05100148 CITY OFCUPERTINO 'a q(& aaa* ,t' a�: d'x *�' `• � "'� '•' r? BUILDING DIVISION PE NT?ORMATION BUILDING ADDRESS: PINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIONS.MR NO'05100148 10745 N DE ANZA BLV PERMIT asue DATE oR'S NAME: f BAY COLONY INVESTORS II IN 1475 SARATOG SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. PHONE: (408) 252-9131 ARCHRECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG O PLUMB MEOCH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby affirm That 1 em linenacd under PMAIMna of Chap-9(commencing withSection70110).Division3of tho Bueinecoand Profeawm Codd,aM myliana is in full Come and affect. S �E' S2us 1b NEW CONDO-1, 320 Llccneealus Lw.N iF Dale " TooaUARCHESIEN r I understand my plan shall he used u public moords IyU :0y LicctwJ Professional 'N 5 OWNER-BUILDER m DECLARATION NI hereby affirm Nal 11. eumpt s an the Conuacmo License Law for 0A O fallowing mason.(Section 703 t.3,Business and Pm(esiuM Calc:Any city err county fag which requires a permit w nostrum.alma improve,dermAlm,ter repair WY aauCome $282968 _2< prior w an its iuucc.elm inquires the applicant for such Permit in Ek a signed statement Valuation C thin he is licensed punusnuothe prevision oftheConuwtor's License Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area I�a (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of Ne Business and Professions Code)or .. Nat he b aumpt therefrom and die bub fm the alleged exemption.Any violation of Sccnon 703 1.5 by Ary applicant for a permit subjects de applicant in a civil penalty of r v Occupancy Type not mare Nan five hundred dollars(5300). ❑I.uowner of Ne property,err mY ennployee with wean udre'v suleeompmcotion, WBI de Ne Welk.Nd NeaWmYm is oat intended err aRCRd(ter YlC f3aa.7D1a,BLLLIVII Required Inspections and Professions Cade:The Con9ants's License Law does m1 apply w an mvner aq P property who builds a improves thereon.and what doer surd work himself w through his Own employee,presided Nu such improvements are collimates oroReled forsele.If. however.the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion.the awn". builder will have the burden of proving that he did sot build or Improve for purpose of ante.). ❑1,as owner of the property me exclusively...aacrims with Iianred a OOKM-to construct the project(See.7014.Business and Pmfessiae Cade:)The Comotow's U. cease law doe not apply in an owner of property who builds or improve Merton.and, who contracts for such projects with a comranwr(s)Centered pursumt in the Connoisseurs License:law. ❑I am comp,under See ,B h PC for this mown Date WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby of me under penalty of perjury mon of the following decli n0ons: I ham and will maintain a CeNOata of Consent In self-Insure for Workers Compere scion sus provided for by Sutton 3700 of the Labor Cade,for the perfm ramose of Ne we or which this permit is issued. 1 haw and will maintain Worker's Compessation Insmma,as inquired by Section 3700 of Ne Labor Code,for the perfarotstece of Ne volt for which this permit is luucd. My Worker nation Idmranco came and Policy n A_ Cartier: Polwy No: �O �IJI�fI- CERTIFICATEOFEKFA1FnoNFRO RKER9' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Crossixtion need wt be completed If the pcmtir Is for one hundred dollars(5100) or Ic3s.) I comfy that in Ne performance of the work for which this permit is issued,i shall not employ any person in any mmlmrse u A become subject to the Workers'Componsation Laws of California.Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Cenifow of EsearPtim,you should become Subject in the Workers Compensation provisions of this labor Code,you muse 0 forthwith comply with such provisions or Nb Permit shall he daW re mvoked. z^ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-a I hereby affirm Nat there is a comtrvctinn lending ages'for the Performance of W 7 the work for which this permit Is issued(Sec.3077,Civ,Q W�Q Lender's Name a Z Lenders Address [� 1 certify that I have read this application and sow that the above I.(..Our,b IL cones.I agree in comply with all city and county ordinanees and sum laws misting to 0 buildingconstruction, to save. ify ad epmsentativeof Nis Ofymcnter Upagino ago tine W above mentioned property for inmcc.on purposes. gy (We)agree w cove,indemnity and kap hay in m the City of Cupertino s id City aE'.y st y liebilitie.judgmenu.costs andexpenua which may in my way asrncagairm add City U z in canreq of the granun a(Nis Permit. t••� APPLIC/ DER IDS AND WIL OMPLY WITH ALL NONPOINf Issued by: Date SOUR /�-dL Re-roofs Signature of Applicarm Commoner Daw HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the appliam or Nmm building occu entuum or handle haurdous material de0ned by the Cupertino Munici I Code.Chapter 9.11,.4the Health and Safety .Section 73532(,)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. [_]Y. o Will the applicant err(umm building occupant use cyuipmmt m dcvias which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit hmedous air amaminanu as food by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Dooncrt ❑Ye u I havemad Ne huaednua mamdab mquimmenm under Chapwr6.95 of the Calirary nia HcolN& cty Cada.sections 25505,25533 and25534.imderslatd thatlfthe building LH not sly he nett,0.11.b my j4poni in mdfy that occupmt or the myulre n i metpriarwiuu aar,ce taAarOcnap Signature of Applicant Date Ate W All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner a wNorved gent Date