05100115 CITY OF CUPERTINO ;--- ffr'�tvkr' `'""'' ''` ' BUILDING DIVISION PER IVIIT = COI�ITRACTQRINFORMATION ; z.r�k•t ,�."ea5.;_, ,t ;aAv .&rut%. vet Ye.r. BUILDING ADDRESS: s PINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO 9RM"'05100115 10745 N DE MZA BLY ft FERMUISUEDATE R'S NAME: BAY COLONY INVESTORS T1 IN 1475 SARATOGA A17 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 252-9131 ARCHRECr/PNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDGO ELECr l� PLUMS MFCH O l� too LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IOb Description 1 bercby affirm Nn I em licensed under provision of Chapter 9(commencing i� with Secifer lM)ofDivkion 7 ofthe Bualness and Notional..Cole,end my license is .�„ mfullforceandcffeem. (y NEW CONDO-1, 460 n�Z Liceue❑eat Lle.a h, Dam CasTOE L L gg ARC all W use DECIA A �q 1 undcnnnJ my plans shall he used as public records °QUI Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION p I hereby alrvm that 1 am except form the Contractors ucCose Law for We 1 :cc following reason.(Section 7071.5,Business and Profession Code:Any city or County i9 e which requires s permit m common,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any swnure Zen priaroits issurimmalsorequir.theapplicant(orsuchmarilmfile,asignedsutemenlValuation That be is licensed purauanuo We pmvialouaf Jim Contrxork License taw(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area 3�g (Commcncingwilh ccUon70th)MDivuion7nfftSualnessmdP rminnaCMc)o thx be is exmpt Werefram and We bull fo the alleged exmptian.My violation of Section 7OU by a"applicant for a permit subjects the applicant in a civil penalty 01 r u Occupancy Type not mart tun Eve hundred dollars($5007. ❑Lasowneroftil pro perty,ummyotinte bewithweepuall((See Business will do Wewons ands: he Contla ties Lndcdor Law Mied sim,apply 10",Business Re aired Inspections and Pm(whin u Code:The oonuamon.and whoic.Law don nal apply ro rt ourcurough is q P of Property whin h.Ildamimprove th Improvements andwho doe satechwarthimselforWmueb his howe er.the or i that oven Imps mid wit ax Inti inundN moRertd for de 9- however. , bowev.,We building or improvementismid within orc>ev of improw for the owner builder will have the bodes of proving Motion did not Wile o impose(o puryox of tele.). ❑1,an owner of the property am ruminatively conaacline with licensed Common to Chutmct We project(Sec.7044.Buslnets and Prollea ams Cade:)77n Constrictors W- - cenx law it.not apply in C own.of property who balks or improves amount.m4, who Comments for such projects with a cenuxur(s)licensed puonsood m the Crimnnors License law. ❑lam uemplunder See ,B&PC(o Wlsoason r Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION / 1 herby unno under penalty of perjury ane of the following dttlWioca: [�1 msec and will maintain aCeNBmu of CanxntmxlGinsum fo WartrrsCmnpem - wian.u provided(at by Section 7700 Of We labor Cadc,lar We perfarmance of We wo for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,u required by Section 7700 of We labor Code,for We performance of We work for which Win permit is Issued. My' one eualinnaksurance easier and Paltry -�w Carrie. w ( Polity No CERT( CATEOFEXEMPIION FR WORKER5 COMPENSATION INSURANCE COW,secoon need wt be camplaed ifue permit Is f.one hundred MIM(5100) ar less.) I xnih that in the performance of We work far which rills permit I$issued,l Wall not employ any person in my manneran as in bmmme subject in We Woraus Compensation Laws of California.Dale Appliont NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Eaemption.You should become aubjoet in the Workers Compensation provisions of the labra Code,you most vJ z fortawith comply with such provisions or Nis permit shall be deemed rewked. zi0 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [..t 1hereby&Mmthat More is a tmnuomin lending agency for We Performance of ai h7 We work fur which this permit Is issued(Sec.7091,Civ.C.) W Q Lenders Nunc z Iandcrs Add. U 0 1 certify that 1 have mad this application and sou Wm We shove information is Ir.F corm.l acme in comply with N city and county ooinanc.and mm caws mating in DU Wilding construction,and hereby authorise mpresenmiva of Wis City to enter upon the W aiwvehmentioned mpersN fee purposes. (We)agree m ave,indemnify and keep humless We City of Cupertino against yIiebili0u.judgmenutlgmenu,costs and expenses which may In any way acrneageimt aid City U`z in conuq of We{n 'D o(Wis permit. ^" APPLIC�N ER fDS AND WILL OMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: Date o SOURC L N . �1+'7� Q Re-roofs HAZARDOUS Sienuu pBeacmr Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE or URE Type of Roof Will to applicentar(atom b IlOIng nccupmltlore or handle huardous material defined by the Cupertino Muni pal Code.Chapter 9.12,and We Health and Safety SeNnn 255724)T All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Oyu No Will the applicant m future building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit hmaonns air contartma�f/gl denied by We Bay Ana Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Dimict7 QYos Nu I hitist the haaadtsu mamriau uiremcrns WrierCMpmr6.95of We Califon iia Hol S tyc 'nu 23505, 77 am123534.I unMnundlMifmc WiiJine Want nal ly 0 ant.that it b r.pamihilllY m notify We occuput of We requir nu I W elpdorW ofaCamfficracofamapmcY. Signature of Applicant Date dMT� All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OwnerorauWorcredagenl T' Date'