05100109 CITY OF CUPERTINOo- BUILDING DIVISION PERMITCUI�ITRACTOR�INFORMWTI N`Ni rA,x, nr. 0wa. Ta s- BUILDING ADDRESS: , PINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIONS PERMIT NO'05100109 10745 N DE ANZA R'S NAME: PERMIT IESUHDATE BAY COLONY INVESTORS II IN 1475 SAFATOaA AVE SANITARY N0, CONTROL NO. PHONE: (408) 252-9131 BUILDING PERMIT INPO ARCHITECTIENOINEER: BLDG3 EO PLUMB MEOCH tett LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description U I hereby affl.that l are limnsd under provitlom of Chapter 9(rommcncing with Section 7")ofDi,i i..3 oft the Business and Professions Cade.aha my license u . � inarBforce andeflect. ^. �y NEW CONDO-1, 193 '!a Z Lieenx lacy Le.ig aybat Dnu Contractor 44 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION G i 2� I undununJ my plain shill he meJ as public rcenrJs )� .0 Licensed Profeml ions OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I c Z I hereby.(Tien on I I.S.esempl from the Canu s Co Liana Law for the -0 0 which g moxa.permit t n6l ,Alo.a and Profcuiam coda:nay city ar roomy $255743 5$fLi which inquires a permit ac vires the altar.impmw,dPermit,ore a s11 mYig ed ttunum •Zj, priarinits iuusncc,iluant1, athaapplicant nscifwfmchparmr'succo Lacdstatamam Valuation that hatslkanseJpunumlxtheprovisiomaftheConuaclmeLicCnxhaw(Chapkr9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area a�Sfeommcncing with section 7000).(Divi,ian 3 of the Business it Pralwahms Cada)ter that he is ecompl themfrom and the basis far the alleged esemption Any vkdaian of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for.permit subjocu six applicant m a civil penalty of r V V Occupancy Type Out ream than five hundred dollars(SSW). I,uownerofukptoprty,mmyemployeaswlthmrAu etmkeomPu Ow. will do thework.md de,Imctuin tsnmintendead or offered mm.k(S.C.70".Business Required Inspections and Podasaom Cade:Tim Commitments License Law does out apply M an Owner of q p property who build,orimproves thereemand whodoessuchwark himmlfser Waugh his ownemployees,provided thatsueh improvements am not iaknded.oRered forsale.IL however,the building m Improwm.tt is sold within one your of eompletan.the ownu- builder will haw dw bunko Of pmA.g that ha did nal Wild or orprom a far pulpae of ask.). ❑1.as awmr of tha property,am exclusively conmcdn{with Ilcensel.wnuanon in romtruct inn p ojea(see.You.easiness and Profession Cade:)The Continence-u- cense Law dans out apply in an own.of p epeny who builds or improwu dmmon,and. who contracts for such projects with a contnnons)licamed pursuant in site Cantr.cmYs License law. ❑ I ore uempl under See ,B d P C for this mason Data WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 bemby a0bm under penalty of perjury oto of the following deelsommer haw and will mainuin a Certificate of Consent in self-imam far Workers Compen- sation,as provided far by Ueda.3700 Of the labor Cade,for the part---of de oro r which this permit is Weed. I have and will maintain Wmimes Compensation Insumna,u required by Senior 3700.1'the labor Cade,far de part=..of Je workf whWithispermhtsiasued. My, y Wor Ilan haarrm arra.and Policy tinier. 1 /T S Pa11ry No CERTIFICATEOFEXEbIMONFR WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ihuxnion need int he completed true pered,is narrow hundred dollen($1001 or lure.) I ec ufy that in the performance of Iha work for which this permh Is Wand,I shill not employ any permn in my mmmrm as m became subject in the worker'Companastion Laws of California.Data Apidicanl NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should baome subject in the Worker's Compensation prov4ions of the Labor Cade,you must .J O forthwith comply with such provisiam m this Permit be deemed revoked. z^ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY f••' Ihereby affirm lha,then is a eousraninr lending agency for the performance of a> the wart for which this prssnh is blued(Sec.3097,Cw.C.) W 0 Lenders Names 0. Lenders Adder.. U Q 1 anify that 1 hive read this application and sum that Nes ahem Informauun is W Comet.I.gree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to �U building conswclian,and hereby authorize represenutivca of this city to CRIT upon the W above mentioned property for inspection purposes. OL (We),gine to asw,indemnify and kce harmless the City of CYPadlaa against vF-,VI for"IU"'bd{menus uandexperuos whi mryin my vay.mue a{ilml said City U Z in co or this Zing of this penmi t••t LI A UND ANDS AND WI COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOU ER NS. 94 2,11-11 Re-roofs /Lf Si{nilux ofAppa aRDO HAZAARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLODam SURE Type of Roof Willy Une Cupertino future Wildingoccupantrmreorand Hard anmaterial de0rcd by the Cupemw Muni' 1 Cade.Chapter 9.12,and the HCilth and Safety , Section 255324)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 1]Y. Na Will the applicant or future building=open,use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit hmudous air contaminan III III by the Bay Amo Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. D slric@ ❑Yes, Nu wA s moon,, uiremcau under Chapter G95 of the Califor. nia th .25505. 33 ad 255X 1 mldesiand this lithe building it t e 4 Nm ll Y y teapo ndbility in newly the 0.Yupanl Of the req. m t prior fa CcrtOakgaeupency. Signature of Applicant Date 111P6d ,te_ All roof coverings to be Class nB"or better Owner.outhariyaagent