05100151 CITY OF CUPERTINO ,'+. BUILDING DIVISIONPERMIT , x.r TI(U. BUILDING ADDRESS: FINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT No.05100151 10745 N DE J R'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE BAY COLONY INVESTORS II INC1475 SARAT PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 252-9131 ARCHI'fECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMITINFO BLr- 8 — EO PLUM B 0 Gid LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description u 1 hemby affirm that I an Beamed under provisiom of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 70011,of Division 3 of the Bram.and Proleadom Cade.and my license is i y in call fame and.ffeel NEW CONDO-1, 320 e Z License Class J�Lk.M fik, Dam Cont ECL I "Vit qW ARCntlimu ,Oapubli Ms r^� I untlemmnJ my pians shall he mad a puM1li mrnrds iyU Licensed Pmlceional G y OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION )c c 1 hereby.(Taro thus 1 1. exempt from the Contracfauns Cu t:Any C Law for the :cc o following moon.(Section 703 L5,Bualtar. and Pmfee oil Cade:Any city fir county 1 m w which eequiren a Permit m.nmVun.alar.in Prove,dcmolWO or repair any structure $282968 Prior b its iuuance,also requima the applicant forwch permit b file a signed sulement Valuation _s< Nathehliccnaud PuwanttathcpmvisiomofheConvmoriLcenseaw(Chaper9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area `t-$ (commcncingwiNSecdon70W)of Divhion3of Oc Butinma dProfmions Cade)or .. Nat M IS exempt uerefrom and the buds for than alleged ammpdon.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant far a permit subjects the applicant te a civil penalty at AP14 KWffifjeT U U Occupancy Type not mom than five hundred dollars($SW). 0 1,as owner of the property.or my employcm with wage as their auto compemadea, will do the work and lite mmctum Is nut Intended or offered faradc(Sec.70 N,Business Required Inspections and Pmfeabm Code:The Conammes License Law docs rot apply b an owner of q P propenywW WilMfirimprowathereon,aMwho dmfsuch work mango,through hu awnemp1. ,provided uaauch impnvements..at intended orationed for sale If. h.a .me building or improvement is old within am year ofcompledm.the owner- huildv will have the burden of proving that he did not build Or improve far purpose of sale.). ❑1,a owmr of um Property,am aclutively conussting with named contractors to construct the pmjm(Sec.7661,Business and Profus)am Code)The Conuactara lj- come law dints opt apply Or an owner of property who builds ar)mprova thereon,and who convects for such prejecta with a contractor(s)licensed Pursuant b lite contractor License Law. ❑lamaemplmder See ,B&PCfarthlamaaun r Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby arum under penalty of perjury One of the fallowing deelaradom: &,"I n and wii m motho a CeniReme arc...i an aelf-Imam far Worker Compen- sedon,a provided fm by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the wish fir which Nis permit is inued. I have and will maintain Worker Compntsation Inwace,as required by Section 7700 of sae Lather Cu..fm the pamentrame of the wmk far which dua Permit is i—ml, My War oro eMO..Imm�nce pnier and Policy Cartier. Polley No: CERTIFICATE CI•EKEPdMON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE f f hu motion need rot ac cam plead if am permit la fm am hundred Oil=($100) or less) I certify that in sac performance of the work for which this Permit is Isamu.l"I mat - employ any pesmn in my mamncren as an become subkct to the Worker'Compenaadon laws of Caltfomia.Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Cerificse of Faemption.you ahoaW become subject to the Workers Compensation provision of the labor Cade.you mean vJ 2.' forthwith comply with a eh provisions or this permft shall bedmmW ranked. ?O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY f" 1 hereby affirm than dem is a connotation lending agency for the performance of a> nim work fm which this permit u iumd(Sec.3097,Ci,C.) L1J Q Landers Nam. az Leaders Addme U0 I certify Nat I have read this application and sub tau the above information IS LL E' mrtect.1 agree b comply with all city and county ardinancu and sue laws relating to OU building eonswction,and hereby authorim mr,noutivea of this city to enter upon the W aleve-mcmtioned property for impection purposes. F 6. (Wm)agmc to ave,indemnify and keep herniae the City of Cupcni apinst N liabilities.Judgments,costs and eapesum which may in any my accuse agalmt sold City UZ into or the On,of tau Permit. APPLI A UND ANDS AND WI COMPLY WITH AA}}jj..NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOU ONS. (�17W Q aBFT Re-roofs Sitnmure afAppliaHAZARDOU Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS mauveDISCLOSURE Type Of Roof Will Oso applicant m future Wilding oceupat.dore or handle hrnmous material defined by the Cupertino Municipal ado.Chapter 9.tL and the Health and Safety .Section 255324)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Ya Will the applicant or future building oceupat use equipment m devbms which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove .mli hsumousair anctand tea need by the Bay Ams Air Quality M34af nt all new materials for inspection. Diaa)ct7 ❑Ya a It, madthemamuusmmedahmquimmemundcr Chapmr6.95orthcCsliror- nhHeal c1Y 'am235(I5. JJ am125574.1 undcanand tau if de Wilding lima n c n fik Net II h y,aibilily b notify dee mcupat of the note rometpd.rm uanmafacemraa�°;a Signature of Applicant Date `k '/ .0i-"moi All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner m authan ed agent Dam