05100154 CITY OF CUPERTINO I' 7�f a f,:ia BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ) CO 'QRANPUAMA,TIQN .v&k"d";wYro'Lri'*u,4?ia' uv c 9,z$xyq„ x ,u i10 ING ADDRESS: FINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO SRMITND'05100154 745N DE ANZA BLV PERMIT ISSUE DATE R'S NAME: BAY COLONY INVESTORS II IN 1475 SARATOG PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 252-9131 ARCHr1ECTENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG EO PLUM O MECH lop LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description ti I hereby affirm Nat I am limned under Pmvuiom of CMPbr 9(mmmmming ' with Sccuan7ultdf.Dlvidan3af me Bueixssand Praferiom CoM,aM mylkense is h�a in full fomeaMef(ttL fZ CONDOS-COMMON AREAS Licen CIsss�La i N Dab 8.6 Conbeebr g ARCHITECTS DECLA 1 i$ 1 urte erund my plans shall W used m PON rcenrt ayU rQ Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby at I em exempt form ten leanion Co a:Any c Law co ten j p o following moron. (aniSection 7(171.7.Business and ove.de loll Calc:Any city m county 1$ which requires a Permit requires the eller,i t for such demolish,or"pair any swmura $226589 -iy priorbits issuance,also acquire.the applicant for suchpermr's Licme Ls.(chapter Valuation that he is liccmsed pursuant be me Pmvisiom of the Contractor's hicerrx law(Chapmr9 Sq.FL Floor Area z (commencing with Seems,7(333)of Division J of the Business and ProfMiom Coda)Of that he is exempt mcrefrmn and to basis for,the alleged exceptions.My violation of Becton 7071.5 by A"applicant for a permit aubjeess the applicant to a civil penalty of y Occupancy Type not mom khan five hundred dollar(.SSOOL 01,as Woof oftis Property.car my employees with rages as their sale=Pe uon, will do the work.and lhaaw"ure I.not trended"offered forsau(sex.70as-Ballo'. Required Inspections and Proposed..CodM n Code:TCosent.Limns n ro Law donot apply b an ama of q P proper,who Wilda;or tmmnwa thereon.andwhe doessuch work himsetfortrough his awn employees.provided that web improvements ata not Wended oroneaed for ad&If. however.to Wilding or Impmwment is sold within one Year of mmplction,to mvnm- Wilder will Mw the Wrden of proving two he did not Wild"improve for purpose of sale.). Q 1,as Owner or dm property.am exclusively contracting with licensed mnoacbr b mmtme me pmjca(sac.7014.Business and Prafnaiam Code:)The ConuaaoYs U. came law does not apply b in Owner of Property who Wilds or improwa thereon,and who contracts for such pmjeeu with a conlrower(s)licamed pursmnl b the Contraetofs Licen"Law. D 11.exempt under Sec. ,a&P C for this reason n Dau WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION Mosby affirm under penalty o(peaJury,one clubs fallowing declarations: 1 h.ve.nd will maintains Certificate of Consent to self-unties far Worker"Compen- malon,yyyyyq.....provided for by Section 7700 of the Labor Code.Ice Ne pertomhanm o(the - w rich this perms ie iseucd. 1 Mw mrd will milnutn Warkefs Compematlon Insunnm,a acquired by Section 3700 of Ma labor Cade,for to pedarma ea of the work for which that R-it u I=-& Mumdoo,�hhh/oe/m�ado Orwa nrttm and Poli Unser: Policy Nry CERTIFICATE OF EKEMlfil- FRO WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thu ssNm need not be completed If the Permit Is forum hundred dollar($I00) or ins.) I certify that in the performance of use,work for which this Permit is issued.I shW not employ any person In any manner an as in become subject to me Workers'Compensation Lawful`California.Dab Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject b the WorkerS ComPCoaattan provisions of the Lehr Code,you must Z forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be dmmed mvoked. z O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY (ti Ihereby atarm that there is a construction lending agency for the performmm of CL> the work for which this permit Is issued(Sec.3017.Civ.C.) CU Q Lender's Name ' Lendees Address U0 I ceNfy that I haw read this application and sub One tic&Wve mfmm-thin is corm".I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and mate laws muting to Wilding conauuction,and hereby wthorin mpreunuttws of this city to cnbr open the p U r W ahow-mcmtoncd property for e.pcuan- IC as. (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenino against vF„ Ln gas oftensnwhtchm gory way a"rvc agiloslaeid City [)z thea PLIC co egra of this permit. I ^' APPLIC D.R DS AND WILL MPLY WITHLL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOUR 0.E - )-99 O' m Re-roofs Signuu of HAZARDOUS ARDOr Dam HAL (Rune, MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof WIII the a Cupent m future Wilding o Chapter atom wandthandle Health md Safety al de0ned by the Cupertino Municipal .Chapbr 9.12,and the Heilm and Safety sedan 0y.25532(.)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. e Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or Devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit Imeardous air conumimnu u d by me Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yes u l4idemwl m. debts mauruisraquiremenu unbsr .Chaptarti.95ofthe Califon ri.HcVK&V&fatyCO&.3CCDom 2S3U5,25s?,t tib 25534.I understand that if the building dues t cu Oil how mnanL mat h u m 5/nrmpomlMlby m noBl'y ten mcupant of tic my me wh'hr s be met poor b is ee Ofa Cortiyhy"al`Ocmpaney. Date AArg/^ - 06 Signature of Applicant Ow car amnariLm a our D,b All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better