•Cur inataof Covent in self-insum for Worker's Compen. cation.u pre vidW for by Section 37M of the Labe,Cade.for,IM perfors.of IM wmk'for which this Permit IS IEaed. I haw ansa will maintain Worker',Compensation Inmumce.at required by Section 37M a(via IiDm Cade.for we pmfamnnecafthe wok fee which this permit LL T— xi My Worker's Compenwion In..ams and Policy number mc: Carrier: Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE COnisseulan need not W eonplhh,d if the permit Is(mane hundred dollen($100) or kis) l eemifns Nati a Mformamc of IM ark fm which Nis permit h Ls .I Nell mmm employs, taq n' any manvrwu y��rsmy�u�meW lM Waft Compensation Laws or if�m`'�4, 12.Y1 r1 fes/ Applicant 4tli� $42 M01 YA ft NOTICE IcMI TC NT:If.Our making this CeniOeam of Exemption,you should become subject N then Worker'.Compensation pro isions a Ne Lesbm Cede you most .,O forthwith comply with such previsions or Nu permit shall be doomed tevakcd. z y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-+ 1 hereby anIrm that Nen is a construction lending spicy for the PMurmenm of rL the work for which this permit Is fated(Sec.309'(,Civ.C.) W�Q I<mldcr's Name z Undoes Address U O I morn that I haw read this appiiaden cad such,than the above thfarmaumm is Iy ^. cermet I agree in comply with all city and county aNinencet and sum lams missing h, O rV^ building cmutrunian,and hereby authorin:mp.tatives of Nu city to mmupan do amili m judgments, ntopeny fm icapeetion orpswhich ms 0. (We)agree m caw,indemnify and kmP Mrmleu the City or Cupertino agsiv1 . .. fn liNilitia,)udgmenu,cmLL and upevee which may Nally way acme against aid City V z AL flume of Ne grading of this pump. ^ ANf UDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POIINNT Issued byDate r pptt"u TIONS. fur 71 ok Re-roofs DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type Of Roof Will Ne applicant ar future Wilding mmpulemre orhendle,hsallov mucrind ss denvd by the Cupertino Municipal Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Calc,Section 35532(,)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes ❑Na Will Ne applicam or forum buddi mnio nt use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove hscoudnns air cantaminru u den y the Bay Amst Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑3!s ON. I have mad the hantdmm matuish immenu mile,Clupar 6.95 of thin Calif.,. TILL Ninth&Safety Code.Scoumu 25505,25533 and 25534.1 wticnund NU lfde Wilding dans My have&some.that it is my responsibility u maty Na aympav of the req �hh.0 W.tpdarmiavanceafaCutinamar Signature of Applicant Date Owner 6KudmK7zdascra Dak All roof coverings to be Class'A:*'or better CITY OF CUPERTINO • 4 ITEMS OF 4 PERMIT. RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec:. Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . .. 31629063 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 07/28/2008 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : BS000005603 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08070194 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 10304 DENISON AVE SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . .. NELSON D' SUSZA ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 10304 DENISON AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-2429 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : NELSON B DSOUSA CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : YONG B. WON LIC # 30022 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : YB CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 1079.5 MINETTE DR' CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 316-1261 • FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1BREMRECEP NO. OUTLETS 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 1, 200 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 1EPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 122 . 87 0 . 00 122 . 87 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 122 . 87 DISCVR --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 122 . 87 • 0107 019 CITY OF CUPERTI NO CITY OF CU PEIJTINO GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # o (0 , oz) Date: '/2e Q�D� Building Address: ) 030 D EN S S ON Avc r_ U►'ERTrND / Ch q50/ Mailing Address (if different from building address): Owner's Name: Phone#: ISIELmNk WFA/ .�r SOU2A 4U5s-- syS,6 Contractor: Phone: 4 0$ 3 l — I2 yg Coni s�R u cTrdov C Fax: Contractor License#: l8 5-6' ' 9 Cupertino Business License#: Contact: Phone: • � � Fax: Residential Commercial Job Description: &f, „` 2 II ,y(.. vQs, w, r0ow-4t Fans W/f, n&w dcAtet' GO KV\elctvo^4 l sW btaxe-� o_S'C.4,-r� Q SVC a j&C Q4' Z� �jt l VI W']A de cAt e'd SWI, C&eS 3 PVa.ce, tS��n� C11R-fano a� • . ,,,. . Building Permit Info: — — – Bldg 0/ Elect t3 — Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Type of Construction (Usage Class): Occupancy Type: I-A, 1-B ❑ II/III/V-A ❑ II/III B, IV-HT, V-B ❑� 2 '� Valuation: Square Footage: !2 f1 D Project Size: Express �tandard ❑ Large ❑ Major ❑ Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Green Building/LEED Checklist & attach it to the application or if applicable, include in plan set& the sheet index. • Points Achieved: For help, contact Build it Green at www.buildit reen.or Revised '� 'n - -ang. OF CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPER,TINO GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type 'Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM l BBOILERI For the installation or relocation of ea M boiler/compressor to & including 3 horsepower, or ea absorption sys to & incl 100,000 Btu/h•(29.3kw) 1 BBOILER2 Installation/relocation of ea M boiler/compressor over 3 horsepower to & incl 15 horsepower, or ea absorption sys over 100,000 Btu/h 1 BBOILER3 Installation/relocation of ea M boiler/compressor over 15 horsepower to & incl 30 horsepower, or ea absorption sys over 500,000 Btu/h to & incl 1,000,000 Btu/h 1 BBOILER4 Installation/relocation of ea M • boiler/compressor over 30 hosepower to & incl 50 horsepower, or for ea absorption sys over 1,000,000 Btu/h to & incl 1,750,000 Btu/h 1BBOILER5 Installation/relocation of ea boiler or M refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower, or ea absorption sys over 1,750,000 Btu/h IBAPPLOTH For ea appliance or piece of equip M regulated by this Code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this code. IELECINSP Other Electrical Inspections (per hour) E 1MECHINSP Other Mechanical Inspections (per M hour) 1 PLMBINSP Other Plumbing& Gas Inspections P (per hour • 1MEETINGIHR Application Meeting B ste., CITY OF CUPERTINO CITYOF GENERAL BUILDING APPLICATION CUPEkTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM ACOUSTICAL REVIEW IACOUSFDW SFDWL/Duplex New B IACOUSRESAD SFDWL/Duplex-Addition/Alteration B IACOUSCOM Multi-Family/Commercial B CHIMNEY'S 1 CHIMNEY Chimney B 1CHIMNEYR Chimney Repair B FENCES IFENCE>6FT Non-masonry, over 6 ft in height B IFENCEMAS>6 Masonry, over 6 ft in height B FIREPLACES IFIREPLMAS Fireplace Masonry B IFIREPLFAB Fireplace Pre-Fabricated/Metal B IFLAGPOL>20 Flag pole(over 20 ft in height) B IMODUSTRU Modular Structures B FOUNDATIONS 1FOUNDREP Foundation Repair B 1 PILECAST Pile Foundation Cast in place concrete B I PILEDRIV Pile Foundation Driven(steel,pre- B stressed concrete 3 of 5 CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY Of GENERAL BUILDING APPLICATION CUPERTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM RETAINING WALL(CONCRETE OR MASONR 1RETSTN Standard (up to 50 ft) B IRETSP310 Special Design, 3-10' high (up to 50 `) B 1RETSP10 Special Design, over 10' high (up to B 50' IRETCRB< Gravity/Crib Wall, 0-10'high(up to B 50 R 1RETCRB> Gravity/Crib Wall over 10' high(up to B 50 ft SHED-(EACH) Shed Over 120 sq ft B • SIDING 1 SIDEST/BK Siding, Stone& Brick Veneer B (interior/exterior 1 SIDEOTHER Siding all other B SKYLIGHTS 1 SKYL<10 SF Skylight less than 10 sf B 1 SKYL>10SF Skylight greater than 10 sf or B structural 1STAIRS Stairs-first flight/ea addt'l B STORAGE RACKS 1 SRACKS<=8 . Storage Racks 0-8' high (up to 100 sf) B 1 SRACKS>8 Storage Racks over 8' high (up to 100 B st • 4of5 " - CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY of GENERAL BUILDING APPLICATION CUPEkTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity/Sf Fee ID Fee Description' Fee Permit Type Group 1GENRES or 1GENCOM 