05100112 CITY OF CUPEsRTINOvqur,� m TiCTORIsU_ R.9aAfI BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT �� +Ft MN -- BUILDING ADDRESS: PINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO rb""0'05100112 7NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE BAY COLONY INVESTOR IN 1475 S PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 252-9131 ARCHITECT(ENGINEER: BOPERMIT INFO 8ELECT � PLO O loo LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description i�Z+ I hereby AM.that I me licensed uMar pmviYons of Chapter 9(mmwsing t< with Section 7000)of Division 3 of tha Business tad FIVIOSS n Cade.and my lloease is ,oNh mmnmwanderre NEW CONDO-1, 178 tnZ Lucem lana�Llc.N mr Date—944-0 6_ARC NI'fELTS DEC LAA ION G i 1 understand my plan sha11 be used as public moods sal .o Licensed Professional x OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ON I i i I hereby mose n(Bnn othat I 1. attempt from Nc sCContractors :Any c Law for No .p o following mason Permian 7 onstru t.alter. and w.de Professions Calc:Any shy or county $ which mquims a permit reconstruct.alar,improsu h Perlin ofrepair asir any struunumum •Zi pdormita iasuancc,ahu requires the applicant for sch Permit tilt aalgneJ suomant i G Thu heulicensedpursuanttotheprovisionsoftheContractoriLicettmIAw(Chapmr9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation S $ (commencing with Section 7000)of Dividan 3 of the Business and Professinm Cole)or — that he is exempt themfmm and Ne basis for Nc alleged esempdm.Any violation of Section 7031.7 by arty applicant far a permit Subjects the IPplicanl lo a civil penalty of r Occupancy Type not mom Nan five hundred dollars(51110). 01,asownerofthepmpcny.ormywploycmwithwgesuOchslee Pemd0n, will do Liework,and theawctum B OutintandeE or offered mask(Sec.71144.E.M. Required Inspections and Pm(esriam Code:The Contractos rLlecom Law decal ant apply 0 an owner of 9 P properly who buil"m ire proves thereon,and who deaf Such work hitmelf w through his own employers,provided thatsuch bo mm unu am not unanded wo@red for Sale If. howem,IMWildingwimpmwe tusldwhhinaneymo(mmpletis,theowner- W ilder will bee Ne burden of proving that he did rot Wild m imProw(w Purpose of talc.). ❑1,n owner of the property ant exclusively contracting with licensed commem's le comment the pmkct(Sec.7044.Business and PmfeWom Cade:)The CsnaeNYs Li- m.taw dena oat apply an an owner of property wM builds or improves Hewn,and who c..=U for such pmjecu with a mntractor(0 licensed purmsm to the CDmmmw'a License Law. ❑ I em exempt under See .B A P C for this rea en r Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm under penalty a(perjury one of the following declaration: I ham.m will maintain aCeNncem o(Cameni to SelFimum far Workefa Compen- mmim. provided for by Section 1700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the wo r which Nis permil'u isued EI Mve and will mamuie Werimes Compenatis Insurance,as teyvi¢d by section 1700af NoV Code,forme perfarmanceof Newmtf which this permit u USOOL My Warless a penudan c easier and Policy Carver: r S Policy No. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE MIS Section need smite completed if Ne permit is farone hundred dollars($100) or Ices) 1 cenlfy that in the performance of Ne work for which this Permit is issued.I Shall not employ any Pena.in any manners as m become Subject m Ne Wwket'Cwnpemmlon Laws of California.Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL alter making this Certificate of EcemPdon,you should became subject to the Worker's Componasdon Provisions of Ne lab,Cede,you must Q faMwith comply with Such provision,this permit sl dl bmvoke e deemed red. z► CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY �F/ I hereby alarm Nu there is a mnumctinn lending agency for the performs¢ f o yl � the work for which this Permit Is Issued(sec.3097,Civ.L'.) i n~. Lender's Name ' .'7 Z Lenders Address U O I cutify that 1 have mad this application and num dw the W.Information is P correct.I agree to comply with dl city and county onlinancm and State laws mlating to OU building construction.and hereby authorim repmaenmives of this city to enter upon the W aImr.-Oncnfuncd properly for inspection purposes. (We).,me to ave.indemnify and keep harmess them lCity of Coconino-gas ti y IiabilidN05P which sy in any way secw against tato City Uz in noperm it. 'a ^" D WI COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date G -l7"" Re-roofs Signature of AppliandConuxmr Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future Wilding uccupantamm or handle hazardous mamrid defined by Ne Cupertino Monte I Cade.Chaplet 9.1x,and the Health and Safety . Sect 35532(1)9 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ver u wn Nc.ppfieanm or stare tiding emupam tax cquiPmenl w Jevkes which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit h mmame,air cmtaminnta 0ned by th B y Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. D urint ❑Yes Nu Ihavcmal Nehwardnusmato I yuI mcnuunderC1wpmr6.97ofNeCalifar- .14Hcalp Sala dc,Scctiwux7707, 31 and x5734.1 uulorstand NU lfthe building Joes [c nl rho a arsons Nu It is y responsibility m notify the occupant of the m�lr�m uz be wt nnrttiroa =of.certe of Ocspaney. tl f'TSignature of Applicant Date g Owncro mthamrdagem W"' 6+--• D,m�S All roof coverin s to be Class"B"or better