28108 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO B M"B NG-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. O 'I O H APPLICATION/PERMIT Pl.umulc-mecuANIGAI' 01 BUILUIN(i DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT IDENT'IF'ICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: �k/ t,= �/� ��// �1 SANITARY NO. APPLICATIONSUBMITTALDATE 10-700 00 /. . ryG� �Lgrla'G UNIT# LOT# OW LRS NAME.: PHONE: CO A R'S NA E: D LIC NO: r GLGL L c. j�1 N/C CONIR�O)L# RCII�CfIENAGIN§I' .A�If� I.ICCN rl;O AD !sq Qr Na v El 7 CaOONNTAACT:M OII rAf& PHONE: M � ��/�j �1/f QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO /"/� 446 GO . iub�9�W BLDG EL® PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE I�pdp LICENSED CONTRACfOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL LOB DESCRIPTION OWz Ihereby affirm that l am licensed under previsionsnfChapter 9(Commencing with p 0.100 Sution]UW)of Division3of Ne Business end Profusions Code,and my license is in PANELS ` /2 _Z {� � /2- F5 dd full force.ut effect. �Ze, ,U,c�'°�C{,Ys Lic.M UPT02MAMPS w=y t.+rc • 'x- f.�Contractor D 201-1000 AMPS 5 FT.FlAOR AREA $6Q.ET. ZOyz' - rtI�:HITECTS DECLARATION OVER 1000AMPS Q' CZ-0 I understand my plans shall h used o public recants. P4(:W SIGNS ELECTRICAL y� Licensed Professiuwl Ka OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. K O y F 1 hereby affirm,that 1 ten exempt from the Convad o's License Law Botha W'�r 0..w¢ following reason.(Seninn]0315,Business and Professions Cale:Any city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. C a:O J which requires a pemdt m eonswct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any awcmre $'e'N� to its issuanceaho re the applicant for such into rile a signedstatement POWER DEVICES r1 prior quires PP Penn ty O that he is licensed Pursuant o the provisions of the Contractor's License Law(Chapter 40.X e� 9(commercing with Section]001b f Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION Www orthat he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of h4a Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES o a civil Penalty of D y —^ nm mort@an five hundoedny,odollars my p). NEWRFSIDFNTIALMXCfR _SQ.FT. STO ES TYPE CONSTRUCTION ❑ Isownemfthepropcny,ormycmploycnwithwages ostheirsolecomperasation, ywill dmhewvrk,and the structure isnm isodense Law s of apply to rm Business of Professions Code:The Commctofs nd who Law don or apply to an owner of progeny whobuildsorimgrovesthereon,anti whodmssJch work himselforthrough his OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS ownemployees,Prov for thatouchimp x sold it art not attendedmoffend forole.IL b.ild e, ilih.the l,hnbumpmvemyi itMtdwithinoneuild.ruor cappow.on,thcowner- Ly tl builder will have the burden of proving that he slid iwr build or improve for puryou of sale 1, Q Y, PLUMBING RMIT E FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ 1,oowneroftM1<propeny.emexcituively convecting wiN littnseJ comracton to construct the project(See.]04Q Business and Professions Code:)Tba Comroror's License Lawdoesnotapplytoanownerofpmpeny whobuildi,mimprovestherton,and PERMIT ISSU who contracts for such projects with ucontrucatr(s)licensed pursuvntm the Contractor's RR-DRAIN& -WATER(EA) FEE SUMMARY License law. ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. ,B&P C for tbis meant BACK FLOW P CT.D I-i OUTSIDE F SANITARY Y N Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION DRAINS-rL ,ROOF,AREA, SCHOOLTAX RYECfIPT# N ❑ Thereby vfrism lhetlheveaartificme ofconxm mxlf-insurt,oraceni0cate of RNTIIRES-PBRTRA REM.PI'# Warken'Compensetionlnsuranceoraceni"eJ copy thercaf(See.380",Lab CJwhich / PARK FEE YN rs all cmplo n e undo this t. RECEIPT# y Perp" GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I IN .4 Policy# BUILDING DIVISION F.S Company GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Certified copy is hereby fumixhed. ❑ Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. RFASFJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR RADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' G SETRAP IIS FFR COMPENSATION INSURANCE Dnissection need not he completed ifthe permit is for one hundred dollars(S100) SEW!. -SANITARY-ST RM FA.200FT. - ERGY FEE or less.) I certify that in the performance of On work for which this