05100135 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERAUT r CU1�iTRAC 'T0I2INFUR MATT N , BUILDING ADDRESS: s FINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO -R"ND'O51O0135 10745 N DE ANZA BLV # 310 R'S NAME: PEILNIT LSUB OATB BAY COLONY INVESTORS II IN 1475 SARATOGA AVE ng/17/9.006 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 252-9131 BUILDING PERMIT INFO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: B� EO PLUMB MFCH O oo LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description u 1 Wroby dnrm that I are licensed under pmvisiow of Chapter 9(commencing widr Section]01111)of Di'sion Sof h,Budnwend Pmfeseiom Coda and my iicewe s z is li folae ane errmL NEW CONDO-1, 320 Sun Licen w Lic.R !C� Daleg7�+L Canusebr ARCHITECTS DECLA�I i t 1 undem out my plans shall be used as public records ayU Licensed Professional y3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Commuters c c I borohy affirm that 11. eBest from tW Conlrns Co e:Any taw for the p o following moan. omit t 703 Construct, Ba Slim. and Professions h,or Any city at manly $282968 3 B O' which mquiw a patron to cowuuet,aper,improm,demolish,M e a sig any ssmcbm -2< Pnar us incensed Issuance.Stan ofto MetWvision and for suchPetur's NcseLacd sutemem Valuation G (co ha is(commencing wit puntion 7 tc 9Diw6 3 du Conush.a License Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area 1 MammcndngwWSccdorn and the basis for the she Bualawmtd Pmfwi0u coast or $ tat io 4 sump tWm(rom and site bub Cot Ne alleged eumptton Any violation of Section 1031.5 airy applicant far a pump Subjects Us applicant b a civil Penalty of r Occupancy Type no, not mom then Tiron hundred dollua(f500). ❑I,asownuo(Nepmpnty,ormyemPloy.0 ith agnulhe4ulecompenudan, wpldaduwalt..wuleame isan undedwartemdruu (Sw.l .Buunw Required Inspections and Pmfesdaw Code The Com umis Lt.=Law dew Out apply b M owmr of q P Pmpeny who bulla w Ire pow Nunn.ane wbo docs such work himself w trough his owncmploy.,provided mal such improwmenu ate ml intended muffered far sale If. however,the building or improvement LL Sold within ane year of mmpledm.to owner- builder will ban Ne burden of proving Nat bo did Out build or Improve for purpose of Sate.). ❑I,as awavr of Ne properly,am"elusively contracting wish licensed cent umrs b construct the project(Sec.1044.Businw and Profnslow Code:)The COMMOCI ra U' Come Law does not apply m So erose,of poppy who Wilda M Improv Noreen.and who can=%far such projects wit a couracsod0 licensed pnuanl b the Contractee& License Law. ❑I am exempt under See ,B A PC for this mason Dau WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 barely alrum under penalty of perjury ane of Ne rnllowing deelaratlanC 7;>1,h,,..vw.d n and will maintain a Ceniftcate of Consent to self-Wort for Workers Campm as provided far by Satian 3900 of Ne Mbar Code.for me Pndormarlce of she hich an,Permit u issued. will maintain We Met Compuulan Inv ce,u required by Section (NeV Cade.fortW pdarmence of Ne wohf hichmisprmibslasmddPly. Pollry No.. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FRO WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Crus section mod aotMcomplued Rede Permit is froom hundred Copan($100) or Ws) I cenlry dem In the prfmmence of the work for which this Permit is issued.I&hall not employ any person in any manmr an as to become subject to do Warken'Compensation Laws of California.Dau Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If.atter maalag this Ceni0cete of Exemption.you Mould became subject no the Workers Campuadon previsions of IW Labor Cade,you muse vJ O faMwio comply with such pmvuions w this Permit shall W deemed revoked. „zi` CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [r I hereby affirm(hat mem as construction lending agency for the performance of ai > Ne work for which this permit Is issucd(Sec.3097.Civ,C.) �W Q Lender's Name ] Lender's Address U 0 L ceNsh fy at I ham and this application and sum that IW show information s U.— cones.l name to comply with all city and county ordinances and sou laws totaling m O building eonswai to and sioW hereby afNonrepresentatives iv of Cita Of loenter upon tW U ,hove mentioned Prupny for inspection purposes. (Wc) a burmlw Ne City of CuPeninoagaiwt ii comseq g LL.cwyinuYwYaucmeagaiwsaidCiqA cowq m Date APPLIC NT MPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by:SOURC RE L (A 6 Re-roofs ii�gm.4&ApplinnUCmaracbr Dam Type of Roof HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will me applicant or future building occupmtstom or handle huudous material defined by the Copnim MunicipalCode.Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety c,Section 25532(&)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 0 13< Will the applicul or future building occupant use equlpmenl or deviceswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove mail hwordow air conuminanu u road by she Bay Area Air Qualily Managcmenl all new materials for inspection. DivoictT ❑Yw Nu Ihit nd miusundrusmsectusnqui an undc,Chapter 695 orme Califor. ani Nealdt Colo. 5505,25533 d2553a.lunhnundtuirdte Wilding does nor ve ant.Wt it u my pmlMlisy b ratify Nc auupans of six reuim can to to o car ler in. fwOn"Cau c Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner ser authorized agent Data