05100106 CITY OF CUPERTINO �. ^� �`'' '`" ��"'°"' �'• '"" x BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRA, ',,,R INP'U121Ve�'TI( 1V . BUILDING ADDRESS: t FINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO 'IMrt"x'05100106 R'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE BAY COLONY INVES 475 SARATOGA ANTE PHONE: SANRA0.Y N0. CONTROL NO. 408) 252-913 ABUILDING PERMITINr-0 RCNITECfyENGINEER: BLDG ELECT PLO MEOCH oppp LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description V bI hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 70ra)af Division 3ofthe Business and Pmfeaiuro Code,and my license ! y in full farts and affect. Zq l'a. NEW CONDO-1, 272 r w�z Lice. Ire Lic.s Vis• Dem Contraction Milli ` ARCHTfECTS DECLARATION 1 urtdersmna my plans Mall be used as public records tyU SCC' Licensed Professional u,3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ConTION I a I I herehy.(Sero than I am mmpt Wm the Csshoms o License law forme .p O following reason.(Section 7031 .Business and Rvfcssi rr Cole:MY city or minty 1$ which rtaulros•permit re eines dic eller.impmae.dcermit ri rile a sig ed romeone menian •a:i prior m its issuance.Aso2226711 Asian dm applicant f Contractor's icanceLawJnakmcnr Valuation C matheItlicensedpursuantmthepon ionsefJseCanuacmr'sLicemelaw(Clade)m Sq.Ft,Floor Area `�g (canmcminlwith Scctian7a00)of Divuim3oftha BuslnmaM fmiom Cade)or .• mat be is exempt therefrom and dm basis for the alleged emmpdam My violation of Semon 70314 by any applicant fa a permit subjects the applus nl m•civil penally of r 0 Occupancy TYPe not mom Nm few hundred dollars($300I. ❑1,a water of the property,army employees with wall a Weir solccompemadon. will do Neworli Na swctum Is mtimended or offered fomate(Sec.70".Business Required Inspections and Preis alum Code:The Contractor's License Law dol mi apply m an owner of q P property who bulldsorlmprones Luerso n,and whodmsuchworlehimselfm through bis ownemployecs,provided that such improwmenu as notheended m offered forsake.11. however,the building or Improwmem Is sold within am year o(complman.the owear- builder will 1mw she burden of proving that he did wt build or improw for purpose of ate I. ❑1,As owner of the Imparts,am exclusively contracting with licensed centramn m mm sect me pmkm(Sec 70".Business and Profmimu Code:)The Casualties U. - came law does not apply m an owns of property who build,of improm thereon.and, who contracts for,ach projects with a cenuacmr(,)licensed pursuant in the Comni Lana.law. ❑I am mempt m ign sec. .B k P C far this moo. Data WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby atom under penalty of perjury aro of the following declarWam M I haw and will maintain a CudOnm ofComenl m self-Imumfor Workers COrmam- sallon,u provided fa by Section 37M of the Labor Code,for me Performance of me wo rwsuch this permit is issued. 1 hew end will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,u m9ulmd by Secdm 37M of the labor Code,fa the performance of the wank for which this permit la issued. My Warks m ensutlon Insurance artier aM Policy n he Caerer•._,�Policy Na.:.l>L<.B1t3.aueL� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (thisaction need not he completed if the permit Is Formic hundred doors($100) or Inas) 1 certify that in me performance of de work fa which this Permit is blued,I shall not employ any person in my mannerso a At became subject to the Worl iCompensation Laws of California.Dale Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,Our mutant this Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject m the Workers Compensation provuio a of me LAW,Code.You muse z forthwith comply with such pmvinons or this permit shall be rimmed revoked. z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [•n4 Ihemby.M.des,dumb.comlmcJon leading.mlar me ped.rmance of . G'> We week fur which this permit is issued(See.3097,Civ,C.) ALeorkes Name z lender',Addrm U 0 1 certify Wal I haw read this application and sum mat the show Information is D. P comet.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws relating to DU building construction,and hereby authorim representatives of this city to enter upon the r W above-mentioned properly far inspection Purposes. 0. (WT.)agree to sew,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino Against V) limilides,judgmcnm,coats and num which may. my way accom against said City / fJ z in cc car the/rerun of is permit. .. APPLICA U ER A D ANO WILL CO PLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE OU S - �1� Re-roofs Signuurta limucanranor Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applkent or future building aampant sera or handle hemardoos material fired by the Cupertino Munin� 1 Cade.t]upser 9.11 and d¢Hnlm all Safely Same.35532(.)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yos Will the applicant or future building aavpant sea cduipment or dcvim which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove canis hvardnm air c..=me Or defined by the Bay Arta Air Quality All...I all new materials for inspection. Dlmrict7 ❑Yos u I ham mad the herod molest bmyuircmems under Chapuer6.9fofine Califor. ni.;��. 25533 srld1533 .Iundefsmndthmlrthc building JamU s my mrpensihilily m rwul'y the mcupant of Nc 'asuwaaf.C.rufc, rOceupaney. Signature of Applicant Date own r.,authorised..;Our Dam All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better