05080046 CITY OF CUPERTINO s aFzt h-- f BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATIO,,sN„ : BUILDING ADDRESS: PINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIO1,91"MR"0.05080046 .10745 DR ANZA BLVD OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE PINN BROTHERS CONST. INC 1475 SARATOGA AVE 08/05/2005 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL N0. (408) 252-9131 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 Op LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION Job Description u C I hereby affirm Inas 1 am licensed under provaim s of Chapur 9(commencing P +=c with Section 7000)of Division 3 of Ne Busirim and Professions Code,and my license is -� tnmItto.And affect. q / tZ TEMP POWER POLE a,vR? License Clan Lic.N L Dale COnlrmtor S or. ARCHITECTS DECLA ATION On 1 understand my plans shall k used u public records JyU s o G Licensed Prtsfcssional ` OWNER-BUILDER DECORATION °�<E I hereby affirm Nn I am excmpl from Ik Cnnuncrofs UAny c Law for the 0 o following mama.(Semon 7031.5.Business and Pmfeesimu h.or Any city or county dm" whichits motions a Permit re quires the aloe improve,demolish,Fi repair any prom rat $400 °E'^ that he its issumwursuant to Me lhovisio s or for such Permitto's censele a Law(Cha mem -'< That he is licensed pursuant the prevision Or Nc Connector's License law(Chapter Sq.F[. Floor Area Valuation 4 (commencing wi in Section 7")of Division 3 of the Business and professions Code)or Q Net he is exempt themfrom and Ne basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation Of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ik applicant to a civil penalty of er Occupancy Type ......Nan five hundred dollars(5500). 0 I,as ownor of the property.Or my employees with cages u their role compensation, will d0 Ne work and Ne awcmre is not inlendcd or ORerod for sale(Sec.7014,Business and Professions Code:The Contractsr's License Taw does net appy m an Owner or Required Inspections pmpeny who builds or improws Inemon,and who does such work himself Or through his Own employrra,provided that such improwincnts art not immnded or offered forsale.If, however,Ne building or improvement is mid within one year of completion,the owner, builder will ban the kNcn of proving that he did not Wild or improve for purya of sale.). ❑1,As owner of the property am exclusively Pro essiin&with )To,C conaacmrs m \ v Li- move Law Ne projon(Sec 7041.Business and Profession Codei Tkm Marano. Li- cent Law tines not apply n to Owner of property who builds or imProvu Thereon,and who contacts for such pmjccts with aconuacmr(s)licensed pursuant u Ik Conuadoh Licca Taw. ❑1 am excmpl under Sec. .B&P C for This moon Own Dale WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury One Of the following declarations: I ham and will maintain a Conifeau of Consent ae f-insure for WmkcesCOmpen- I on,u pmvidcd for by Section 37M of the labor Code,for Ne performance Of Ne rk for which this permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain WOrkeri Compenalim Iruunnce.As,equimd by Second 00 of the tabor Cade,far the performarme of The woh for whim Nis permil is issued. Worker's C�ompensation Innssurancee cannot and Policy n/u�mb�er are: rtier.{� l.Q.w(I saK Polity No.:py10LLL CERTIFICATE O�Pr10N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (this section need not bo completed if the permit is fm one hundred dollars($100) or Ica.) 1 cenifv Nat in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,i shall not employ any person in any manner m as to become mbjecl to The Workers Compensation Laws Of California.Dau Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this CcniOcam of Exemption.you should become subject To Ne Worker's Compensation provisions of rhe labor Code,you in= .J O forthwith comply with such prevision or this permit shall be deemed tanked. Z'-" CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [—i I enmity affirm let there is a mostrtedon lending agency for Ne Performance.1 a Me work for which this permit is issued(Sec.309],Civ.C.) Landers Name = z Leirm,'s Address U C) I cenify Nat 1 have mad this...limina and sou On,the above informari.is P correct.1 All.to comply with all city and county oNiam¢s and sou laws relating to CU building mcorronion,and hereby authunre mpresenulisee of this city to enter upon the r 4 ahovomcurioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to ave,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accme against mid City U Z in consequence of The granting of this pemot. FAPP (CANT U ERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date �- R REGU ON . ....A P.M '114—�S Re-roofs Signature of ApplicamuConuacm Dam HAZARDOUS MR171311ALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle haarrho s material as defined by Ne Cupertino Municipal Cade.Chapter 9.13.and The Hcalth and Safety Code.Section 255320)vs� All roofs shall be inspected prior to an roofing material beim installed. ❑r BI Nu, P P Y g g Will Me applicant or future building ssceupam use equipment or&Am which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove it hazardous air conominants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. soim9 O Ycsu 1 have mad the hamrtiousmamtlals requimmenu under Chapur6.95 of the Califer- Idoes Health hSafetyCode,Scction 25505.25533 and 25534.Itooko end that iflk building coral. not currently host a Nat it is my msp osihility m notify Ile occuponl of the cots Whien sIbe IpsinrininamcenncnnificamprOccap.racy. Signature ofApplicant Date P v I ()f5-o r-0S All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner or authorimd agcnl Dau Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue PTY Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408) 777-3228 F Fax(408) 777-3333 �UPEI�TINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT# 107 LIS (N 7 r(Z 74 6I vcA p b 9-0<n -t OWNER'S NAME: ggRoTI{ SCoK57`Tfic PHONE # GENERAL CONTRACTOR: ,c 1346S" 6,tS LCC FAX# I am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: 60 SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting ® Linoleum/ Wood Glass/ Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date CITY OF CUPERTINO �� 6 TEMP POWER UPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # Date: 3 a/ D -oS- O S Buildin Ad ess: (Z Owner's Name: vPhone #: P;kw daoTue-4, Ca,�(s7- (/(o8) A Contractor: Phone: License #: Contact: / Phone: Cupertino Business License #: Building Permit Info: Elect Job De cription: Residential Commercial ❑ Cost of project: -SIS? Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BTEMP Temporary Power ELECTRICAL EPERMITFEE Elect. Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILDING