05100118 CITY OF CUPERTINOBUILDING DIVISION PERMITCQNTRA•G1'aRI1�IL`�RMA"I'rf�T BUILDING ADDRESS: v FINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO gRMrr"°'05100118 10745 N DE ANZA RLY A 717 PERMIT ISSUE DATE A'S NAME: BAY COLONY INVESTORS 11 N 1475 SARATOGA AVE SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. PHONE: (408) 252-9131 BUILDING PERMIT INFO ARCHITECTIFNGINEER: BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH pp LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description i U 1 hammy arftrm that 1 am licensed under previsions of Chapmr 9(commencing wht Section7000)afDivieio 7of the BuslneuaM Pro(cuiam Cade,and mylieenseu t In mO fo..md ertee I's, NEW CONDO-1, 272 n Z Licenwe�C,�las�s� � Lt.a F Dow_ywA_�a��Gonlraelar opt c Iu �e Mand 1�// ARCHRECTS OEC 1 1 understand my plans shall M uM u Public reenrsin IyU Licensed Profrssianm OWNER-exempt RDECe Conu ON I 1 hereby.(Sure on I am exempt from the ContramCal License law for the - p O which re won.permit o]m IA,Business and Improve. deauu b--e:Any City or county S$ which h,issuance, n Feast w ronWueL applicant W, prosu demolish,sirt in e a sig any swnum -Z< pdormitscensedero ,Inde thovisisofor Conametch o"License neJnatemem Valuation O than heisIlee witpursuantmsitprovisionsofor BeBuumfrIxenselaw(CMPter9 Sq.F[. Floor Area 1 (commencing with theal Busmen andon.Any Cadoof $ that he in eumpt thme(rom and the buts for the alleged esemption.Any vlontion of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit objects the applicant •civil Penalty of r Occupancy Type not ream than five hundred dollars(MS 01,uownerofftpmpeny,ormywployerwithwagsuLitholem Peuadan, will W Newark,and the swnuR ts not imm.ded m affemd pursue(sea 7W.Business Required Inspections and ProfeniON COCIL The GOmnebrs LfCrt4 Law dreg net apply in an ownU of property who huildsmimprosudRreon,and whodorsechwork himRlforNrough his own amplayen,provided that each improvements am not intended reoffered for We.If. however,the building or improvement Is Gold whamone year of completion.the owner. builder will have don burden of proving that ata did nm build or improve for purpose of ul.j. Q I,u Comer or the property,am relatively contracting with Barred ennuanors In mrstroct the project.(Sec.7014.Business and Professions Code:)Tim CommcmYs Li. cc•..law does not apply m an owner of progeny who builds or improves thereon.and. who common for such pmjccn with a connacor(s)licensed purwant un the Conusemfr License law. ❑I am sompt under See .B k P C fathu recon Data WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLAa TION 1 hereby atfas under penalty of perjury one of the fallowing declmatiou: 1 ham and will mvnmin.Certificate of Cement to self-Imu ,for WorkeraCompen- ntion provided fm by Section 7]00 of Ne Labor Code,Its Na perfa m men or the ova Cr which this permit is Wued. I have and will maintain Worker',Compensation luuroce,as m4viRd by Section 7700 of the Lobar Code,fm the performance of she wart for which this permit as Issued. My WorkeplCtsm,carsadan Mwnnce carrier and Poly No.: Cartier. —Policy FROM CERTIFlG OFEI(EMNINN FROM WORKERS ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' (Thin section need notbe completed If the remit in Forane hundred dollen(SIM) sir tau.) 1 cenify that In Ot performance of the work for which this permit Is issued,I Nall not employ any Pemon in any mortar an as,to became object m the Worker'Compensation Laws of California.Dat Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making Nis Certificate of Exemption,you should became obj=an the WOrke s Compensation provisions of the LAW Cade-you man O forthwith camply with such provisions or this Permit shall be deemed revoked. z.~N.. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY E.+ I hereby a from that them is.eonstrue0nn lending agency for the Performance of cal s7 the work far which Lids permit is Wood(Sec.7097,Civ.C.) tL1~n. Undoes Nout .a7. z lnndees Add.. I,7 Q 1 carefy that 1 have Rad this application and sure No the above informal..is lt.(•' correct.l agree to comply with all city and county ordinancesend stat leers mlatingto 0 V building construction.and hereby authorise repmeenmivu or this city to enter Upon the r fed .love-menti...d propery for iupccdan purposes. (~LL (We)agree m save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against rat Iiablliuu,j rents,eons and esperues which May.so-Y.yacrntagaiutsaid City U z in eonseq r fI g ng of thio permit. �'+ APPLIC NT E NDS AND WILL CO PLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURC RE S. Re-roofs Sig as fApplicanUConncmr Dote Type of Roof HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE app Will the applicant Or future building accupantuom arhande haurdous material defined by the Cupcake Muniei 1 Code,Chapter 9.11,red the Health and Safety .Section 15571(107 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yr e If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove Will Jt applicant oil future building aceupam ase equipment or devices which cosh hacardnus air commourat u fined by one,Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Dianct7 ❑Yr I W,mad the tor, materlob myvim n under Chapter 6.95 afthe Califar. ria He Safety Caa►sttdou 8303,13577 and 334.I understand thuifthe building Jart cu ad h a ammo.that it is my ms ly m notify the a cupant of the "ul men h W Ipnor to i � s t a Certificate pupancy. Date �n� D -13—Or Signature of Applicant_ All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better Owner w autn0antd agent Dat