permit is issued,l shell WATER HW/VE W ECIR ' not employ any person in any manner to us to become subject - the Workers' AID Z Compenotionlawsof Celifomia. Date WATER SYSTE Date Receipt# Applicant OQ NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should NEWRESIDEWIAL PLM". SQ.FT. TOTAL: rA become subject o the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,you must � '�^ forthwith comply with such ns or this BUILDING ITE G p y wi provisio permit shell M dermad rtvaked. Q CONSTRUCTION RUCTIONLENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE p 1 hereby affirm that then is i l(Se.construction lending agency for the performance of U O the work for which this tis issued(Sec.3097,Civ.CJ TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE permi Lender's Name 0U Lenders Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT , FEE PLUMBING FEE LfI1 cenify that I have mad this application and swat that the above information is MECHANICAL FF.Ii Q. nect.Iugree to comply with all city and county oNinuncca and atmelawe rclatingm PERMIT ISSUANCE _ DO building construction,and hereby turbaned npnentatives of this city to enter upon the CONSTRUCTION TAX U z alwv ied progeny for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. (Wee) (We)agree to save,indent If and keep harmless the City of Cupcnino against hid ilities,,d mernsecom td :pens swhicbmaymany ay true ugainxt said Ciry AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO IO,gOCFM) cots f gat g thi a tit. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,11110 CFM) wturc AgplicuMContmcmr I 1h,1, 1 EXHAUST HOOD(WIDGET) PAID I IAZARDOUSMAT ALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT T70 U10,00)BTU) Date Receipt# Will the applicant or future tallithim cupam store or handle havardous material HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL-: as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Codd.Section 25532(a)? VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ❑Yes ❑No BOILER-COMP(3HP OR 100,1100 BTU) JISSkICUATE Will thenpplicvntorfinure buildingacupantuxequipmemmdevicn whichemit aH� w.mdous air cpmami.1,as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER 100,(00 BTU) 'isNct? El RESIDENTIAL 2¢ Yes No NEW RESIDENTIALIAL MEH.CSQ.FT. 1A95 I have read the harardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the G!y/,� O California Health&Safety Cade,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. I understand that VV L L if the building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my responsibility to notify the ✓✓F'th l/� occupot of the requirements which must be met prior to issuoce of a Certificate of Occupancy. Owner er au@otired.,car Data ISSUED BY: OFFICE ® 10300 Torre Avenue • Cupertino,CA 95014 " Cit} of, Ctipertll10 Building Division (408)777-3228 (408)777-3333 (fax) February 16, 1996 Apple Computer 10700 N. De Anza Boulevard#2 Cupertino„ CA95014 Re: expired Perllit (copy attached) Dear Permit Holder: Our records show that the referenced permit has not been fmaled by a City building inspector. A permit is valid only six months from its last inspection date. If your permit shows that the final inspection has been completed, please send a copy of the permit along with this letter to: 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, 95014, Attn: Building Department. If your permit has not been finaled, please contact the Building Department by calling (408) 777-3228 so that we may arrange to extend your permit and schedule a final inspection. In an effort to control.the number of expired permits, the City of Cupertino fequires a response in ten working days from date of receipt of this letter. If we do not hear from you, the City of Cupertino Building Department will have no recourse but to resolve your permit as expired and discard the records. Thank you for your assistance. CITY OF CUPERTINO Pnnted on Racvded Paoer f F^ :CANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BUILD .