1STUCOAP Stucco Applications (up to 400 so B additional stucco application 1 WINREP Replacement windows/sliding glass B door ea 8 windows 1WINMEWSTR New Window-structural shear B wall/masonry includes plan ck fee I 1 EPERMITFEE Electrical Permit Fee E 1MPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit Fee M 1 PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Fee P IELCPLNCK Stand Alone Electric Pln Ck (hourly) E 1MECPLNCK Stand Alone Mechanical Pln Ck (hrly) M 1 PLMBLNCK Stand Alone Plumbing Pln Ck (hrly) P r I STPLNCK-(3 Hr Min Standard Plan Check (when no E/M/P) B when not over counter) hourly-stand alone A 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential B / 1BSEISMICO Seismic Commercial B 1TRAVDOC Travel &Documentation B 1BUSLIC Business License B S� .r9p cwt k71 C' 5 of 5 Green Building Plan Check Index of Green Building Points/Categories A. Category Example of an Index or Table of Green Plan Sheet or Page Points Building Points Categories that must be shown and referenced on the Project Plans See below we B. Site 9. Install H.E. Irrigation, (details/spec)' L-1 2 points 11. Permeable Paving, Note L-1 2 points C. Foundation 1. Use 15 % Flyash Concrete, (note) S-1 5 points D. Structural 3. Uses Wood IJoist, (See Spec.) S-2 2 points 5. Use Truss with heels, (detail) S-2 2 points 6. B. OSB Sheathing, detail S-2 2 points E. Ext. Finish 1. Composite Decking, (Note/Spec.) A-3 2 points 4. B. Fiber Cement Siding, (Note/Spec.) A-4 2 points F. Plumbing 1. Insulate all H.W. pipes, (Note/Spec.) P-1 2 points 5. Tankless W.H., (Note/Spec.) A-2 2 points 11. A 2500 Gal. Tank, (Note/Spec L-1 10 points G. Electrical 4. E. Ceiling Fans, (Note/Spec.) A-3 4 points H. Appliances 1. Energy Star Dishwasher, (Note/Spec.) A-3 1 point 3. Energy Star Refrigerator, (Note/Spec. A-3 1 point P. Other1 1. List Green Features on Plans A-1 1 point TOTAL POINTS 40 points • Plan Review Process Work Book Page-12-Revised 3/25/08 Green Points Rating System for Remodeling Projects Due to the diversity of remodeling project types,assigning a!total points'value to a project to be considered environmentally friendly is • not feasible.However,25 measures have been highlighted to signify that every effort should be made to incorporate them into your projects. These items have been chosen based upon their impact on the environment and the health of the home in coordination with ease of implementation and relative low cost. These measures can be used as a starting point for'greening'your project. INPUT Resources Energy IAD/Health A.Srte 1.Recycle Job Site Construction 6 Demolition Waste 65%=1 point,75%= 2 points;k60%=4 points up to 4 Resource pts 0 2.Salvage Reusable Building Materials 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 3.Remodel for Mixed Use,Adaptive Reuse,and Historic Preservation 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 4.Protect Native Soil 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 5.Minimize Disruption of Existing Plants&Trees 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 6.Implement Construction Site Stonnwater Practices 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 7.Protect Water Quality with Landscape Design 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 B.Design Resource-Efficient Landscapes and Gardens 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 9.Reuse Materials/Use Recycled Content Materials for Landscape Areas 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 10.Install High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 11.Provide for On-Site Water Catchment/Retention 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 I 1 1 B.Foundation 1.Incorporate Recycled Flyashin Concrete 25%Recycled Flyash=2 points;Add 1 point for every 10% • increase of flyash,up to 5 points up to 5 Resource pts 0 2.Use Recycled Content Aggregate 2 Resource pts y=yas 0 3.Insulate Foundation/Slab before bac�ll 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 1 I 1 C.Structural Frame 1.Substitute Solid Sawn Lumber with Engineered Lumber 3 Resource pts y=yes 0 2.Use FSC Certified Wood for framing (For every 10%of FSC lumber used=2 points,up to 10) up to 10 Resource pts. 0 3.Use