31780 74d5 DeFoe CITY: OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Lot 31, Tract__�i F,7 Wesliyn Date..........--- -----------.................-----.195.....--. Permit No.--.3... .......... Application is hereby madded for a permit to -------------oor bl*d ............... ----------- ... ................... ory, a...... Type------ 0, ...........-------Building at......................-7485-De Foe D�iv e ----- ----- ---- - ..... ...... ............. . ......... ........ .. ... --- -- ­ to be occupied only as--.....2----Han._�� -------------------------------- in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of lmprovemenfs,.iA'&!D0___. It is hereby agreed that the requirements o f.the San Jose Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use*of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be complied with. Owner.... Claude T. Liqdsa_�----_----------------------Address--...29i- ---------------------------- DA 3-4lia Address----7--4 By.. '-TC;1fo--f-vK-------------------------------------- Wiader, Agent Cc,11 FOi fll� ...... ' 4 Form 280-1 RECORD OF INSPECTION Foundation... ....................................... Stucco'------------ ................... ............................ jt7 <l 97r3 - /0 -