-ELECTRICALPERMIT NO. 2 O 'I O H CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATIONMERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL G o 1 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT'IDENTIFICATION ' SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAt BUILDING ADDRESS: I0'70W-276 AM Baft-eOrp UW# Irl n LOTY OW ERS NAME: PHONE: CO ' R'S NAAls- E: O sge LIC NO: V LLGG'' NIC CONTROL• •ARCHUECTIENGIN LIC NO: A eG. 466 .4, G-lz3o r V CONTACT:Affff PHONE: ' ILDINGPERMITINf QY, ELEC MC PERMIT.i .FEE BLDG ELECT FLUME (YME"C'H /S7I (Ni `p1OD Si'1f PERMIT ISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL I TOB DESCRIPTION nol2 Humeby,affirm that l am licensedunderpmvisi....facipta9(cemmcncingwirh CO Section 7")of Division J ofthe Business and professions Cade,and my license is in PANELSx•12 LG L��/J / �C I jt- full force andeffem UPT0700AMPS ZVW Li Lia,a ,<. w TS Dr ARSOI.Used AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $5Q.FT. 7ChZ, HITECECTS DECLATION OVER IOW AMPS O Z_L, 1 understand my plans shell be used u public records. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional Yy=Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUITIMTSC. KOaU I hereby affirm dust I am exempt forst the Contractor's License Law for the m LLCry�s following mown.f5eorion 7031.5.Business aM Profession%Cale:Any city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. Q which rt9uires a Permit to construct.slur.Improve.demolish.or repair my vtructum 'z l'3 Y.• prion.its issuance.alsare,uiustheapplicmr fopassed,uch pet to fit.. swrwm POWER DEVICES cdec Q p that he is licensed punumuo the provisiois of Ne Contractors License Law IC'bepter VALUATION iSatiL 9lcommencing with Sation]0001 afDivisionJof the Bnsineu and Rofrssions Codel SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC m 'rn onhat he is exempt mert(rom and Ne buisforme alleged exemption,Myvialeti.n of tZY Sec.m.7031.5 by myapplicant for o permit subjects drepplicam in e civil pmalry ofMITTIS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES not mon Nm five hundred dollars(35001. NEW RESID AL ELECM _SQ.FT. STORIES NP CONSRRUCt101 CF9 ❑ I.mownaafthepropary,ormyemployecawiNwagnutheirwlecompemeti y3= willdo the work.andthesrucmnisnat inrmddaa(fertdfmvlel5c]M4,Bma and professions Code:The Contractor's License Low da•not apply to an own of pmany whobuildsarimprovesthenon.aM whodm ruchwwk himselforthmu his OCC.GROUP RFS.UNITS own employees,morns ided that such i mpmvemrts R ort imendM or offend for ul.If. however,the building or improvement iswld within oa yeuof complel eits— builder will have the burden of moving that he did nor build or im a for purpose sale.). - �.PIV (r�{•sty FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ I.uownaof the Properry,ameacinsivcl coumnin with li cued conmacmnm �Y vii, IRklBIIiOPE.RMf! f'V�;�i FEE�a�_tf'' Y 8 ..our t•s• anemia the project(Sec.e.an Business and Pmfnssions Cade:)The Cmem,ans P ANCE Littnulswdaana apply mm owrmrofpmpeny whobuildsorimProvatherton,sed whocontracts frrinch projects widircmerstaa(s)licemed punuan\odraCmtrectoes -D -WATER(EA) - ; .qESRY.:9:�; License Law. OUTSIDE FEES ❑ I am cacmpr under Sec. .B k P\fm thus won ACK FLOW M ICE SANITARY Y N_ • Owner Daus RECEIPTR WORKMAN COMPF.NSATIONDECLARATION DRAINS-FL 00 SCHOOLTAX Y N_ ElIhembyaff matihaveamnincowofmmntwwif-imum,aracrrteauof FIXTURES-P& REXZEIPTg Worker Compensation Ind.aro certified copy mereof(See.3900.LabC.)which PARK FEE Y' N coven all employees under this permit. GAS-EA.SYSTM E -1 IN 3 RECE�g Policy I BUILDING DIMS ON ES Company GAS.EA,SYSTEM-0VER 4(EAT' PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Certified copy is hereby famished. ❑ Certified copy is Filed with the city inspectian division. GREASF/MDU INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION MOM WORKERS QREASE TRAP - SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section troth ort becornpleted ifdr permit is forono hundrN dollan(f 100) SE ANITARY-S .T(IOFT. MPAID ERGY FEE or leu.l I certify mat in the perfaromce of Ore work fro which this Permit isheard,I shall WATER HEATER ENTf:LECIR nor employ my moron in my manner w a w haute subject to the Workers' ,Z Cnmpeasado.Uwfof California. Due WATER SYSTF,M,`MEATING Date Reaipte O O Applicant Z NOTICE TO APPLICANT:ILefer making this Certificate of Exemption.you should NEW RESIDENIIAI.PLMB. SQ.FT. TOTAL: rA became subject to the Workers Compenudon Provisions of the Labor Code,you must 7 forthwith comply with such provisions or this Prem,hall he deemed revoked. ILDING FEE 51 —Q CONSTRUCnON LENDING AGENCY ISMIC FEB ��• 6. I hereby eflirm mat mere is s construction