05100093CITY OF CUPERTINO IAT QN '0"T'0 BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CUNT NF(? BUILDINC ADDRESS: PINN 'BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO 9RMfr NO'05100093 745 N DE ANZA BLV it'101 R'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE BAY COLONY INVESTORS II INC1475 SARAT PHONE: SANITARY N0. CONTROL NO. (408)252-9131 ARCHITECIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INP° ' BLDO ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION Job Description P I thereby affirm Nal 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing wit Section 7Or of Division Sof doe Business and Professions Cade. and my menAx is in fell to. Iy 5 NEW CONDO -1,209 .derrut ucanae c Le. ar Dau comasmar (. RCHITECI'S DECLAMATION 1 understand my plans ¢hall be used As public report, Licensed Proicuum.al OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby SITIM does I am MMPI form the CanlMMM'f UCmM Law for the fallowing moon. (S"tiro 71D 1.5, Business and Professions Code: My city or "Only which requima a permit to cmunowt, aluu,, improve. demolish, m ¢pair any atnWhou ,,for to its issuance, also requires to applicant forsuch permit to file stopped statement Contractor's L.imnse Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation tat he is licensed pursuant to to provisions of the (commencing wit Section 7000) M Division J of the Business and Professions Code) or tet he o exempt dmmfrom and de basis for the alleged eumpUan. Any violation of 5 APNNVMftrUUOccupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit smxCCtA to applicant u a civil penalty of not mom tan five hundred dollars (5500). ❑ I. As awmer of ter property, ter my employee wit wages As deb Axis campensatim, ns Required Inspections 9 P will do to work and the me= is not intended oraRcrW forsals(see. 7044, Busir-.. and Pto(easions Cade: The CanUCtaYt Li"nY LJw A. Met apply b Anawrter of property who builds or im pro.ss Lerma, aM who docs such wort hineself or trough his own employee, provided that such impmveounu arc not intended aroRered for sale if. however. to building or Improvement is sold wllhinom year of COMPledm. to "bar - builder will have it. burden of proving tat he did or Wild or improve for pumbae of tole.). ❑ 1, as owner of to property, w exdusi"ly canuaming wit licensed con nscmrs u construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Prafesslom Code) The Cmuaco's Li - "con Law does rot apply As an awmr of property who milds or improw•s teinon, and who caopacu for such objmm wit a m ssanor(s) Reeved purawnt to the Contractor's License Law. lam memptundersm. ,BJtPCfmtisinamn Dau WORKER'S COMPENSATIONmcC RATION 1 hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of ter following declnallans: 4h "and will maintain aCardimme of Consem in self-imumtarWartrfaCompen- sation, as provided for by Section 3700 of to Lemr Cade, IN to performance of to w for which this permit is Issued. yo 1 hive and will maintain Waters Compensation Insurance, As required by section 3700 of to Labor Code, for to performance of to wart for which tis permit Is Issued. My Wor s Compa�uaautian Insurance carrier and Policy n eine o ftrMN Gmer Policy No CERTIFlG'fE OF IXEMMON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thu senlm used mtmcompeted if to permit Is (mono hundred dollen ($100) m IM") 1 certify tat in to performance of to work for which this permit is lamed• I shall not - employ any person in any manner" as to become subject to tie Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANn if. after making to Certificate of Exemption. you should become whim in the Wortefa Compensation provisions of to Labor Code, you most ' forremb Comply wit such p"vision or this Permit shall he deemed invoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY thereby :chum tat ft. isa Commlending agency for de perfurmame of 3 ' work fur which this permit o tetroti (Sm.. J091, Clv. Cd Lenders Name Isnders Address I sonify that I Mw reed to applietim and sur to to amus Infomutiun is ' correct. ) agree to comply wit all city and county ordinances and sou laws blaring in building construction, and hereby autodm mpmscnu0ve of his City to enter upon tc far inspecuon shove -mentioned property purposes. (We) agree to Ove, indemnify and keep hermies dre City of Cupertino against I Iohllitie.judgmenu so and expenseaw ich may in any way accrue against told City In con uencc of rating of tis per t. vim' I Q APPL NT UN STANDS AND ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOU L ONS. Re -roofs SI"alYle olApplicanTConuescuor Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof mpa ,Mom or handle hvmdam maudal Will doe applicant m future building Merriam, 'coned by to Cupertino Municipal Cade. Chapter 9.11, and to Health and Safety a. Section 25531(:)+ 41. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed, ❑Yea If a roof IS Installed without firs[ obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will tite applicant or ruture budding assume, me equipmm, or charts, which A.[( hrortoo air conumimnu As de0ned by the Bay Arta Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yea u I have soul doe hvardnuamaur3ala requimn u on Chaps,6.95ofte Califor. pia HAd"S etyCade, Sec 25505,25533 534.lundeoundtolftamilding utetIInst' I. tat it u my hlllly u mtll'y 025 uxup"t or du does Out'- rcqulbmenr m A orheinuanb .CeniRramga"perry. Signature of Applicant Date D ` 0` All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner m autamtd Amuroma