Wood i-Joists for Floors and Ceilings 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 4.Use Web Floor Trusses 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 5.Design Energy Heels on Trusses 6'or more 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 6.Use Finger,ointed Studs for Vertical Applications 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 7.Use Engineered Studs for Vertical Applications 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 B.Use Recycled Content Steel Studs for Interior Framing 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 9.Use Structural Insulated Panels(SIPS) a.Floors 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 b.Wall 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 c.Roof 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 10.Apply Advanced Framing Techniques 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 11.Use Reclaimed Lumber for Non Structural Applications 3 Resource pts y=yes 0 12.Use OSB a.Subfloors 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 b.Sheathing 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 1 1 1 INPUT ReSDUTCeS Energy IAO/Health I.Widows 1.Install Energy-Efficient Windows . a.Double-Paned 1 Energy pt yesesj+0 b.Low-Emissivity(Low-E) 2 Energy pts Y--yes c.Low.Conductivity Frames 2 Energy pts yeses 2.Install Low Heat Transmission Glazing 1 Energy pt y=yes J.Heating Ventilation end Air Conditioning 1.Use Duct Mastic on All Duct Joints 71Z/Health y yes2.Install Ductwork within Conditioned Space y=yes 3.Vent Range Hood to the Outside y=yes 0 4.Clean all Ducts Before Occupancy 2 IAQ/Health pts y=yes p 5.Install Solar Attic Fan 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 6.Install Attic Ventilation Systems 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 7.Install Whole House Fan 4 Energy pts y-yes 0 8.Install Sealed Combustion Units a.Furnaces 31A0/Health pts y=yes 0 b.Water Heaters 31A0/Health pts y=yes p 9.Replace Wall-Mounted Electric and Gas Heaters with Through-the-Wall Heat Pumps 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 10.Install 13 SEER/11 EER or higher AC with a TXV 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 11.Install AC with Non-HCFC Refrigerants 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 12.Install 90%Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency(AFUE)Furnace 2 Energy pts y=yes p 13.Retrofit Wood Burning Fireplaces a.Install EPA certified wood stovesfinserts 1 IAQ/Health pt y=yes p b. InstalVReplace Dampers 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 c.Install Airtight Doors 1 Energy pt y--yes 0 14.Install Zoned,Hydronic Radiant Heating 3 Energy pts y=yes p 15.Install High Efficiency Filter 4 IAQ/Health pts y=yes p 16.Install Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit(HRV) 5 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 17.Install Separate Garage Exhaust Fan 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes p 1 1 1 K.Renewable Energy and Roofing 1.Pre-Plumb for Solar Water Heating 4 Energy pts y=yes p 2.Install Solar Water Heating System 10 Energy pts y=yes p 3.Pre-Wire for Future Photovoltaic(PV)Installation 4 Energy pts y=yes p 4.Install Photovoltaic(PV)System (1.2 kw=6 points,2.4 kw=12 points,3.6 kw=18 points) Up to 18 Energy pts 0 6.Select Safe and Durable Roofing Materials 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 7.Install Radiant Barrer 3 Energy pts y=yes p 1 L.Natural Heating and Cooling 1 1 1.Incorporate Passive Solar Heating 5 Energy pts yryes p 2.Install Overhangs or Awnings over South Facing Windows 3 Energy pts y=yes p 3.Plant Deciduous Trees on the West and South Sides 3 Energy pts y=yes p • 1 1 I x Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue 1 Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408) 777-3333 OCUPEkTINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: 103 DmisoAJ AV5e0-tf?fRVP PERMIT # OWNER'S NAME: E( SQN PHONE "-'7b GENERAL CONTRACTOR: p b FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the followinginformation: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass/ Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Til er/Con actor Signature to