lending agency fa me perfamtsno.o! 7 Z TOTAL; ECTRIC FEE L.) O the work for which this permit is issued(Sm.3097,Civ.C.) s �;,;,,��•, Under,Name n "Ka r.y; - sx:s aa�"t, PLUMBING FEE O Lerner,Address w .rR ,wv I candy that I have read this application and neo that the above in(omtstien I. MECHANICAL FEE �w W coslca I agree in comply with all city and county adivan and slaw laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE — building construction.und henbyauthorire mpraemativaafhisdty mmurupon dea CONSTRICTION TAX U Z above-memioned Property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR A D TO MECH. (We)agree 1.ave,isdrm'ry and kap harmless me Ciryof Cupertino against lisbilities,judgmenu,cwt d ans swhichmaY in mY wry true againstuW Cry AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000 CFM) come u • ! ng tB thi it. ATR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFM) namrc ApplicanUCanracmr D c EXHAUST HOOD(WIDUCT) PAID HAZARDOUS MA AIS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO JOG. 00 BTU) Dare Receipt 0 Will the applicant orfuwre buildin a cuprumaorharallehaaMauamaterial HEATING UNIT(OVER 100000 BTU) TOTAL: as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.17,and the Health and Safety Cale,Section 75377(.)? VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESIDI ❑Yee ❑No • lgSUANC€DATE Will epplittmmfuture bu uilJingacupantuucquipmentord.vicawhidremit BOIIFR•COMPfJNP OR 100.000 BTV7 HH 7Y tF�l havardor' it contaminants m dcrined by the Bay Ana Air Quality Manegerment BOILER-COMP(OVER 100.000 BTU) DistrictUL 2 A - Ya ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.Ff. Y 1An[� me h.sardom mmcriela mqulrements under Chapter 6.93 0(the C1- - Vr, (,Up., JJJ Safety Cade.Sections 25505.75537 std 253M. I understand that ( UY� 4 commit,have a tort.met it is my reapansibiliry to notify FR h I jj menu which must he run prior to iuuma of a Cerdfaw of .dent Dale ISSUED BY: OFFICE FEB-261900N) 10:13 P. 002 P . 7Tru N Y CITY OF 2 810 8 DUB.DI BU4DIND�AID , YI ARIJCA➢NAMPHONE: Q)NIBACIORS NAME:/• INSPECTIONS LLC mv. AP I RUO Duo DATE INSPEC. INSPECTION RECORD i—wy mza PIM® MSW FOUNDATION BIRSALD.S. NOTE ALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE ® ❑ UFERGROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED TO COMPLY WITH JOB D ON PAD/SET BACK-CERT THE APPROVED PLANS AND CITY OF r .• �� vL.r/! /^A � CUPERTINO STANDARDS. GARAGE SLABS/PREOUNITE POURN000NCREIEUN11LAB WERABBEENSIONED INSPSMCN SPECIALINSPECTTON `. UNDERGROUND/SLAB RE UIRED PLUMBING 11 r ELECTRICAL DONOTPOURFLOORUNIII- VEHASEEiNSXRM) PLUMBING MECHANICAL f ELECTRICAL AWZZ ii;m FRAMING VENTS INSULATION PLACE NO SUBFLOORUNMAJ OVERASTM SRDIED -o+< ROOF SHEATH/DIAPHRAM ,4 MV& /AML.0 o PLUMBING TUBS&SHOWER PAN MECHANICAL CAL/PODL BOND O/STAIRS/E.EGRESS 1N SULATTON/VFN1q..ATTON COVER NO W ORK UN=-AB HAS BEEN SMNED EXTERIOR SHEARIHOLD DO INTERIOR SHEAR/HOLD DO SIEEDtOCK/SBEETROCK SHE kR EXTERIOR LATH/W-SCREEN SHOWER LATH NOTAPSORM ASIBRUNT¢ UMHASEtENSKII-M- SCRATCH COAT , SEWER/WATER TEIA'ORARYAPPROVALS',=:. • �iC�I°"C` /e v- cd BUILDING ELECTRICAL ` OAS FINALS GAST7ST GRADE AMIROVED FOR OCCUPANCT PIAS / d HANDICAP TO ARRANGE INSPECT30N ISSUANCEDATE ELECTRI AGY GALL AFTERNOONS DYTO FRIDAY 24�HOURS '&UMBIN OY BEFORE RE INSPECTION.J CAL/ENERGY ,�,• AIJFNERGY f DRESS�AND P aQ • 7 INO/QNERGYNO PERSON(S)SHALL PERFORM WORK ON JUL ]�g ELECIRICAL FINAL TEST VW THIS JOB SITE WITHOUT WORKER'S Cil! vI .s OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING TS NOT F'ERMTITED A31ON INSURANCE IMPORTANT! i ~t•';,'�Dw i UNTII BUIIDINGPINALJSS BYBUBIJUVO PLEASE READ REVERSE SIDE BEFORE INSPECTOR. CALLING FOR FINAL INSP 0NII RNUEDRY R-96% Aooi IrAAirc onoTlAlr rnnv 02-26-96 11 :29AM P002 #49 •FEB-W 96 (M0N) 10: 13 P. 001 GTEAMBILNET 4464 Wffl w Road PleasmWiL QL 94588 NETWORK SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT. FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET TRESS DOM WEWM ARE URGFIN7 RV NATURE PLE4MDELLfMR'M FOLLOWl1VG TERIALASSOOIV.4SPOSSIEU— TA NKYOUr"PPr T0: ,Toeki jvb.c HofTo^ Z le Cot+ J�erf Snc . FROM: Col o M (SI-) +A-705 PAGES. 2- . DATE. 2— 26'9 6 Mffi f COMMENTS. Enclosed le-Sc *2hJ Cep, OP �I'h : B1n I J;hckd-',h r por G 11 41 a� aur '..�;I;� �'haw145• ~+ CtISo c Fax - 510.,224-8106 .. 1 R-96% 02-26-96 11 :29AM P001 #46