30140APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES • USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO RESIDENTIAL: O SFDWL IIL'II.IIING- ELECTRICAL ❑ADDITION PERMIT No BUILDING 1) ISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL MODIFICATION 30140 0CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION C BATH REMODEUREPAIR C DEMOLITION C OTHER IBUILDINGADDRESS: SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUUMITTALDATI ` � 1 N R'S NAMES 3� PHO E: /J �i L— CONTRACPOK'S NAME- LIC NO'. NIC ❑ COfTROLe RAH C GI EER: LIC NO: gDUNESS: CONTACT: PHONE: BUD -D W G PERMIT INFO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MfEECCHH 1 hereby affirm Na I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 mommencias AGOwiNSauon]OW)of Divisionlnf Ne BusinessanJ Pmfesxians Cssle.and my license is in full force and eff.. z-� J F License Clan Lic. a �Z2 D. Co. _My ARCHITECTS DECLARATION z w _Z I uMmund my plan. spall he stud. public mead, z n F yl Liee seal Professional y oc � OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ae.% UI hereby If= the 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License law for the 3 a following mount. (Section 703". Bardeen W Pmfcesia. Code: My city or county Vj which require I Panel to contract. alter, improve, demalish. or repair any .maim O priorm its announce. also measures the applicant forsuch pemut to At ... igned statement Ny Out be u limned promant to the provisions of the Consruw. License Law (Chapter 9 C?� (commenting with Station TODD) of Division 3 of Ne Business and Professions Code) or X rho he is except therefrom and Ne hour for the alleged exemption. Any violation of ?� Section ]031.5 by any applimt for a pemur subjects the applicant to a civil Penally of Fz} ore mom dun five handled dollen(5500). < C I.00wcr olds popmy.amy employees with waPcsothcir sole campe.mion. willdothewmt.adthemmmisnatimeddmoHeredfmWe(Sm.]BW,Business L3 W Profession. Code: The Conuareh Lt... Law dos on apply to an owner of property who build, or improves thereon. and who dos such wort himself or through his own employees- Provided Wt such improvements are nm intended or .(feted for ale: TL however. We building or improvement oared within ane year of cona,leuon. the manerbuUder will have thc Chari of proving that be did oat build or improve for Pa- Pou of We.). 0 T. as ownor of the property, on exclusively contacting with licensed contractors to ... the project (Sec. ]Ota. Badness and Professions Code:) The Conuamora U- .. law don n. apply to an awner of pmopery who builds or improv. Narcan, ad who mntracutorah projects with.cuntactorls) licensed psrsuanno the Crua ora Limo Law. ❑ I.ea mpts Sa. B&PCI 's san D.14614 ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCCS - RESIDENTIAL PANELS L'PTO200AMPS 201 -lam AMPS SIGNS ELECOUCAL SPECIAL CIRCL'ITIM C TEMP. METER OR raw POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECMl OUTLETS-SWITCHES-RxTuREs NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECM SQ FT. ❑ Ihave "will maintain a Cenifcam electrical to self-ionam forWatal Compen. utiom ss provided far by Section 3]00 at the labs Cade, fm Ne perfomance of the work for which din, pemdr is issued. C 1 have whadLa will maintain Worker's uteofComplacence. wells I. we.. rtqu'tred by Savors 3]00of the Labor Cade.fartheusuc center want fnu whichthis pemut is issued. My Worker's Compensation Inauraae cortin req Polity number ere: Corti¢ Policy O CERTIFICATE OFCOMPENSATION IEXEMPTION FRON WORKERS' COMPENSATION or perm ANCE f Ilia sudors named nm be completed door pemdr ix fa ane hundred dollen (5100) or Im.l Iany titer in do, performance of Nw eark far which NPrevent padt is issuedshin . I .. tun employ, any Califon I. any tnannv so win. become subjm to dm Workai Complain.. Q Z sedan laws of Califamia. Dam Z O Applicant y NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. aDair making dins Ccrdfcaue of Excep iom you should 5 ; become subject Io the Worker's Campemaian p.visia. of the lab. Cine, you must fadtwith comply with such provisions a this permit shall he domed revoked. =Z CONSTRUCnON LENDING AGENCY U OI T hereby aRtm Nat them is a construction lending agency for the Performance of U. — he tout (a which ad. pemul is issued IS.. 3097. Civ. C.) Q 17- Lenden's Name U L<der's Address Uj L` 1 eternity door 1 have read this ri'licatian and sec that the above inf.. is N comet I spec m comply with all city and caunp adinances and amm lawn relating to QTY, V Z building consrmnion. and hereby authorize rtpreunmtives o(this city to mtaupon the — .hove -mentioned ptopeny for inspection puriaaea. f Wm agree on me, indemnify and kap harmless the City of Cupertino against liabili majud,romts.,ons and expn.es which may in env w.y a,,.c...mo aid City in conseq��ee��RR ��f Ne ttmtrin6 of thio pumit. APYLIj.KjGL.GLIERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL -NON -POINT �RALIRDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant ar future building acupunt store or hedle to arcous material as defined by the Cupeninu Municipal Cede, Chapter 9.12. and the Health ad Safety Cade. Section ]5532(.,". El Yet ❑No Will the applicant or future building acupant use eauipmeta or device which .mit W-naws air cotmmatm r as defned by the Be, Art. Air Quality Management Disnict? C Yes Cl No I have rad ft luoudo....It requirements oder Chapter hos of the Cali- fonua Health & Sdinv Cd.. Sections 25505. 25533 ad 255M.1 s den,vd the if tK building doss nes cumntly have a snort, the itis my re"n odulay m nmify the ..turn, of ds reaaireorms which must Ie ren Pea to issuance of a Certificate of Ocia,ur . PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER -DRAW & VENT- WATER IEA) BACK FLOW PROTECL DEVICE DRAINS - FLOOR ROOK AREA. COW. FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS -EA. SYSTEM -I INC. a OIlRPTS GAS -EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4EA) GREASFIINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GREASETRAP SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 200 FT. WATER HEATER WNENTNELECTR WATER SYSTEMITLEATING WATERSERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL: MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10.000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.0011 CFMI EXHAUST HOOD IWMUCT) HEATING UNIT TO 100.100 BTU) HEATING UNIT(OVER IM.000 BTU) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) BOILER -COMP (]HP OR 100.000 BTU) BOILER - COMP (OVER IMAM BTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. Fr. OFFICE FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: O SFDWL C KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION CPLUMBING RE -PIPE C MULTI -UNIT CSTRUCTURAL MODIFICATION C3 INTERIOR 0CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT C BATH REMODEUREPAIR C DEMOLITION C OTHER BLDG/ADDITION CDEMOLITION M C FOOD SERVICE uI 0 j 70-'- &0FEE BUILDING DWTSION FEES PLANCHECK FEE ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE SOILS FEE PAID Data Receipt N BUILDING FEE FEB SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING MITIGATION FEE PAID Date Rei ISSUANCE